#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Converts Google's protobuf python definitions of Trezor wire messages # to plain-python objects as used in Trezor Core and python-trezor import itertools import logging import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Optional import attr import click import construct as c import mako import mako.template from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 FieldDescriptor = descriptor_pb2.FieldDescriptorProto FIELD_TYPES_PYTHON = { FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT64: "int", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT32: "int", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT64: "int", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT32: "int", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL: "bool", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: "bytes", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING: "str", } TYPE_NAMES = { FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT64: "uint64", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT32: "uint32", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT64: "sint64", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT32: "sint32", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL: "bool", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: "bytes", FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING: "string", } FIELD_TYPES_RUST_BLOB = { FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT64: 0, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT32: 0, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT64: 1, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT32: 1, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL: 2, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: 3, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING: 4, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM: 5, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: 6, } INT_TYPES = ( FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT64, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT32, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT64, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT32, ) MESSAGE_TYPE_ENUM = "MessageType" ListOfSimpleValues = c.GreedyRange( c.Struct( "key" / c.VarInt, "value" / c.VarInt, ) ) def parse_protobuf_simple(data): """Micro-parse protobuf-encoded data. Assume every field is of type 0 (varint), and parse to a dict of fieldnum: value. """ return {v.key >> 3: v.value for v in ListOfSimpleValues.parse(data)} PROTOC = shutil.which("protoc") if not PROTOC: print("protoc command not found") sys.exit(1) PROTOC_PREFIX = Path(PROTOC).resolve().parent.parent ENUM_ENTRY = c.PrefixedArray(c.Byte, c.Int16ul) FIELD_STRUCT = c.Struct( "tag" / c.Byte, "flags_and_type" / c.BitStruct( "is_required" / c.Flag, "is_repeated" / c.Flag, "is_experimental" / c.Flag, c.Padding(1), "type" / c.BitsInteger(4), ), "enum_or_msg_offset" / c.Int16ul, "name" / c.Int16ul, ) MSG_ENTRY = c.Struct( "fields_count" / c.Rebuild(c.Byte, c.len_(c.this.fields)), "defaults_size" / c.Rebuild(c.Byte, c.len_(c.this.defaults)), # highest bit = is_experimental # the rest = wire_id, 0x7FFF iff unset "flags_and_wire_type" / c.Int16ul, "fields" / c.Array(c.this.fields_count, FIELD_STRUCT), "defaults" / c.Bytes(c.this.defaults_size), ) DEFAULT_VARINT_ENTRY = c.Sequence(c.Byte, c.VarInt) DEFAULT_LENGTH_ENTRY = c.Sequence(c.Byte, c.Prefixed(c.VarInt, c.GreedyRange(c.Byte))) NAME_ENTRY = c.Sequence( "msg_name" / c.Int16ul, "msg_offset" / c.Int16ul, ) WIRETYPE_ENTRY = c.Sequence( "wire_id" / c.Int16ul, "msg_offset" / c.Int16ul, ) # QDEF(MP_QSTR_copysign, (const byte*)"\x33\x14\x08" "copysign") QDEF_RE = re.compile( r'^QDEF\(MP_QSTR(\S+), \(const byte\*\)"(\\x..\\x..\\x..)" "(.*)"\)$' ) @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class ProtoField: name: str number: int type: object extensions: dict orig: object # name of type without package path type_name: str descriptor: "Descriptor" @property def repeated(self): return self.orig.label == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED @property def required(self): return self.orig.label == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REQUIRED @property def optional(self): return not self.required and not self.repeated @property def experimental(self): return bool(self.extensions.get("experimental")) @property def is_message(self): return self.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE @property def is_enum(self): return self.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM @property def python_type(self): return FIELD_TYPES_PYTHON.get(self.type, self.type_name) @property def default_value(self): if not self.orig.HasField("default_value"): return None return self.orig.default_value @property def default_value_repr(self): if self.default_value is None: return "None" elif self.is_enum: selected_enum_value = strip_enum_prefix(self.type_name, self.default_value) return f"{self.type_name}.{selected_enum_value}" elif self.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING: return repr(self.default_value) elif self.