from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import trezorui2 from trezor import TR, io, loop, ui, utils from trezor.enums import ButtonRequestType from trezor.wire import ActionCancelled from trezor.wire.context import wait as ctx_wait from ..common import button_request, interact if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Any, Awaitable, Iterable, NoReturn, Sequence, TypeVar from ..common import ExceptionType, PropertyType T = TypeVar("T") LayoutParentType = ui.Layout[T] else: LayoutParentType = [ui.Layout] T = 0 BR_TYPE_OTHER = ButtonRequestType.Other # global_import_cache CONFIRMED = trezorui2.CONFIRMED CANCELLED = trezorui2.CANCELLED INFO = trezorui2.INFO if __debug__: from trezor.utils import DISABLE_ANIMATION trezorui2.disable_animation(bool(DISABLE_ANIMATION)) class RustLayout(LayoutParentType[T]): BACKLIGHT_LEVEL = # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called def __init__(self, layout: trezorui2.LayoutObj[T], color: int | None = None): self.layout = layout self.timer = loop.Timer() self.layout.attach_timer_fn(self.set_timer) self.color = color def set_timer(self, token: int, deadline: int) -> None: self.timer.schedule(deadline, token) def request_complete_repaint(self) -> None: msg = self.layout.request_complete_repaint() assert msg is None def _paint(self) -> None: import storage.cache as storage_cache painted = self.layout.paint() if self.color is not None: print("PAINTING"), 0, ui.WIDTH, ui.HEIGHT - 60, self.color) ui.refresh() if storage_cache.homescreen_shown is not None and painted: storage_cache.homescreen_shown = None if __debug__: def create_tasks(self) -> tuple[loop.AwaitableTask, ...]: return ( self.handle_timers(), self.handle_input_and_rendering(), self.handle_swipe(), self.handle_click_signal(), self.handle_result_signal(), ) async def handle_result_signal(self) -> None: """Enables sending arbitrary input - ui.Result. Waits for `result_signal` and carries it out. """ from storage import debug as debug_storage from apps.debug import result_signal while True: event_id, result = await result_signal() debug_storage.new_layout_event_id = event_id raise ui.Result(result) def read_content_into(self, content_store: list[str]) -> None: """Reads all the strings/tokens received from Rust into given list.""" def callback(*args: Any) -> None: for arg in args: content_store.append(str(arg)) content_store.clear() self.layout.trace(callback) async def handle_swipe(self): from trezor.enums import DebugSwipeDirection from apps.debug import notify_layout_change, swipe_signal while True: event_id, direction = await swipe_signal() orig_x = orig_y = 120 off_x, off_y = { DebugSwipeDirection.UP: (0, -30), DebugSwipeDirection.DOWN: (0, 30), DebugSwipeDirection.LEFT: (-30, 0), DebugSwipeDirection.RIGHT: (30, 0), }[direction] for event, x, y in ( (io.TOUCH_START, orig_x, orig_y), (io.TOUCH_MOVE, orig_x + 1 * off_x, orig_y + 1 * off_y), (io.TOUCH_END, orig_x + 2 * off_x, orig_y + 2 * off_y), ): msg = self.layout.touch_event(event, x, y) self._paint() if msg is not None: raise ui.Result(msg) notify_layout_change(self, event_id) async def _click( self, event_id: int | None, x: int, y: int, hold_ms: int | None, ) -> Any: from storage import debug as debug_storage from trezor import workflow from apps.debug import notify_layout_change self.layout.touch_event(io.TOUCH_START, x, y) self._paint() if hold_ms is not None: await loop.sleep(hold_ms) msg = self.layout.touch_event(io.TOUCH_END, x, y) if msg is not None: debug_storage.new_layout_event_id = event_id raise ui.Result(msg) # So that these presses will keep trezor awake # (it will not be locked after auto_lock_delay_ms) workflow.idle_timer.touch() self._paint() notify_layout_change(self, event_id) async def handle_click_signal(self) -> None: """Enables clicking somewhere on the screen. Waits for `click_signal` and carries it out. """ from apps.debug import click_signal while True: event_id, x, y, hold_ms = await click_signal() await self._click(event_id, x, y, hold_ms) else: def create_tasks(self) -> tuple[loop.AwaitableTask, ...]: return self.handle_timers(), self.handle_input_and_rendering() def _first_paint(self) -> None: ui.backlight_fade( self._paint() if __debug__ and self.should_notify_layout_change: from storage import debug as debug_storage from apps.debug import notify_layout_change # notify about change and do not notify again until next await. # (handle_rendering might be called multiple times in a single await, # because of the endless loop in __iter__) self.should_notify_layout_change = False # Possibly there is an event ID that caused the layout change, # so notifying with this ID. event_id = None if debug_storage.new_layout_event_id is not None: