from typing import * # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-cardano.h def derive_icarus_trezor( mnemonic: str, passphrase: str, callback: Callable[[int, int], None] | None = None, ) -> bytes: """ Derives a Cardano master secret from a mnemonic and passphrase using the Icarus-Trezor derivation scheme. This differs from the Icarus scheme by including checksum if the mnemonic is 24 words. """ # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-cardano.h def from_secret(secret: bytes) -> HDNode: """ Creates a Cardano HD node from a master secret. """ # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-cardano.h def from_seed_slip23(seed: bytes) -> HDNode: """ Creates a Cardano HD node from a seed via SLIP-23 derivation. """