[flake8] ignore = # E203 whitespace before ':' E203, # E221: multiple spaces before operator E221, # E241: multiple spaces after ':' E241, # E402: module level import not at top of file E402, # E501: line too long E501, # E704: multiple statements on one line (def) E704, # E741: ambiguous variable name E741, # W503: line break before binary operator W503, # flake8-requirements import checks I, # flake8-annotations self/cls type ANN101, ANN102, # flake8-annotations allow Any type ANN401, per-file-ignores = core/mocks/generated/*:F4 core/src/typing.py:ANN core/src/apps/monero/*:ANN core/site_scons/*:ANN core/tests/*:ANN ci/*:ANN common/*:ANN crypto/*:ANN legacy/*:ANN storage/*:ANN tests/*:ANN [tool:pytest] addopts = -rfER --strict-markers --random-order --only-rerun='RuntimeError: Unexpected magic characters: 3f' --only-rerun='Timeout: Timeout reading [A-Za-z]+ packet' --reruns=5 testpaths = tests crypto storage python/tests xfail_strict = true junit_family = xunit2 [mypy] mypy_path = src,mocks,mocks/generated check_untyped_defs = True disallow_subclassing_any = True disallow_untyped_calls = True disallow_untyped_decorators = True disallow_untyped_defs = True disallow_incomplete_defs = True namespace_packages = True no_implicit_optional = True warn_redundant_casts = True warn_return_any = True warn_unused_configs = True warn_unused_ignores = True show_error_codes = True # type union operator support, should be removed after 3.10 is the default python_version = 3.10