# This file is part of the Trezor project. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2018 SatoshiLabs and contributors # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the License along with this library. # If not, see . import base64 import struct import xdrlib from . import messages from .tools import field, expect, CallException # Memo types MEMO_TYPE_NONE = 0 MEMO_TYPE_TEXT = 1 MEMO_TYPE_ID = 2 MEMO_TYPE_HASH = 3 MEMO_TYPE_RETURN = 4 # Asset types ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE = 0 ASSET_TYPE_ALPHA4 = 1 ASSET_TYPE_ALPHA12 = 2 # Operations OP_CREATE_ACCOUNT = 0 OP_PAYMENT = 1 OP_PATH_PAYMENT = 2 OP_MANAGE_OFFER = 3 OP_CREATE_PASSIVE_OFFER = 4 OP_SET_OPTIONS = 5 OP_CHANGE_TRUST = 6 OP_ALLOW_TRUST = 7 OP_ACCOUNT_MERGE = 8 OP_INFLATION = 9 # Included for documentation purposes, not supported by Trezor OP_MANAGE_DATA = 10 OP_BUMP_SEQUENCE = 11 DEFAULT_BIP32_PATH = "m/44h/148h/0h" # Stellar's BIP32 differs to Bitcoin's see https://github.com/stellar/stellar-protocol/blob/master/ecosystem/sep-0005.md DEFAULT_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE = "Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015" def address_from_public_key(pk_bytes): """Returns the base32-encoded version of pk_bytes (G...) """ final_bytes = bytearray() # version final_bytes.append(6 << 3) # public key final_bytes.extend(pk_bytes) # checksum final_bytes.extend(struct.pack(" max_timebound or tx.timebounds_start < 0: raise ValueError("Starting timebound out of range (must be between 0 and " + max_timebound) if tx.timebounds_end > max_timebound or tx.timebounds_end < 0: raise ValueError("Ending timebound out of range (must be between 0 and " + max_timebound) # memo type determines what optional fields are set tx.memo_type = unpacker.unpack_uint() # text if tx.memo_type == MEMO_TYPE_TEXT: tx.memo_text = unpacker.unpack_string() # id (64-bit uint) if tx.memo_type == MEMO_TYPE_ID: tx.memo_id = unpacker.unpack_uhyper() # hash / return are the same structure (32 bytes representing a hash) if tx.memo_type == MEMO_TYPE_HASH or tx.memo_type == MEMO_TYPE_RETURN: tx.memo_hash = unpacker.unpack_fopaque(32) tx.num_operations = unpacker.unpack_uint() operations = [] for i in range(tx.num_operations): operations.append(_parse_operation_bytes(unpacker)) return tx, operations def _parse_operation_bytes(unpacker): """Returns a protobuf message representing the next operation as read from the byte stream in unpacker """ # Check for and parse optional source account field source_account = None if unpacker.unpack_bool(): source_account = unpacker.unpack_fopaque(32) # Operation type (See OP_ constants) type = unpacker.unpack_uint() if type == OP_CREATE_ACCOUNT: return messages.StellarCreateAccountOp( source_account=source_account, new_account=_xdr_read_address(unpacker), starting_balance=unpacker.unpack_hyper() ) if type == OP_PAYMENT: return messages.StellarPaymentOp( source_account=source_account, destination_account=_xdr_read_address(unpacker), asset=_xdr_read_asset(unpacker), amount=unpacker.unpack_hyper() ) if type == OP_PATH_PAYMENT: op = messages.StellarPathPaymentOp( source_account=source_account, send_asset=_xdr_read_asset(unpacker), send_max=unpacker.unpack_hyper(), destination_account=_xdr_read_address(unpacker), destination_asset=_xdr_read_asset(unpacker), destination_amount=unpacker.unpack_hyper(), paths=[] ) num_paths = unpacker.unpack_uint() for i in range(num_paths): op.paths.append(_xdr_read_asset(unpacker)) return op if type == OP_MANAGE_OFFER: return messages.StellarManageOfferOp( source_account=source_account, selling_asset=_xdr_read_asset(unpacker), buying_asset=_xdr_read_asset(unpacker), amount=unpacker.unpack_hyper(), price_n=unpacker.unpack_uint(), price_d=unpacker.unpack_uint(), offer_id=unpacker.unpack_uhyper() ) if type == OP_CREATE_PASSIVE_OFFER: return messages.StellarCreatePassiveOfferOp( source_account=source_account, selling_asset=_xdr_read_asset(unpacker), buying_asset=_xdr_read_asset(unpacker), amount=unpacker.unpack_hyper(), price_n=unpacker.unpack_uint(), price_d=unpacker.unpack_uint() ) if type == OP_SET_OPTIONS: op = messages.StellarSetOptionsOp( source_account=source_account ) # Inflation destination if unpacker.unpack_bool(): op.inflation_destination_account = _xdr_read_address(unpacker) # clear flags if unpacker.unpack_bool(): op.clear_flags = unpacker.unpack_uint() # set flags if unpacker.unpack_bool(): op.set_flags = unpacker.unpack_uint() # master weight if unpacker.unpack_bool(): op.master_weight = unpacker.unpack_uint() # low threshold if unpacker.unpack_bool(): op.low_threshold = unpacker.unpack_uint() # medium