from micropython import const import storage.device from trezor import io from trezor.sdcard import with_filesystem from trezor.utils import consteq if False: from typing import TypeVar, Callable T = TypeVar("T", bound=Callable) SD_CARD_HOT_SWAPPABLE = False SD_SALT_LEN_BYTES = const(32) SD_SALT_AUTH_TAG_LEN_BYTES = const(16) class WrongSdCard(Exception): pass def is_enabled() -> bool: return storage.device.get_sd_salt_auth_key() is not None def compute_auth_tag(salt: bytes, auth_key: bytes) -> bytes: from trezor.crypto import hmac digest = hmac(hmac.SHA256, auth_key, salt).digest() return digest[:SD_SALT_AUTH_TAG_LEN_BYTES] def _get_device_dir() -> str: return "/trezor/device_{}".format(storage.device.get_device_id().lower()) def _get_salt_path(new: bool = False) -> str: return "{}/salt{}".format(_get_device_dir(), ".new" if new else "") @with_filesystem def _load_salt(auth_key: bytes, path: str) -> bytearray | None: # Load the salt file if it exists. try: with, "r") as f: salt = bytearray(SD_SALT_LEN_BYTES) stored_tag = bytearray(SD_SALT_AUTH_TAG_LEN_BYTES) except io.fatfs.FatFSError: return None # Check the salt's authentication tag. computed_tag = compute_auth_tag(salt, auth_key) if not consteq(computed_tag, stored_tag): return None return salt @with_filesystem def load_sd_salt() -> bytearray | None: salt_auth_key = storage.device.get_sd_salt_auth_key() if salt_auth_key is None: return None salt_path = _get_salt_path() new_salt_path = _get_salt_path(new=True) salt = _load_salt(salt_auth_key, salt_path) if salt is not None: return salt # Check if there is a new salt. salt = _load_salt(salt_auth_key, new_salt_path) if salt is None: # No valid salt file on this SD card. raise WrongSdCard # Normal salt file does not exist, but new salt file exists. That means that # SD salt regeneration was interrupted earlier. Bring into consistent state. # TODO Possibly overwrite salt file with random data. try: io.fatfs.unlink(salt_path) except io.fatfs.FatFSError: pass # io.fatfs.rename can fail with a write error, which falls through as an FatFSError. # This should be handled in calling code, by allowing the user to retry. io.fatfs.rename(new_salt_path, salt_path) return salt @with_filesystem def set_sd_salt(salt: bytes, salt_tag: bytes, stage: bool = False) -> None: salt_path = _get_salt_path(stage) io.fatfs.mkdir("/trezor", True) io.fatfs.mkdir(_get_device_dir(), True) with, "w") as f: f.write(salt) f.write(salt_tag) @with_filesystem def commit_sd_salt() -> None: salt_path = _get_salt_path(new=False) new_salt_path = _get_salt_path(new=True) try: io.fatfs.unlink(salt_path) except io.fatfs.FatFSError: pass io.fatfs.rename(new_salt_path, salt_path) @with_filesystem def remove_sd_salt() -> None: salt_path = _get_salt_path() # TODO Possibly overwrite salt file with random data. io.fatfs.unlink(salt_path)