use crate::{ strutil::StringType, trezorhal::random, ui::{ component::{text::common::TextBox, Child, Component, ComponentExt, Event, EventCtx}, display::Icon, geometry::Rect, }, }; use super::super::{ theme, ButtonDetails, ButtonLayout, ChangingTextLine, ChoiceFactory, ChoiceItem, ChoicePage, }; use heapless::String; pub enum PinEntryMsg { Confirmed, Cancelled, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] enum PinAction { Delete, Show, Enter, Digit(char), } const MAX_PIN_LENGTH: usize = 50; /// After how many digits the user will be brought to the "ENTER" choice. const NUM_DIGITS_SWITCH_TO_ENTER: usize = 4; const CHOICE_LENGTH: usize = 13; const NUMBER_START_INDEX: usize = 3; const ENTER_INDEX: usize = 2; const CHOICES: [(&str, PinAction, Option); CHOICE_LENGTH] = [ ("DELETE", PinAction::Delete, Some(theme::ICON_DELETE)), ("SHOW", PinAction::Show, Some(theme::ICON_EYE)), ("ENTER", PinAction::Enter, Some(theme::ICON_TICK)), ("0", PinAction::Digit('0'), None), ("1", PinAction::Digit('1'), None), ("2", PinAction::Digit('2'), None), ("3", PinAction::Digit('3'), None), ("4", PinAction::Digit('4'), None), ("5", PinAction::Digit('5'), None), ("6", PinAction::Digit('6'), None), ("7", PinAction::Digit('7'), None), ("8", PinAction::Digit('8'), None), ("9", PinAction::Digit('9'), None), ]; struct ChoiceFactoryPIN; impl ChoiceFactory for ChoiceFactoryPIN { type Action = PinAction; fn get(&self, choice_index: usize) -> (ChoiceItem, Self::Action) { let (choice_str, action, icon) = CHOICES[choice_index]; let mut choice_item = ChoiceItem::new(choice_str, ButtonLayout::default_three_icons()); // Action buttons have different middle button text if !matches!(action, PinAction::Digit(_)) { let confirm_btn = ButtonDetails::armed_text("CONFIRM".into()); choice_item.set_middle_btn(Some(confirm_btn)); } // Adding icons for appropriate items if let Some(icon) = icon { choice_item = choice_item.with_icon(icon); } (choice_item, action) } fn count(&self) -> usize { CHOICE_LENGTH } } /// Component for entering a PIN. pub struct PinEntry { choice_page: ChoicePage, pin_line: Child>>, subprompt_line: Child>, prompt: T, show_real_pin: bool, textbox: TextBox, } impl PinEntry where T: StringType + Clone, { pub fn new(prompt: T, subprompt: T) -> Self { let choices = ChoiceFactoryPIN; Self { // Starting at the digit 0 choice_page: ChoicePage::new(choices) .with_initial_page_counter(NUMBER_START_INDEX) .with_carousel(true), pin_line: Child::new(ChangingTextLine::center_bold(String::from(prompt.as_ref()))), subprompt_line: Child::new(ChangingTextLine::center_mono(subprompt)), prompt, show_real_pin: false, textbox: TextBox::empty(), } } fn append_new_digit(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, page_counter: usize) { let digit = CHOICES[page_counter]; self.textbox.append_slice(ctx, digit.0); } fn delete_last_digit(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.textbox.delete_last(ctx); } /// Performs overall update of the screen. fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.update_header_info(ctx); ctx.request_paint(); } /// Update the header information - (sub)prompt and visible PIN. /// If PIN is empty, showing prompt in `pin_line` and sub-prompt in the /// `subprompt_line`. Otherwise disabling the `subprompt_line` and showing /// the PIN - either in real numbers or masked in asterisks. fn update_header_info(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { let show_prompts = self.is_empty(); let text = if show_prompts { String::from(self.prompt.as_ref()) } else if self.show_real_pin { String::from( } else { let mut dots: String = String::new(); for _ in 0..self.textbox.len() { unwrap!(dots.push_str("*")); } dots }; // Force repaint of the whole header. // Putting the current text into the PIN line. self.pin_line.mutate(ctx, |ctx, pin_line| { pin_line.update_text(text); pin_line.request_complete_repaint(ctx); }); // Showing subprompt only conditionally. self.subprompt_line.mutate(ctx, |ctx, subprompt_line| { subprompt_line.show_or_not(show_prompts); subprompt_line.request_complete_repaint(ctx); }); } pub fn pin(&self) -> &str { self.textbox.content() } fn is_full(&self) -> bool { self.textbox.is_full() } fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.textbox.is_empty() } } impl Component for PinEntry where T: StringType + Clone, { type Msg = PinEntryMsg; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { let pin_height = self.pin_line.inner().needed_height(); let subtitle_height = self.subprompt_line.inner().needed_height(); let (title_area, subtitle_and_choice_area) = bounds.split_top(pin_height); let (subtitle_area, choice_area) = subtitle_and_choice_area.split_top(subtitle_height);;;; bounds } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { // Any event when showing real PIN should hide it if self.show_real_pin { self.show_real_pin = false; self.update(ctx) } match self.choice_page.event(ctx, event) { Some(PinAction::Delete) => { self.textbox.delete_last(ctx); self.update(ctx); None } Some(PinAction::Show) => { self.show_real_pin = true; self.update(ctx); None } Some(PinAction::Enter) => Some(PinEntryMsg::Confirmed), Some(PinAction::Digit(ch)) if !self.is_full() => { self.textbox.append(ctx, ch); let new_page_counter = if self.textbox.len() == NUM_DIGITS_SWITCH_TO_ENTER { // When user has reached certain amount of digits, offering "ENTER" to them ENTER_INDEX } else { // Choosing random digit to be shown next, but different // from the current choice. random::uniform_between_except( NUMBER_START_INDEX as u32, (CHOICE_LENGTH - 1) as u32, self.choice_page.page_index() as u32, ) as usize }; self.choice_page.set_page_counter(ctx, new_page_counter); self.update(ctx); None } _ => None, } } fn paint(&mut self) { self.pin_line.paint(); self.subprompt_line.paint(); self.choice_page.paint(); } } // DEBUG-ONLY SECTION BELOW #[cfg(feature = "ui_debug")] impl crate::trace::Trace for PinEntry where T: StringType + Clone, { fn trace(&self, t: &mut dyn crate::trace::Tracer) { t.component("PinKeyboard"); t.string("prompt", self.prompt.as_ref()); let subprompt = self.subprompt_line.inner().get_text(); if !subprompt.as_ref().is_empty() { t.string("subprompt", subprompt.as_ref()); } t.string("pin", self.textbox.content()); t.child("choice_page", &self.choice_page); } }