#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("""\ USAGE: ./analyze-memory-dump.py somefile.json Where "somefile.json" was produced by using `trezor.utils.mem_dump("somefile.json")` somewhere in emulator source code. Outputs a memory dump similar to `micropython.mem_info(True)`, except with complete (hopefully :) ) understanding of concrete objects at given memory addresses. Also outputs `memorymap.html`, which is a clickable memory dump with cross-references between the objects, for detailed examination of what is going on. The "inferred name" feature works by looking up the closest dict containing the object as a value, with a string key. This sometimes works amazingly and sometimes not so much. Certain kinds of objects have a separately allocated storage space. Such storage space is given an "owner" backreference that will point you back to the object that you actually care about. Modules are nothing but a link to a globals dict. The dict must be examined separately. Generators and closures are painful :( """) with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: MEMMAP = json.load(f) # filter out notices and comments MEMMAP = [m for m in MEMMAP if isinstance(m, dict)] MEMORY = {} def is_ptr(maybe_ptr): return isinstance(maybe_ptr, str) and maybe_ptr.startswith("0x") def is_gc_ptr(maybe_ptr): return is_ptr(maybe_ptr) and maybe_ptr.startswith("0x7f") def ptr_or_shortval(maybe_ptr): if is_ptr(maybe_ptr): return maybe_ptr else: assert isinstance(maybe_ptr, dict), f"maybe_ptr is {type(maybe_ptr)}" assert "shortval" in maybe_ptr, f"maybe_ptr does not have shortval: {maybe_ptr}" return maybe_ptr["shortval"] def deref_or_shortval(maybe_ptr): if is_ptr(maybe_ptr) and maybe_ptr in MEMORY: return MEMORY[maybe_ptr] else: return ptr_or_shortval(maybe_ptr) class Item: def __init__(self, item): self.item = item self.backlinks = [] self.dict = {} self.visited = False self.type = item["type"] self.ptr = item["ptr"] def backlinkify(self): if "children" in self.item: for child in self.item["children"]: key_str = ptr_or_shortval(child["key"]) value_deref = deref_or_shortval(child["value"]) self.dict[key_str] = value_deref for ptr in self.find_pointers(): if ptr not in MEMORY: continue MEMORY[ptr].backlinks.append(self) def find_pointers(self): if "children" in self.item: for child in self.item["children"]: if is_ptr(child["key"]): yield child["key"] if is_ptr(child["value"]): yield child["value"] for k, v in self.item.items(): if k in ("ptr", "owner", "children"): continue if not v: continue if isinstance(v, list): yield from (p for p in v if is_ptr(p)) if is_ptr(v): yield v def __getattr__(self, key): if key not in self.item: raise AttributeError return self.item[key] def find_modules(self): return [it for it in self.backlinks if it.type == "module"] def name(self): if "__name__" in self.dict: return self.dict["__name__"] if "__qualname__" in self.dict: return self.dict["__module__"] + "::" + self.dict["__qualname__"] if self.type == "type": return MEMORY[self.item["locals"]].name() if self.type == "instance": return MEMORY[self.item["base"]].name() + "()" if self.type == "module": return MEMORY[self.item["globals"]].name() if self.type == "generator": return MEMORY[self.item["function"]].name() for item in self.backlinks: if item.type == "dict": for k, v in item.dict.items(): if v == self: return k return None def ptrval(self): return int(self.ptr[2:], 16) for item_data in MEMMAP: item = Item(item_data) MEMORY[item.ptr] = item for item in MEMORY.values(): item.backlinkify() allobjs = list(MEMORY.values()) allobjs.sort(key=lambda x: x.ptr) min_ptr = min( item.ptrval() for item in allobjs if item.ptr != "(nil)" and not item.ptr.startswith("0x5") ) max_ptr = max(item.ptrval() for item in allobjs if item.ptr != "(nil)") types = { "anystr": "S", "strdata": "s", "array": "A", "arrayitems": "a", "closure": "c", "dict": "D", "function": "B", "generator": "G", "instance": "I", "list": "L", "listitems": "l", "mapitems": "m", "method": "C", "module": "M", "object": "o", "set": "E", "setitems": "e", "staticmethod": "C", "trezor": "t", "tuple": "T", "type": "y", "unknown": "h", "trezor-webusb": "t", "trezor-vcp": "t", "trezor-hid": "t", "rawbuffer": "R", "qstrpool": "Q", "qstrdata": "q", } pixels_per_line = len( "................................................................" ) pixelsize = 0x800 // pixels_per_line maxline = ((max_ptr - min_ptr) & ~0x7FF) + (0x800 * 2) pixelmap = [None] * (maxline // pixelsize) def pixel_index(ptrval): ptridx = ptrval - min_ptr # assert ptridx >= 0 return ptridx // pixelsize for item in MEMORY.values(): if item.alloc == 0: continue if item.ptr.startswith("0x5"): continue ptridx = pixel_index(item.ptrval()) assert ptridx >= 0, item.item for i in range(ptridx, ptridx + item.alloc): pixelmap[i] = item for item in MEMORY.values(): if item.alloc > 0: continue if item.ptr == "(nil)" or item.ptr.startswith("0x5"): continue ptridx = pixel_index(item.ptrval()) if ptridx < 0: continue for i in range(ptridx, ptridx + item.alloc): pixelmap[i] = item ctr = 0 newline = True previtem = None for pixel in pixelmap: if ctr % pixels_per_line == 0: print() print(f"{ctr * pixelsize:05x}: ", end="") if pixel is None: c = "." elif pixel is previtem: c = "=" else: c = types[pixel.type] print(c, end="") ctr += 1 previtem = pixel print() import dominate import dominate.tags as t doc = dominate.document(title="memory map") with doc.head: t.meta(charset="utf-8") t.style( """\ span, a { font-family: monospace; color: black; text-decoration: none; margin: 0; } a { color: darkblue; } .entry a:target { display: block; background-color: navy; } #memorymap a:target { color: red; } span.leadin { margin-right: 1rem; } dl { border-left: 1px solid grey; padding-left: 0.4rem; } dt { font-weight: bold } div. """ ) ctr = 0 newline = True previtem = None container = t.div(id="memorymap") doc.add(container) line = t.div() for pixel in pixelmap: if ctr % pixels_per_line == 0: container.add(line) line = t.div() line.add(t.span(f"{ctr * pixelsize:05x}: ", cls="leadin")) if pixel is None: line.add(t.span(".")) elif pixel is previtem: line.add(t.a("=", href=f"#{pixel.ptr}")) else: c = types[pixel.type] line.add(t.a(c, href=f"#{pixel.ptr}", name=f"mapentry-{pixel.ptr}")) ctr += 1 previtem = pixel def text_or_ptr(s): if s.startswith("0x7"): sp = t.span() sp.add(t.a(s, href=f"#{s}")) sp.add(" (") sp.add(t.a("M", href=f"#mapentry-{s}")) sp.add(")") return sp else: return t.span(s) def dump_single_val(value): if isinstance(value, str): return text_or_ptr(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): if value.get("shortval"): return value["shortval"] elif value.get("type") == "romdata": return "romdata" sdl = t.dl() dump_dict(sdl, value) return sdl elif isinstance(value, list): ul = t.ul() for subval in value: ul.add(t.li(dump_single_val(subval))) return ul else: return str(value) def dump_dict(dl, d): for key, value in d.items(): dl.add(t.dt(key)) dl.add(t.dd(dump_single_val(value))) for item in allobjs: div = t.div(cls="entry") div.add(t.a("{", name=item.ptr)) dl = t.dl() dl.add(t.dt("Inferred name:")) dl.add(t.dd(str(item.name()))) dl.add(t.dt("Backrefs:")) refs = t.dd() for backref in item.backlinks: refs.add(text_or_ptr(backref.ptr)) refs.add(", ") dl.add(refs) dump_dict(dl, item.item) div.add(dl) doc.add(div) print("Writing to memorymap.html...") with open("memorymap.html", "w") as f: f.write(doc.render(pretty=False))