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: return "b" + repr(self.default_value) elif self.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL: return "True" if self.default_value == "true" else "False" else: return str(self.default_value) @property def type_object(self): if self.is_enum: return find_by_name(self.descriptor.enums, self.type_name) if self.is_message: return find_by_name(self.descriptor.messages, self.type_name) return None @classmethod def from_field(cls, descriptor, field): if not field.type_name: type_name = TYPE_NAMES[field.type] else: type_name = field.type_name.rsplit(".")[-1] return cls( name=field.name, number=field.number, type=field.type, orig=field, extensions=descriptor.get_extensions(field), type_name=type_name, descriptor=descriptor, ) @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class ProtoMessage: name: str wire_type: Optional[int] orig: object extensions: dict fields: List[ProtoField] @classmethod def from_message(cls, descriptor: "Descriptor", message): message_type = find_by_name(descriptor.message_type_enum.value, message.name) # use extensions set on the message_type entry (if any) extensions = descriptor.get_extensions(message_type) # override with extensions set on the message itself extensions.update(descriptor.get_extensions(message)) if "wire_type" in extensions: wire_type = extensions["wire_type"] elif message_type is not None: wire_type = message_type.number else: wire_type = None return cls( name=message.name, wire_type=wire_type, orig=message, extensions=extensions, fields=[ ProtoField.from_field(descriptor, f) for f in descriptor._filter_items(message.field) ], ) def protoc(files): """Compile code with protoc and return the data.""" include_dirs = set() include_dirs.add(str(PROTOC_PREFIX / "include")) if "PROTOC_INCLUDE" in os.environ: include_dirs.add(os.environ["PROTOC_INCLUDE"]) for file in files: include_dirs.add(os.path.dirname(file) or ".") protoc_includes = ["-I" + dir for dir in include_dirs if dir] return subprocess.check_output( [PROTOC, "--descriptor_set_out=/dev/stdout"] + protoc_includes + list(files) ) def strip_enum_prefix(enum_name, value_name): """Generate stripped-down enum value name, given the enum type name. There are three kinds of enums in the codebase: (1) New-style: enum SomeEnum { First_Value = 1; SecondValue = 2; } (2) Old-style without "Type": enum SomeEnum { SomeEnum_First_Value = 1; SomeEnum_SecondValue = 2; } (3) Old-style with "Type": enum SomeEnumType { SomeEnum_First_Value = 1; SomeEnum_SecondValue = 2; } This function accepts the name of the enum ("SomeEnum") and the name of the value, and returns the name of the value as it would look in the new-style -- i.e., for any variation of the above, the values returned would be "First_Value" and "SecondValue". """ leader = enum_name + "_" if value_name.startswith(leader): return value_name[len(leader) :] if enum_name.endswith("Type"): leader = enum_name[: -len("Type")] + "_" if value_name.startswith(leader): return value_name[len(leader) :] return value_name def find_by_name(haystack, name, default=None): return next((item for item in haystack if item.name == name), default) class Descriptor: def __init__(self, data, include_deprecated: bool, bitcoin_only: bool): self.descriptor = descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorSet() self.descriptor.ParseFromString(data) self.include_deprecated = include_deprecated self.bitcoin_only = bitcoin_only self.files = self.descriptor.file logging.debug(f"found {len(self.files)} files") # collect extensions across all files # this is required for self._get_extension() to work self.extensions = { ext.name: ext.number for file in self.files for ext in file.extension } # find message_type enum top_level_enums = itertools.chain.from_iterable(f.enum_type for f in self.files) self.message_type_enum = find_by_name(top_level_enums, MESSAGE_TYPE_ENUM, ()) self.convert_enum_value_names(self.message_type_enum) # top-level message inclusion filter that takes bitcoin_only into account def should_include_message(message: ProtoMessage): return ( # include all messages when not in bitcoin_only mode not self.bitcoin_only # include all non-wire messages or message.wire_type is None # include messages that are marked bitcoin_only or message.extensions.get("bitcoin_only") ) # find messages and enums self.messages = [] self.enums = [] for file in self.files: messages = ( ProtoMessage.from_message(self, m) for m in self._filter_items(file.message_type) ) # use exclusion list on top-level messages messages = [m for m in messages if should_include_message(m)] self.messages += messages self.enums += self._filter_items(file.enum_type) for message in messages: # recursively search for nested types in newly added messages self._nested_types_from_message(message.orig) if not self.messages and not self.enums: raise RuntimeError("No messages and no enums found.") for enum in self.enums: self.convert_enum_value_names(enum) def _filter_items(self, iter): return [ item for item in iter # exclude deprecated items unless specified if (self.include_deprecated or not