threshold if unpacker.unpack_bool(): op.medium_threshold = unpacker.unpack_uint() # high threshold if unpacker.unpack_bool(): op.high_threshold = unpacker.unpack_uint() # home domain if unpacker.unpack_bool(): op.home_domain = unpacker.unpack_string() # signer if unpacker.unpack_bool(): op.signer_type = unpacker.unpack_uint() op.signer_key = unpacker.unpack_fopaque(32) op.signer_weight = unpacker.unpack_uint() return op if type == OP_CHANGE_TRUST: return messages.StellarChangeTrustOp( source_account=source_account, asset=_xdr_read_asset(unpacker), limit=unpacker.unpack_uhyper() ) if type == OP_ALLOW_TRUST: op = messages.StellarAllowTrustOp( source_account=source_account, trusted_account=_xdr_read_address(unpacker), asset_type=unpacker.unpack_uint() ) if op.asset_type == ASSET_TYPE_ALPHA4: op.asset_code = unpacker.unpack_fstring(4) if op.asset_type == ASSET_TYPE_ALPHA12: op.asset_code = unpacker.unpack_fstring(12) op.is_authorized = unpacker.unpack_bool() return op if type == OP_ACCOUNT_MERGE: return messages.StellarAccountMergeOp( source_account=source_account, destination_account=_xdr_read_address(unpacker) ) # Inflation is not implemented since anyone can submit this operation to the network if type == OP_MANAGE_DATA: op = messages.StellarManageDataOp( source_account=source_account, key=unpacker.unpack_string(), ) # Only set value if the field is present if unpacker.unpack_bool(): op.value = unpacker.unpack_opaque() return op # Bump Sequence # see: https://github.com/stellar/stellar-core/blob/master/src/xdr/Stellar-transaction.x#L269 if type == OP_BUMP_SEQUENCE: return messages.StellarBumpSequenceOp( source_account=source_account, bump_to=unpacker.unpack_uhyper() ) raise ValueError("Unknown operation type: " + str(type)) def _xdr_read_asset(unpacker): """Reads a stellar Asset from unpacker""" asset = messages.StellarAssetType( type=unpacker.unpack_uint() ) if asset.type == ASSET_TYPE_ALPHA4: asset.code = unpacker.unpack_fstring(4) asset.issuer = _xdr_read_address(unpacker) if asset.type == ASSET_TYPE_ALPHA12: asset.code = unpacker.unpack_fstring(12) asset.issuer = _xdr_read_address(unpacker) return asset def _xdr_read_address(unpacker): """Reads a stellar address and returns the string representing the address This method assumes the encoded address is a public address (starting with G) """ # First 4 bytes are the address type address_type = unpacker.unpack_uint() if address_type != 0: raise ValueError("Unsupported address type") return address_from_public_key(unpacker.unpack_fopaque(32)) def _crc16_checksum(bytes): """Returns the CRC-16 checksum of bytearray bytes Ported from Java implementation at: http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/61data/CRC16CCITT.java.html Initial value changed to 0x0000 to match Stellar configuration. """ crc = 0x0000 polynomial = 0x1021 for byte in bytes: for i in range(8): bit = ((byte >> (7 - i) & 1) == 1) c15 = ((crc >> 15 & 1) == 1) crc <<= 1 if c15 ^ bit: crc ^= polynomial return crc & 0xffff ### Client functions ### @field('public_key') @expect(messages.StellarPublicKey) def get_public_key(client, address_n, show_display=False): return client.call(messages.StellarGetPublicKey(address_n=address_n, show_display=show_display)) @field('address') @expect(messages.StellarAddress) def get_address(client, address_n, show_display=False): return client.call(messages.StellarGetAddress(address_n=address_n, show_display=show_display)) def sign_tx(client, tx, operations, address_n, network_passphrase=DEFAULT_NETWORK_PASSPHRASE): tx.network_passphrase = network_passphrase tx.address_n = address_n tx.num_operations = len(operations) # Signing loop works as follows: # # 1. Start with tx (header information for the transaction) and operations (an array of operation protobuf messagess) # 2. Send the tx header to the device # 3. Receive a StellarTxOpRequest message # 4. Send operations one by one until all operations have been sent. If there are more operations to sign, the device will send a StellarTxOpRequest message # 5. The final message received will be StellarSignedTx which is returned from this method resp = client.call(tx) try: while isinstance(resp, messages.StellarTxOpRequest): resp = client.call(operations.pop(0)) except IndexError: # pop from empty list raise CallException("Stellar.UnexpectedEndOfOperations", "Reached end of operations without a signature.") from None if not isinstance(resp, messages.StellarSignedTx): raise CallException(messages.FailureType.UnexpectedMessage, resp) if operations: raise CallException("Stellar.UnprocessedOperations", "Received a signature before processing all operations.") return resp