event_id = debug_storage.new_layout_event_id debug_storage.new_layout_event_id = None notify_layout_change(self, event_id) # Turn the brightness on again. ui.backlight_fade(self.BACKLIGHT_LEVEL) def handle_input_and_rendering(self) -> loop.Task: # type: ignore [awaitable-is-generator] from trezor import workflow touch = loop.wait(io.TOUCH) self._first_paint() while True: # Using `yield` instead of `await` to avoid allocations. event, x, y = yield touch workflow.idle_timer.touch() msg = None if event in (io.TOUCH_START, io.TOUCH_MOVE, io.TOUCH_END): msg = self.layout.touch_event(event, x, y) if msg is not None: raise ui.Result(msg) self._paint() def handle_timers(self) -> loop.Task: # type: ignore [awaitable-is-generator] while True: # Using `yield` instead of `await` to avoid allocations. token = yield self.timer msg = self.layout.timer(token) if msg is not None: raise ui.Result(msg) self._paint() def page_count(self) -> int: return self.layout.page_count() def draw_simple(layout: trezorui2.LayoutObj[Any]) -> None: # Simple drawing not supported for layouts that set timers. def dummy_set_timer(token: int, deadline: int) -> None: raise RuntimeError layout.attach_timer_fn(dummy_set_timer) ui.backlight_fade( layout.paint() ui.refresh() ui.backlight_fade( async def raise_if_not_confirmed( a: Awaitable[ui.UiResult], exc: Any = ActionCancelled ) -> None: result = await a if result is not CONFIRMED: raise exc def confirm_action( br_type: str, title: str, action: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, description_param: str | None = None, verb: str | None = None, verb_cancel: str | None = None, hold: bool = False, hold_danger: bool = False, reverse: bool = False, exc: ExceptionType = ActionCancelled, br_code: ButtonRequestType = BR_TYPE_OTHER, color: int | None = None, ) -> Awaitable[None]: if verb is not None: verb = verb.upper() if verb_cancel is not None: verb_cancel = verb_cancel.upper() if description is not None and description_param is not None: description = description.format(description_param) return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_action( title=title.upper(), action=action, description=description, verb=verb, verb_cancel=verb_cancel, hold=hold, hold_danger=hold_danger, reverse=reverse, ), color=color, ), br_type, br_code, ), exc, ) def confirm_single( br_type: str, title: str, description: str, description_param: str | None = None, verb: str | None = None, ) -> Awaitable[None]: if verb is not None: verb = verb.upper() description_param = description_param or "" # Placeholders are coming from translations in form of {0} template_str = "{0}" if template_str not in description: template_str = "{}" begin, _separator, end = description.partition(template_str) return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_emphasized( title=title.upper(), items=(begin, (True, description_param), end), verb=verb, ) ), br_type, ButtonRequestType.ProtectCall, ) ) def confirm_reset_device(title: str, recovery: bool = False) -> Awaitable[None]: if recovery: button = TR.reset__button_recover else: button = TR.reset__button_create return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_reset_device( title=title.upper(), button=button, ) ), "recover_device" if recovery else "setup_device", ( ButtonRequestType.ProtectCall if recovery else ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice ), ) ) # TODO cleanup @ redesign async def prompt_backup() -> bool: result = await interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_action( title=TR.words__title_success, action=TR.backup__new_wallet_successfully_created, description=TR.backup__it_should_be_backed_up, verb=TR.buttons__back_up, verb_cancel=TR.buttons__skip, ) ), "backup_device", ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, ) if result is CONFIRMED: return True result = await interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_action( title=TR.words__warning.upper(), action=TR.backup__want_to_skip, description=TR.backup__can_back_up_anytime, verb=TR.buttons__back_up, verb_cancel=TR.buttons__skip, ) ), "backup_device", ButtonRequestType.ResetDevice, ) return result is CONFIRMED def confirm_path_warning(path: str, path_type: str | None = None) -> Awaitable[None]: title = ( TR.addr_mismatch__wrong_derivation_path if not path_type else f"{TR.words__unknown} {path_type.lower()}." ) return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.show_warning( title=title, value=path, description=TR.words__continue_anyway, button=TR.buttons__continue, ) ), "path_warning", br_code=ButtonRequestType.UnknownDerivationPath, ) ) def confirm_homescreen(image: bytes) -> Awaitable[None]: