CC ?= gcc OPTFLAGS ?= -O3 -g CFLAGS += $(OPTFLAGS) \ -std=gnu99 \ -W \ -Wall \ -Wextra \ -Wimplicit-function-declaration \ -Wredundant-decls \ -Wstrict-prototypes \ -Wundef \ -Wshadow \ -Wpointer-arith \ -Wformat \ -Wreturn-type \ -Wsign-compare \ -Wmultichar \ -Wformat-nonliteral \ -Winit-self \ -Wuninitialized \ -Wformat-security \ -Werror # disable sequence point warning because of AES code CFLAGS += -Wno-sequence-point CFLAGS += -I. CFLAGS += -Iaes CFLAGS += -Ichacha20poly1305 CFLAGS += -Ied25519-donna CFLAGS += -DUSE_ETHEREUM=1 CFLAGS += -DUSE_GRAPHENE=1 # disable certain optimizations and features when small footprint is required ifdef SMALL CFLAGS += -DUSE_PRECOMPUTED_CP=0 endif SRCS = bignum.c ecdsa.c curves.c secp256k1.c nist256p1.c rand.c hmac.c bip32.c bip39.c pbkdf2.c base58.c base32.c SRCS += address.c SRCS += script.c SRCS += ripemd160.c SRCS += sha2.c SRCS += sha3.c SRCS += aes/aescrypt.c aes/aeskey.c aes/aestab.c aes/aes_modes.c SRCS += ed25519-donna/ed25519.c ed25519-donna/ed25519-sha3.c SRCS += blake2b.c blake2s.c SRCS += chacha20poly1305/chacha20poly1305.c chacha20poly1305/chacha_merged.c chacha20poly1305/poly1305-donna.c chacha20poly1305/rfc7539.c OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o) TESTLIBS = $(shell pkg-config --libs check) -lrt -lpthread -lm TESTSSLLIBS = -lcrypto all: test_check test_openssl test_speed tools %.o: %.c %.h options.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $< test_check: test_check.o $(OBJS) $(CC) test_check.o $(OBJS) $(TESTLIBS) -o test_check test_speed: test_speed.o $(OBJS) $(CC) test_speed.o $(OBJS) -o test_speed test_openssl: test_openssl.o $(OBJS) $(CC) test_openssl.o $(OBJS) $(TESTSSLLIBS) -o test_openssl $(SRCS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -fPIC -shared $(SRCS) -o tools: tools/xpubaddrgen tools/mktable tools/bip39bruteforce tools/xpubaddrgen: tools/xpubaddrgen.o $(OBJS) $(CC) tools/xpubaddrgen.o $(OBJS) -o tools/xpubaddrgen tools/mktable: tools/mktable.o $(OBJS) $(CC) tools/mktable.o $(OBJS) -o tools/mktable tools/bip39bruteforce: tools/bip39bruteforce.o $(OBJS) $(CC) tools/bip39bruteforce.o $(OBJS) -o tools/bip39bruteforce clean: rm -f *.o aes/*.o chacha20poly1305/*.o ed25519-donna/*.o rm -f test_check test_speed test_openssl rm -f tools/*.o tools/xpubaddrgen tools/mktable tools/bip39bruteforce