# click-test generator # # Beware: This tool is alpha-stage, both in terms of functionality and code quality. # It is published here because it can be useful as-is. But it's full of bugs in any # case. # # See docs/tests/click-tests.md for a brief instruction manual. import inspect import sys import threading import time from pathlib import Path import click from trezorlib import ( binance, btc, cardano, cosi, device, eos, ethereum, fido, firmware, misc, monero, nem, ripple, stellar, tezos, ) from trezorlib.cli.trezorctl import cli as main from trezorlib import cli, debuglink, protobuf # isort:skip # make /tests part of sys.path so that we can import buttons.py as a module ROOT = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent sys.path.append(str(ROOT)) import buttons # isort:skip MODULES = ( binance, btc, cardano, cosi, device, eos, ethereum, fido, firmware, misc, monero, nem, ripple, stellar, tezos, ) CALLS_DONE = [] DEBUGLINK = None get_client_orig = cli.TrezorConnection.get_client def get_client(conn): global DEBUGLINK client = get_client_orig(conn) DEBUGLINK = debuglink.DebugLink(client.transport.find_debug()) DEBUGLINK.open() DEBUGLINK.watch_layout(True) return client cli.TrezorConnection.get_client = get_client def scan_layouts(dest): while True: try: layout = DEBUGLINK.wait_layout() except Exception: return dest.append(layout) CLICKS_HELP = """\ Type 'y' or just press Enter to click the right button (usually "OK") Type 'n' to click the left button (usually "Cancel") Type a digit (0-9) to click the appropriate button as if on a numpad. Type 'g1,2' to click button in column 1 and row 2 of 3x5 grid (letter A on mnemonic keyboard). Type 'i 1234' to send text "1234" without clicking (useful for PIN, passphrase, etc.) Type 'u' or 'j' to swipe up, 'd' or 'k' to swipe down. Type 'confirm' for hold-to-confirm (or a confirmation signal without clicking). Type 'stop' to stop recording. """ def layout_to_output(layout): if isinstance(layout, str): return layout if len(layout.lines) > 1: text = " ".join(layout.lines[1:]) return f"assert {text!r} in layout.text" else: return f"assert layout.text == {layout.text!r}" def echo(what): click.secho(what, fg="blue", err=True) sys.stderr.flush() def send_clicks(dest): echo(CLICKS_HELP) while True: key = click.prompt(click.style("Send click", fg="blue"), default="y") sys.stderr.flush() try: layout = DEBUGLINK.read_layout() echo("Please wait...") if key == "confirm": output = "debug.input(button=messages.DebugButton.YES)" DEBUGLINK.press_yes() elif key in "uj": output = "debug.input(swipe=messages.DebugSwipeDirection.UP)" DEBUGLINK.swipe_up() elif key in "dk": output = "debug.input(swipe=messages.DebugSwipeDirection.DOWN)" DEBUGLINK.swipe_down() elif key.startswith("i "): input_str = key[2:] output = f"debug.input({input_str!r})" DEBUGLINK.input(input_str) elif key.startswith("g"): x, y = [int(s) - 1 for s in key[1:].split(",")] output = ( f"debug.click(buttons.grid35({x}, {y}, {DEBUGLINK.layout_type}))" ) DEBUGLINK.click(buttons.grid35(x, y, DEBUGLINK.layout_type)) elif key == "y": output = "debug.click(buttons.ok(layout_type))" DEBUGLINK.click(buttons.ok(DEBUGLINK.layout_type)) elif key == "n": output = "debug.click(buttons.cancel(layout_type))" DEBUGLINK.click(buttons.cancel(DEBUGLINK.layout_type)) elif key in "0123456789": if key == "0": x, y = 1, 4 else: i = int(key) - 1 x = i % 3 y = 3 - (i // 3) # trust me output = ( f"debug.click(buttons.grid35({x}, {y}, {DEBUGLINK.layout_type}))" ) DEBUGLINK.click(buttons.grid35(x, y, DEBUGLINK.layout_type)) elif key == "stop": return else: raise Exception # give emulator time to react time.sleep(0.5) new_layout = DEBUGLINK.read_layout() if new_layout != layout: # assume emulator reacted with a layout change output = f"layout = {output[:-1]}, wait=True)" dest.append(output) except Exception: echo("bad input") def record_wrapper(name, func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): clicks = [] layouts = [] call_item = [name, args, kwargs, clicks, layouts] clicks_thr = threading.Thread(target=send_clicks, args=(clicks,), daemon=True) clicks_thr.start() try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) call_item.extend([result, None]) return result except BaseException as e: call_item.extend([None, e]) raise finally: clicks_thr.join() thr = threading.Thread(target=scan_layouts, args=(layouts,), daemon=True) thr.start() # 5 seconds to download all layout changes so far should be enough thr.join(timeout=5) DEBUGLINK.close() # this should shut down the layout scanning thread thr.join() DEBUGLINK.open() CALLS_DONE.append(call_item) return wrapper for module in MODULES: assert inspect.ismodule(module) for name, member in inspect.getmembers(module): if not inspect.isfunction(member): continue sig = inspect.signature(member) params = list(sig.parameters) if params[0] != "client": continue func_name = f"{module.__name__}.{name}" setattr(module, name, record_wrapper(func_name, member)) def call_to_strs(call): func_name, args, kwargs, clicks, layouts, result, exception = call args = args[1:] arg_text = [repr(arg) for arg in args] arg_text.extend(f"{name}={value!r}" for name, value in kwargs.items()) call = f"device_handler.run({func_name}, {', '.join(arg_text)})" result_list = [] if exception is None: if isinstance(result, protobuf.MessageType): result_list.append("result = device_handler.result()") result_list.append( f"assert isinstance(result, messages.{result.__class__.__name__}" ) for k, v in result.__dict__.items(): if v is None or v == []: continue result_list.append(f"assert result.{k} == {v!r}") else: result_list.append(f"assert device_handler.result() == {result!r}") else: result_list = [ f"with pytest.raises({exception.__class__.__name__}):", " device_handler.result()", ] layouts_iter = iter(layouts) layout_text = ["layout = debug.wait_layout()", next(layouts_iter)] for instr in clicks: layout_text.append(instr) if "wait=True" in instr: layout_text.append(next(layouts_iter)) # finish layouts iterator -- should not do anything ideally layout_text.extend(layouts_iter) layout_text = [layout_to_output(l) for l in layout_text] all_lines = "\n".join([call] + layout_text + result_list).split("\n") all_lines = [f" {l}" for l in all_lines] func_name_under = func_name.replace(".", "_") all_lines.insert(0, f"def test_{func_name_under}(device_handler):") all_lines.insert(1, " debug = device_handler.debuglink()") return "\n".join(all_lines) if __name__ == "__main__": echo( """\ Quick&Dirty Test Case Recorder. Use as you would use trezorctl, input clicking commands via host keyboard for best results. """ ) try: main() finally: if DEBUGLINK is not None: DEBUGLINK.watch_layout(False) DEBUGLINK.close() echo("\n# ========== test cases ==========\n") for call in CALLS_DONE: testcase = call_to_strs(call) echo(testcase) echo("\n")