from __future__ import annotations import os from pathlib import Path from typing import BinaryIO, TextIO from trezorlib import toif HERE = Path(__file__).parent CORE_DIR = HERE.parent.parent def process_line(infile: TextIO, outfile: BinaryIO) -> None: line = infile.readline() data = [x.strip().lower() for x in line.split(',')] for c in data: if len(c) == 4: outfile.write(bytes((int(c, 16),))) def header_to_toif(path: str | Path) -> str: with open(path, "r") as infile, open('tmp.toif', "wb") as outfile: infile.readline() name_line = infile.readline() name = name_line.split(" ")[3].split("[")[0] infile.readline() magic_line = infile.readline().split(',')[3] outfile.write(bytes((0x54,))) outfile.write(bytes((0x4f,))) outfile.write(bytes((0x49,))) if "g" in magic_line: outfile.write(bytes((ord('g'),))) elif "G" in magic_line: outfile.write(bytes((ord('G'),))) elif "f" in magic_line: outfile.write(bytes((ord('f'),))) elif "F" in magic_line: outfile.write(bytes((ord('F'),))) else: print(magic_line) raise Exception("Unknown format") infile.readline() process_line(infile, outfile) infile.readline() process_line(infile, outfile) infile.readline() process_line(infile, outfile) infile.readline() return name def toif_to_header(path: str | Path, name: str) -> None: with open('tmp_c.toif', "rb") as infile, open(path, "w") as outfile: b = outfile.write("// clang-format off\n") outfile.write(f'static const uint8_t {name}[] = {{\n',) outfile.write(" // magic\n",) if b[3] == ord('f'): outfile.write(" 'T', 'O', 'I', 'f',\n",) elif b[3] == ord('F'): outfile.write(" 'T', 'O', 'I', 'F',\n",) elif b[3] == ord('g'): outfile.write(" 'T', 'O', 'I', 'g',\n",) elif b[3] == ord('G'): outfile.write(" 'T', 'O', 'I', 'G',\n",) else: raise Exception("Unknown format") outfile.write(" // width (16-bit), height (16-bit)\n",) outfile.write(" ") for i in range(4): hex_data = outfile.write(f'0x{hex_data},') if i != 3: outfile.write(' ') outfile.write("\n") outfile.write(" // compressed data length (32-bit)\n",) outfile.write(" ") for i in range(4): hex_data = outfile.write(f'0x{hex_data},') if i != 3: outfile.write(' ') outfile.write("\n") outfile.write(" // compressed data\n",) outfile.write(" ") hex_data = first = True while hex_data: if not first: outfile.write(' ') first = False outfile.write(f'0x{hex_data},') hex_data = outfile.write("\n};\n") _byte = def reformat_c_icon(path: str | Path) -> None: name = header_to_toif(path) with open("tmp.toif", "rb") as f: toi = toif.from_bytes( im = toi.to_image() with open("tmp_c.toif", "wb") as f: toi = toif.from_image(im) f.write(toi.to_bytes()) toif_to_header(path, name) os.remove("tmp.toif") os.remove("tmp_c.toif") def reformat_c_icons(p: str | Path) -> None: files = os.listdir(p) for file in files: if file.startswith("icon_") and file.endswith(".h"): reformat_c_icon(os.path.join(p, file)) def reformat_toif_icon(p: str | Path) -> None: with open(p, "rb") as f: toi = toif.from_bytes( im = toi.to_image() with open(p, "wb") as f: toi = toif.from_image(im) f.write(toi.to_bytes()) def reformat_toif_icons(p: str | Path) -> None: files = os.listdir(p) for file in files: if file.endswith(".toif"): reformat_toif_icon(os.path.join(p, file)) def change_icon_format(): # bootloader icons reformat_c_icons(CORE_DIR / "embed/bootloader") # bootloader_ci icons reformat_c_icons(CORE_DIR / "embed/bootloader_ci") # rust icons reformat_toif_icons(CORE_DIR / "embed/rust/src/ui/model_tr/res") reformat_toif_icons(CORE_DIR / "embed/rust/src/ui/model_tt/res") # python icons reformat_toif_icons(CORE_DIR / "src/trezor/res") reformat_toif_icons(CORE_DIR / "src/trezor/res/header_icons") # vendor header icons reformat_toif_icon(CORE_DIR / "embed/vendorheader/vendor_satoshilabs.toif") reformat_toif_icon(CORE_DIR / "embed/vendorheader/vendor_unsafe.toif") # additional python icons # reformat_toif_icon(CORE_DIR / "src/apps/homescreen/res/bg.toif") - unchanged - using as avatar reformat_toif_icon(CORE_DIR / "src/apps/management/res/small-arrow.toif") reformat_toif_icon(CORE_DIR / "src/apps/webauthn/res/icon_webauthn.toif") if __name__ == "__main__": change_icon_format()