if not __debug__: from trezor.utils import halt halt("debug mode inactive") if __debug__: from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import trezorui2 from storage import debug as storage from storage.debug import debug_events from trezor import log, loop, utils, wire from trezor.enums import MessageType from trezor.messages import DebugLinkLayout, Success from trezor.ui import display from trezor.wire import context from apps import workflow_handlers if TYPE_CHECKING: from trezor.messages import ( DebugLinkDecision, DebugLinkEraseSdCard, DebugLinkGetState, DebugLinkRecordScreen, DebugLinkReseedRandom, DebugLinkResetDebugEvents, DebugLinkState, DebugLinkWatchLayout, ) from trezor.ui import Layout swipe_chan = loop.chan() result_chan = loop.chan() button_chan = loop.chan() click_chan = loop.chan() swipe_signal = swipe_chan.take result_signal = result_chan.take button_signal = button_chan.take click_signal = click_chan.take debuglink_decision_chan = loop.chan() layout_change_chan = loop.chan() DEBUG_CONTEXT: context.Context | None = None LAYOUT_WATCHER_NONE = 0 LAYOUT_WATCHER_STATE = 1 LAYOUT_WATCHER_LAYOUT = 2 REFRESH_INDEX = 0 def screenshot() -> bool: if storage.save_screen: # Starting with "refresh00", allowing for 100 emulator restarts # without losing the order of the screenshots based on filename. display.save( storage.save_screen_directory + f"/refresh{REFRESH_INDEX:0>2}-" ) return True return False def notify_layout_change(layout: Layout, event_id: int | None = None) -> None: layout.read_content_into(storage.current_content_tokens) if storage.watch_layout_changes or layout_change_chan.takers: payload = (event_id, storage.current_content_tokens) layout_change_chan.publish(payload) async def _dispatch_debuglink_decision( event_id: int | None, msg: DebugLinkDecision ) -> None: from trezor.enums import DebugButton if msg.button is not None: if msg.button == DebugButton.NO: await result_chan.put((event_id, trezorui2.CANCELLED)) elif msg.button == DebugButton.YES: await result_chan.put((event_id, trezorui2.CONFIRMED)) elif msg.button == DebugButton.INFO: await result_chan.put((event_id, trezorui2.INFO)) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid msg.button - {msg.button}") elif msg.input is not None: await result_chan.put((event_id, msg.input)) elif msg.swipe is not None: await swipe_chan.put((event_id, msg.swipe)) else: # Sanity check. The message will be visible in terminal. raise RuntimeError("Invalid DebugLinkDecision message") async def debuglink_decision_dispatcher() -> None: while True: event_id, msg = await debuglink_decision_chan.take() await _dispatch_debuglink_decision(event_id, msg) async def get_layout_change_content() -> list[str]: awaited_event_id = debug_events.awaited_event last_result_id = debug_events.last_result if awaited_event_id is not None and awaited_event_id == last_result_id: # We are awaiting the event that just happened - return current state return storage.current_content_tokens while True: event_id, content = await layout_change_chan.take() if awaited_event_id is None or event_id is None: # Not waiting for anything or event does not have ID break elif event_id == awaited_event_id: # We found what we were waiting for debug_events.awaited_event = None break elif event_id > awaited_event_id: # Sanity check pass # TODO: find out why this sometimes happens on TR when running tests with # "physical" emulator (./emu.py) # raise RuntimeError( # f"Waiting for event that already happened - {event_id} > {awaited_event_id}" # ) if awaited_event_id is not None: # Updating last result debug_events.last_result = awaited_event_id return content async def return_layout_change() -> None: content_tokens = await get_layout_change_content() assert DEBUG_CONTEXT is not None if storage.layout_watcher is LAYOUT_WATCHER_LAYOUT: await DEBUG_CONTEXT.write(DebugLinkLayout(tokens=content_tokens)) else: from trezor.messages import DebugLinkState await DEBUG_CONTEXT.write(DebugLinkState(tokens=content_tokens)) storage.layout_watcher = LAYOUT_WATCHER_NONE async def dispatch_DebugLinkWatchLayout(msg: DebugLinkWatchLayout) -> Success: from trezor import ui layout_change_chan.putters.clear() if msg.watch: await ui.wait_until_layout_is_running() storage.watch_layout_changes = bool(msg.watch) log.debug(__name__, "Watch layout changes: %s", storage.watch_layout_changes) return Success() async def dispatch_DebugLinkResetDebugEvents( msg: DebugLinkResetDebugEvents, ) -> Success: # Resetting the debug events makes sure that the previous # events/layouts are not mixed with the new ones. storage.reset_debug_events() return Success() async def dispatch_DebugLinkDecision(msg: DebugLinkDecision) -> None: from trezor import workflow workflow.idle_timer.touch() if debuglink_decision_chan.putters: log.warning(__name__, "DebugLinkDecision queue is not empty") x = msg.x # local_cache_attribute y = msg.y # local_cache_attribute # Incrementing the counter for last events so we know what to await debug_events.last_event += 1 # TT click on specific coordinates, with possible hold if ( x is not None and y is not None and utils.INTERNAL_MODEL in ("T2T1", "T3T1", "D001") ): click_chan.publish((debug_events.last_event, x, y, msg.hold_ms)) # TR press specific button elif msg.physical_button is not None and utils.INTERNAL_MODEL in ("T2B1",): button_chan.publish( (debug_events.last_event, msg.physical_button, msg.hold_ms) ) else: # Will get picked up by _dispatch_debuglink_decision eventually debuglink_decision_chan.publish((debug_events.last_event, msg)) if msg.wait: # We wait for all the previously sent events debug_events.awaited_event = debug_events.last_event storage.layout_watcher = LAYOUT_WATCHER_LAYOUT loop.schedule(return_layout_change()) async def dispatch_DebugLinkGetState( msg: DebugLinkGetState, ) -> DebugLinkState | None: from trezor.messages import DebugLinkState from apps.common import mnemonic, passphrase m = DebugLinkState() m.mnemonic_secret = mnemonic.get_secret() m.mnemonic_type = mnemonic.get_type() m.passphrase_protection = passphrase.is_enabled() m.reset_entropy = storage.reset_internal_entropy if msg.wait_layout: if not storage.watch_layout_changes: raise wire.ProcessError("Layout is not watched") storage.layout_watcher = LAYOUT_WATCHER_STATE # We wait for the last previously sent event to finish debug_events.awaited_event = debug_events.last_event loop.schedule(return_layout_change()) return None else: m.tokens = storage.current_content_tokens return m async def dispatch_DebugLinkRecordScreen(msg: DebugLinkRecordScreen) -> Success: if msg.target_directory: # In case emulator is restarted but we still want to record screenshots # into the same directory as before, we need to increment the refresh index, # so that the screenshots are not overwritten. global REFRESH_INDEX REFRESH_INDEX = msg.refresh_index storage.save_screen_directory = msg.target_directory storage.save_screen = True else: storage.save_screen = False display.clear_save() # clear C buffers return Success() async def dispatch_DebugLinkReseedRandom(msg: DebugLinkReseedRandom) -> Success: if msg.value is not None: from trezor.crypto import random random.reseed(msg.value) return Success() async def dispatch_DebugLinkEraseSdCard(msg: DebugLinkEraseSdCard) -> Success: from trezor import io sdcard = io.sdcard # local_cache_attribute try: sdcard.power_on() if msg.format: io.fatfs.mkfs() else: # trash first 1 MB of data to destroy the FAT filesystem assert sdcard.capacity() >= 1024 * 1024 empty_block = bytes([0xFF] * sdcard.BLOCK_SIZE) for i in range(1024 * 1024 // sdcard.BLOCK_SIZE): sdcard.write(i, empty_block) except OSError: raise wire.ProcessError("SD card operation failed") finally: sdcard.power_off() return Success() def boot() -> None: register = workflow_handlers.register # local_cache_attribute register(MessageType.DebugLinkDecision, dispatch_DebugLinkDecision) # type: ignore [Argument of type "(msg: DebugLinkDecision) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, None]" cannot be assigned to parameter "handler" of type "Handler[Msg@register]" in function "register"] register(MessageType.DebugLinkGetState, dispatch_DebugLinkGetState) # type: ignore [Argument of type "(msg: DebugLinkGetState) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, DebugLinkState | None]" cannot be assigned to parameter "handler" of type "Handler[Msg@register]" in function "register"] register(MessageType.DebugLinkReseedRandom, dispatch_DebugLinkReseedRandom) register(MessageType.DebugLinkRecordScreen, dispatch_DebugLinkRecordScreen) register(MessageType.DebugLinkEraseSdCard, dispatch_DebugLinkEraseSdCard) register(MessageType.DebugLinkWatchLayout, dispatch_DebugLinkWatchLayout) register( MessageType.DebugLinkResetDebugEvents, dispatch_DebugLinkResetDebugEvents ) loop.schedule(debuglink_decision_dispatcher()) if storage.layout_watcher is not LAYOUT_WATCHER_NONE: loop.schedule(return_layout_change())