sudo: false dist: trusty language: c addons: apt: packages: - build-essential - gcc-arm-none-eabi - libnewlib-arm-none-eabi - python3-pip env: global: - MAKEFLAGS=-j2 - PYTHON=python3 - PROTOBUF_VERSION=3.4.0 matrix: - DEBUG_LINK=0 - DEBUG_LINK=1 matrix: include: - addons: apt: packages: - gcc-multilib - python3-pip env: - EMULATOR=1 HEADLESS=1 - DEBUG_LINK=1 before_script: - $PYTHON -m pip install --user pipenv - pipenv install script: # use outer environment (with protobuf & ecdsa) to build, # then use pipenv to run tests - ./script/cibuild && pipenv run script/test # using two "separate" python environments is somewhat unwieldy, and it would be nicer # to consolidate everything into one. # Unfortunately, installing pipenv and fetching python-trezor from git takes about one minute. # For now, we keep the envs separate. If the number of "outer" modules grows significantly, # they should probably be moved into pipenv. install: - curl -LO "${PROTOBUF_VERSION}/protoc-${PROTOBUF_VERSION}" - unzip "protoc-${PROTOBUF_VERSION}" -d protoc - export PATH="$(pwd)/protoc/bin:$PATH" - $PYTHON -m pip install --user "protobuf==${PROTOBUF_VERSION}" - $PYTHON -m pip install --user ecdsa # for firmware_sign script: - script/cibuild - make -C bootloader - make -C demo notifications: webhooks: urls: - on_success: always on_failure: always on_start: always