return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_homescreen( title=TR.homescreen__title_set, image=image, ) ), "set_homesreen", ButtonRequestType.ProtectCall, ) ) async def show_address( address: str, *, title: str | None = None, address_qr: str | None = None, case_sensitive: bool = True, path: str | None = None, account: str | None = None, network: str | None = None, multisig_index: int | None = None, xpubs: Sequence[str] = (), mismatch_title: str | None = None, details_title: str | None = None, br_type: str = "show_address", br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.Address, chunkify: bool = False, ) -> None: mismatch_title = mismatch_title or TR.addr_mismatch__mismatch # def_arg send_button_request = True if title is None: title = TR.address__title_receive_address if multisig_index is not None: title = f"{title}\n(MULTISIG)" details_title = TR.send__title_receiving_to elif details_title is None: details_title = title layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_address( title=title, data=address, description=network or "", extra=None, chunkify=chunkify, ) ) while True: if send_button_request: send_button_request = False await button_request( br_type, br_code, pages=layout.page_count(), ) layout.request_complete_repaint() result = await ctx_wait(layout) # User pressed right button. if result is CONFIRMED: break # User pressed corner button or swiped left, go to address details. elif result is INFO: def xpub_title(i: int) -> str: result = f"MULTISIG XPUB #{i + 1}\n" result += ( f"({TR.address__title_yours})" if i == multisig_index else f"({TR.address__title_cosigner})" ) return result result = await ctx_wait( RustLayout( trezorui2.show_address_details( qr_title=title, address=address if address_qr is None else address_qr, case_sensitive=case_sensitive, details_title=details_title, account=account, path=path, xpubs=[(xpub_title(i), xpub) for i, xpub in enumerate(xpubs)], ) ) ) assert result is CANCELLED else: result = await ctx_wait( RustLayout(trezorui2.show_mismatch(title=mismatch_title)) ) assert result in (CONFIRMED, CANCELLED) # Right button aborts action, left goes back to showing address. if result is CONFIRMED: raise ActionCancelled def show_pubkey( pubkey: str, title: str | None = None, *, account: str | None = None, path: str | None = None, mismatch_title: str | None = None, br_type: str = "show_pubkey", ) -> Awaitable[None]: title = title or TR.address__public_key # def_arg mismatch_title = mismatch_title or TR.addr_mismatch__key_mismatch # def_arg return show_address( address=pubkey, title=title.upper(), account=account, path=path, br_type=br_type, br_code=ButtonRequestType.PublicKey, mismatch_title=mismatch_title, chunkify=False, ) async def show_error_and_raise( br_type: str, content: str, subheader: str | None = None, button: str | None = None, exc: ExceptionType = ActionCancelled, ) -> NoReturn: button = button or TR.buttons__try_again # def_arg await interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.show_error( title=subheader or "", description=content, button=button.upper(), allow_cancel=False, ) ), br_type, BR_TYPE_OTHER, ) raise exc def show_warning( br_type: str, content: str, subheader: str | None = None, button: str | None = None, br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.Warning, ) -> Awaitable[None]: button = button or TR.buttons__continue # def_arg return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.show_warning( title=content, description=subheader or "", button=button.upper(), ) ), br_type, br_code, ) ) def show_success( br_type: str, content: str, subheader: str | None = None, button: str | None = None, ) -> Awaitable[None]: button = button or TR.buttons__continue # def_arg return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.show_success( title=content, description=subheader or "", button=button.upper(), allow_cancel=False, ) ), br_type, ButtonRequestType.Success, ) ) async def confirm_output( address: str, amount: str, title: str | None = None, hold: bool = False, br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.ConfirmOutput, address_label: str | None = None, output_index: int | None = None, chunkify: bool = False, ) -> None: if title is not None: # TODO: handle translation if title.upper().startswith("CONFIRM "): title = title[len("CONFIRM ") :] amount_title = title recipient_title = title elif output_index is not None: amount_title = f"{TR.words__amount} #{output_index + 1}" recipient_title = f"{TR.words__recipient} #{output_index + 1}" else: amount_title = TR.send__confirm_sending recipient_title = TR.send__title_sending_to while True: result = await interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_value( title=recipient_title.upper(), subtitle=address_label, description=None, value=address, verb=TR.buttons__continue, hold=False, info_button=False, chunkify=chunkify, ) ), "confirm_output", br_code, ) if result is not CONFIRMED: raise ActionCancelled result = await interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_value( title=amount_title.upper(), subtitle=None, description=None, value=amount, verb=None if hold else TR.buttons__confirm, verb_cancel="^", hold=hold, info_button=False, ) ), "confirm_output", br_code, ) if result is CONFIRMED: return async def should_show_payment_request_details( recipient_name: str, amount: str, memos: list[str], ) -> bool: """Return True if the user wants to show payment request details (they click a special button) and False when the user wants to continue without showing details. Raises ActionCancelled if the user cancels. """ result = await interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_with_info( title=TR.send__title_sending, items=[(ui.NORMAL, f"{amount} to\n{recipient_name}")] + [(ui.NORMAL, memo) for memo in memos], button=TR.buttons__confirm, info_button=TR.buttons__details, ) ), "confirm_payment_request", ButtonRequestType.ConfirmOutput, ) if result is CONFIRMED: return False elif result is INFO: return True else: raise ActionCancelled async def should_show_more( title: str, para: Iterable[tuple[int, str]], button_text: str | None = None, br_type: str = "should_show_more", br_code: ButtonRequestType = BR_TYPE_OTHER, confirm: str | bytes | None = None, ) -> bool: """Return True if the user wants to show more (they click a special button) and False when the user wants to continue without showing details. Raises ActionCancelled if the user cancels. """ button_text = button_text or TR.buttons__show_all # def_arg if confirm is None or not isinstance(confirm, str): confirm = TR.buttons__confirm result = await interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_with_info( title=title.upper(), items=para, button=confirm.upper(), info_button=button_text.upper(), ) ), br_type, br_code, ) if result is CONFIRMED: return False elif result is INFO: return True else: assert result is CANCELLED raise ActionCancelled async def _confirm_ask_pagination( br_type: str, title: str, data: bytes | str, description: str, br_code: ButtonRequestType, ) -> None: paginated: ui.Layout | None = None # TODO: make should_show_more/confirm_more accept bytes directly if isinstance(data, bytes): from ubinascii import hexlify data = hexlify(data).decode() while True: if not await should_show_more( title, para=[(ui.NORMAL, description), (ui.MONO, data)], br_type=br_type, br_code=br_code, ): return if paginated is None: paginated = RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_more( title=title, button=TR.buttons__close, items=[(ui.MONO, data)], ) ) else: paginated.request_complete_repaint() result = await interact(paginated, br_type, br_code) assert result in (CONFIRMED, CANCELLED) assert False def confirm_blob( br_type: str, title: str, data: bytes | str, description: str | None = None, verb: str | None = None, verb_cancel: str | None = None, hold: bool = False, br_code: ButtonRequestType = BR_TYPE_OTHER, ask_pagination: bool = False, chunkify: bool = False, ) -> Awaitable[None]: verb = verb or TR.buttons__confirm # def_arg title = title.upper() layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_blob( title=title, description=description, data=data, extra=None, hold=hold, verb=verb, verb_cancel=verb_cancel, chunkify=chunkify, ) ) if ask_pagination and layout.page_count() > 1: assert not hold return _confirm_ask_pagination(br_type, title, data, description or "", br_code) else: return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( layout, br_type, br_code, ) ) def confirm_address( title: str, address: str, description: str | None = None, br_type: str = "confirm_address", br_code: ButtonRequestType = BR_TYPE_OTHER, ) -> Awaitable[None]: return confirm_value( title, address, description or "", br_type, br_code, verb=TR.buttons__confirm, ) def confirm_text( br_type: str, title: str, data: str, description: str | None = None, br_code: ButtonRequestType = BR_TYPE_OTHER, ) -> Awaitable[None]: return confirm_value( title, data, description or "", br_type, br_code, verb=TR.buttons__confirm, ) def confirm_amount( title: str, amount: str, description: str | None = None, br_type: str = "confirm_amount", br_code: ButtonRequestType = BR_TYPE_OTHER, ) -> Awaitable[None]: description = description or f"{TR.words__amount}:" # def_arg return confirm_value( title, amount, description, br_type, br_code, verb=TR.buttons__confirm, ) def confirm_value( title: str, value: str, description: str, br_type: str, br_code: ButtonRequestType = BR_TYPE_OTHER, *, verb: str | None = None, subtitle: str | None = None, hold: bool = False, value_text_mono: bool = True, info_items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, info_title: str | None = None, chunkify_info: bool = False, ) -> Awaitable[None]: """General confirmation dialog, used by many other confirm_* functions.""" if not verb and not hold: raise ValueError("Either verb or hold=True must be set") if verb: verb = verb.upper() info_items = info_items or [] info_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.show_info_with_cancel( title=info_title if info_title else TR.words__title_information, items=info_items, chunkify=chunkify_info, ) ) return raise_if_not_confirmed( with_info( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_value( title=title.upper(), subtitle=subtitle, description=description, value=value, verb=verb, hold=hold, info_button=bool(info_items), text_mono=value_text_mono, ) ), info_layout, br_type, br_code, ) ) def confirm_properties( br_type: str, title: str, props: Iterable[PropertyType], hold: bool = False, br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.ConfirmOutput, ) -> Awaitable[None]: # Monospace flag for values that are bytes. items = [(prop[0], prop[1], isinstance(prop[1], bytes)) for prop in props] return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_properties( title=title.upper(), items=items, hold=hold, ) ), br_type, br_code, ) ) def confirm_total( total_amount: str, fee_amount: str, title: str | None = None, total_label: str | None = None, fee_label: str | None = None, account_label: str | None = None, fee_rate_amount: str | None = None, br_type: str = "confirm_total", br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) -> Awaitable[None]: title = title or TR.words__title_summary # def_arg total_label = total_label or TR.send__total_amount # def_arg fee_label = fee_label or TR.send__including_fee # def_arg items = [ (total_label, total_amount), (fee_label, fee_amount), ] info_items = [] if account_label: info_items.append((TR.confirm_total__sending_from_account, account_label)) if fee_rate_amount: info_items.append((TR.confirm_total__fee_rate, fee_rate_amount)) return confirm_summary( items, TR.words__title_summary, info_items=info_items, br_type=br_type, br_code=br_code, ) def confirm_summary( items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]], title: str | None = None, info_items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, info_title: str | None = None, br_type: str = "confirm_total", br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) -> Awaitable[None]: title = title or TR.words__title_summary # def_arg total_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_total( title=title.upper(), items=items, info_button=bool(info_items), ) ) info_items = info_items or [] info_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.show_info_with_cancel( title=info_title.upper() if info_title else TR.words__title_information, items=info_items, ) ) return raise_if_not_confirmed( with_info(total_layout, info_layout, br_type, br_code) ) if not utils.BITCOIN_ONLY: async def confirm_ethereum_tx( recipient: str, total_amount: str, maximum_fee: str, items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]], br_type: str = "confirm_ethereum_tx", br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.SignTx, chunkify: bool = False, ) -> None: total_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_total( title=TR.words__title_summary, items=[ (f"{TR.words__amount}:", total_amount), (TR.send__maximum_fee, maximum_fee), ], info_button=True, cancel_arrow=True, ) ) info_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.show_info_with_cancel( title=TR.confirm_total__title_fee, items=items, ) ) while True: # Allowing going back and forth between recipient and summary/details await confirm_blob( br_type, TR.words__recipient.upper(), recipient, verb=TR.buttons__continue, chunkify=chunkify, ) try: total_layout.request_complete_repaint() await raise_if_not_confirmed( with_info(total_layout, info_layout, br_type, br_code) ) break except ActionCancelled: continue async def confirm_ethereum_staking_tx( title: str, intro_question: str, verb: str, total_amount: str, maximum_fee: str, address: str, address_title: str, info_items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]], chunkify: bool = False, br_type: str = "confirm_ethereum_staking_tx", br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) -> None: # intro await confirm_value( title, intro_question, "", br_type, br_code, verb=verb, value_text_mono=False, info_items=(("", address),), info_title=address_title, chunkify_info=chunkify, ) # confirmation if verb == TR.ethereum__staking_claim: items = ((TR.send__maximum_fee, maximum_fee),) else: items = ( (TR.words__amount + ":", total_amount), (TR.send__maximum_fee, maximum_fee), ) await confirm_summary( items, # items title=title, info_title=TR.confirm_total__title_fee, info_items=info_items, br_type=br_type, br_code=br_code, ) def confirm_solana_tx( amount: str, fee: str, items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]], amount_title: str | None = None, fee_title: str | None = None, br_type: str = "confirm_solana_tx", br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) -> Awaitable[None]: amount_title = ( amount_title if amount_title is not None else f"{TR.words__amount}:" ) # def_arg fee_title = fee_title or TR.words__fee # def_arg return confirm_summary( ((amount_title, amount), (fee_title, fee)), info_items=items, br_type=br_type, br_code=br_code, ) def confirm_joint_total(spending_amount: str, total_amount: str) -> Awaitable[None]: return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_total( title=TR.send__title_joint_transaction, items=[ (TR.send__you_are_contributing, spending_amount), (TR.send__to_the_total_amount, total_amount), ], ) ), "confirm_joint_total", ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) ) def confirm_metadata( br_type: str, title: str, content: str, param: str | None = None, br_code: ButtonRequestType = ButtonRequestType.SignTx, hold: bool = False, verb: str | None = None, ) -> Awaitable[None]: verb = verb or TR.buttons__continue # def_arg return confirm_action( br_type, title=title.upper(), action="", description=content, description_param=param, verb=verb.upper(), hold=hold, br_code=br_code, ) def confirm_replacement(title: str, txid: str) -> Awaitable[None]: return confirm_blob( "confirm_replacement", title.upper(), txid, TR.send__transaction_id, TR.buttons__continue, br_code=ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) async def confirm_modify_output( address: str, sign: int, amount_change: str, amount_new: str, ) -> None: address_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_blob( title=TR.modify_amount__title, data=address, verb=TR.buttons__continue, verb_cancel=None, description=f"{TR.words__address}:", extra=None, ) ) modify_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_modify_output( sign=sign, amount_change=amount_change, amount_new=amount_new, ) ) send_button_request = True while True: if send_button_request: await button_request( "modify_output", ButtonRequestType.ConfirmOutput, address_layout.page_count(), ) address_layout.request_complete_repaint() await raise_if_not_confirmed(ctx_wait(address_layout)) if send_button_request: send_button_request = False await button_request( "modify_output", ButtonRequestType.ConfirmOutput, modify_layout.page_count(), ) modify_layout.request_complete_repaint() result = await ctx_wait(modify_layout) if result is CONFIRMED: break async def with_info( main_layout: RustLayout[T], info_layout: RustLayout[Any], br_type: str, br_code: ButtonRequestType, ) -> T: await button_request(br_type, br_code, pages=main_layout.page_count()) while True: result = await ctx_wait(main_layout) if result is INFO: info_layout.request_complete_repaint() result = await ctx_wait(info_layout) assert result is CANCELLED main_layout.request_complete_repaint() continue else: return result def confirm_modify_fee( title: str, sign: int, user_fee_change: str, total_fee_new: str, fee_rate_amount: str | None = None, ) -> Awaitable[None]: fee_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_modify_fee( title=title.upper(), sign=sign, user_fee_change=user_fee_change, total_fee_new=total_fee_new, fee_rate_amount=fee_rate_amount, ) ) items: list[tuple[str, str]] = [] if fee_rate_amount: items.append((TR.bitcoin__new_fee_rate, fee_rate_amount)) info_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.show_info_with_cancel( title=TR.confirm_total__title_fee, items=items, ) ) return raise_if_not_confirmed( with_info(fee_layout, info_layout, "modify_fee", ButtonRequestType.SignTx) ) def confirm_coinjoin(max_rounds: int, max_fee_per_vbyte: str) -> Awaitable[None]: return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_coinjoin( max_rounds=str(max_rounds), max_feerate=max_fee_per_vbyte, ) ), "coinjoin_final", BR_TYPE_OTHER, ) ) # TODO cleanup @ redesign def confirm_sign_identity( proto: str, identity: str, challenge_visual: str | None ) -> Awaitable[None]: return confirm_blob( "sign_identity", f"{TR.words__sign} {proto}", identity, challenge_visual + "\n" if challenge_visual else "", br_code=BR_TYPE_OTHER, ) async def confirm_signverify( message: str, address: str, verify: bool, path: str | None = None, account: str | None = None, chunkify: bool = False, ) -> None: if verify: address_title = TR.sign_message__verify_address br_type = "verify_message" else: address_title = TR.sign_message__confirm_address br_type = "sign_message" address_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_address( title=address_title, data=address, description="", verb=TR.buttons__continue, extra=None, chunkify=chunkify, ) ) items: list[tuple[str, str]] = [] if account is not None: items.append((f"{TR.words__account}:", account)) if path is not None: items.append((TR.address_details__derivation_path, path)) items.append( ( TR.sign_message__message_size, TR.sign_message__bytes_template.format(len(message)), ) ) info_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.show_info_with_cancel( title=TR.words__title_information, items=items, horizontal=True, ) ) message_layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_blob( title=TR.sign_message__confirm_message, description=None, data=message, extra=None, hold=not verify, verb=TR.buttons__confirm if verify else None, ) ) while True: result = await with_info( address_layout, info_layout, br_type, br_code=BR_TYPE_OTHER ) if result is not CONFIRMED: result = await ctx_wait( RustLayout(trezorui2.show_mismatch(title=TR.addr_mismatch__mismatch)) ) assert result in (CONFIRMED, CANCELLED) # Right button aborts action, left goes back to showing address. if result is CONFIRMED: raise ActionCancelled else: address_layout.request_complete_repaint() continue message_layout.request_complete_repaint() result = await interact(message_layout, br_type, BR_TYPE_OTHER) if result is CONFIRMED: break address_layout.request_complete_repaint() def show_error_popup( title: str, description: str, subtitle: str | None = None, description_param: str = "", *, button: str = "", timeout_ms: int = 0, ) -> Awaitable[None]: if not button and not timeout_ms: raise ValueError("Either button or timeout_ms must be set") if subtitle: title += f"\n{subtitle}" layout = RustLayout( trezorui2.show_error( title=title, description=description.format(description_param), button=button, time_ms=timeout_ms, allow_cancel=False, ) ) return layout # type: ignore [Expression of type "RustLayout[UiResult]" cannot be assigned to return type "Awaitable[None]"] def request_passphrase_on_host() -> None: draw_simple( trezorui2.show_simple( title=None, description=TR.passphrase__please_enter, ) ) def show_wait_text(message: str) -> None: draw_simple(trezorui2.show_wait_text(message)) async def request_passphrase_on_device(max_len: int) -> str: result = await interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.request_passphrase( prompt=TR.passphrase__title_enter, max_len=max_len ) ), "passphrase_device", ButtonRequestType.PassphraseEntry, ) if result is CANCELLED: raise ActionCancelled("Passphrase entry cancelled") assert isinstance(result, str) return result async def request_pin_on_device( prompt: str, attempts_remaining: int | None, allow_cancel: bool, wrong_pin: bool = False, ) -> str: from trezor.wire import PinCancelled if attempts_remaining is None: subprompt = "" elif attempts_remaining == 1: subprompt = TR.pin__last_attempt else: subprompt = f"{attempts_remaining} {TR.pin__tries_left}" result = await interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.request_pin( prompt=prompt, subprompt=subprompt, allow_cancel=allow_cancel, wrong_pin=wrong_pin, ) ), "pin_device", ButtonRequestType.PinEntry, ) if result is CANCELLED: raise PinCancelled assert isinstance(result, str) return result async def confirm_reenter_pin(is_wipe_code: bool = False) -> None: """Not supported for TT.""" pass async def pin_mismatch_popup(is_wipe_code: bool = False) -> None: await button_request("pin_mismatch", code=BR_TYPE_OTHER) title = TR.wipe_code__wipe_code_mismatch if is_wipe_code else TR.pin__pin_mismatch description = TR.wipe_code__mismatch if is_wipe_code else TR.pin__mismatch return await show_error_popup( title, description, button=TR.buttons__try_again, ) async def wipe_code_same_as_pin_popup() -> None: await button_request("wipe_code_same_as_pin", code=BR_TYPE_OTHER) return await show_error_popup( TR.wipe_code__invalid, TR.wipe_code__diff_from_pin, button=TR.buttons__try_again, ) def confirm_set_new_pin( br_type: str, title: str, description: str, information: str, br_code: ButtonRequestType = BR_TYPE_OTHER, ) -> Awaitable[None]: return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_emphasized( title=title.upper(), items=( (True, description + "\n\n"), information, ), verb=TR.buttons__turn_on, ) ), br_type, br_code, ) ) def confirm_firmware_update(description: str, fingerprint: str) -> Awaitable[None]: return raise_if_not_confirmed( interact( RustLayout( trezorui2.confirm_firmware_update( description=description, fingerprint=fingerprint ) ), "firmware_update", BR_TYPE_OTHER, ) )