item.options.deprecated) ] def _get_extension(self, something, extension_name, default=None): if something is None: return default if extension_name not in self.extensions: return default # There doesn't seem to be a sane way to access extensions on a descriptor # via the google.protobuf API. # We do have access to descriptors of the extensions... extension_num = self.extensions[extension_name] # ...and the "options" descriptor _does_ include the extension data. But while # the API provides access to unknown fields, it hides the extensions. # What we do is re-encode the options descriptor... options_bytes = something.options.SerializeToString() # ...and re-parse it as a dict of uvarints... simple_values = parse_protobuf_simple(options_bytes) # ...and extract the value corresponding to the extension we care about. return simple_values.get(extension_num, default) def get_extensions(self, something): return { extension: self._get_extension(something, extension) for extension in self.extensions if self._get_extension(something, extension) is not None } def _nested_types_from_message(self, message): nested_messages = [ ProtoMessage.from_message(self, m) for m in self._filter_items(message.nested_type) ] self.messages += nested_messages self.enums += self._filter_items(message.enum_type) for nested in nested_messages: self._nested_types_from_message(nested.orig) def convert_enum_value_names(self, enum): for value in enum.value: value.name = strip_enum_prefix(enum.name, value.name) class PythonRenderer: def __init__(self, descriptor: Descriptor, out_dir="", python_extension="py"): self.descriptor = descriptor self.out_dir = Path(out_dir) self.python_extension = python_extension def process_message(self, template, message): logging.debug(f"Processing message {message.name}") return template.render(message=message) def process_enum(self, template, enum): logging.debug(f"Processing enum {enum.name}") all_values = self.descriptor._filter_items(enum.value) has_bitcoin_only_values = self.descriptor._get_extension( enum, "has_bitcoin_only_values" ) if has_bitcoin_only_values: values_always = [ v for v in all_values if self.descriptor._get_extension(v, "bitcoin_only") ] values_altcoin = [v for v in all_values if v not in values_always] else: values_always = all_values values_altcoin = [] return template.render( enum=enum, values_always=values_always, values_altcoin=values_altcoin, ) def write_to_file(self, item_name, content): dest = self.out_dir / (item_name + "." + self.python_extension) dest.write_text(content) def generate_messages(self, template_src): template = mako.template.Template(filename=str(template_src)) for message in self.descriptor.messages: self.write_to_file(message.name, self.process_message(template, message)) def generate_enums(self, template_src): template = mako.template.Template(filename=str(template_src)) for enum in self.descriptor.enums: self.write_to_file(enum.name, self.process_enum(template, enum)) def render_singlefile(self, template_src): template = mako.template.Template(filename=str(template_src)) return template.render( messages=self.descriptor.messages, enums=self.descriptor.enums, ) def generate_python(self): enum_template = self.out_dir / "_proto_enum_class.mako" message_template = self.out_dir / "_proto_message_class.mako" init_template = self.out_dir / "_proto_init.mako" if enum_template.exists(): self.generate_enums(enum_template) if message_template.exists(): self.generate_messages(message_template) if init_template.exists(): init_py = self.render_singlefile(init_template) self.write_to_file("__init__", init_py) class RustBlobRenderer: def __init__(self, descriptor: Descriptor, qstr_defs: str = None): self.descriptor = descriptor self.qstr_map = {} self.enum_map = {} self.msg_map = {} if qstr_defs: self.build_qstr_map(qstr_defs) def write_qstrs(self, qstr_path): logging.debug(f"Writing qstrings to {qstr_path}") message_names = {m.name for m in self.descriptor.messages} field_names = { f.name for message in self.descriptor.messages for f in message.fields } with open(qstr_path, "w") as f: for name in sorted(message_names | field_names): f.write(f"Q({name})\n") def write_blobs(self, blob_dir): logging.debug(f"Writing blobs to {blob_dir}") blob_dir = Path(blob_dir) enum_blob = self.build_enums_with_offsets() # build msg entries and fill out map msg_entries = self.build_message_entries() # fill message offsets self.fill_enum_or_msg_offsets(msg_entries) # encode blob msg_blob = self.build_message_blob(msg_entries) name_blob = self.build_blob_names() wire_blob = self.build_blob_wire() (blob_dir / "proto_enums.data").write_bytes(enum_blob) (blob_dir / "proto_msgs.data").write_bytes(msg_blob) (blob_dir / "proto_names.data").write_bytes(name_blob) (blob_dir / "proto_wire.data").write_bytes(wire_blob) def build_qstr_map(self, qstr_defs): # QSTR defs are rolled out into an enum in py/qstr.h, the numeric # value is simply an incremented integer. qstr_counter = 0 with open(qstr_defs, "r") as f: for line in f: match = QDEF_RE.match(line) if not match: continue line = match.group(0) string = match.group(3) self.qstr_map[string] = qstr_counter qstr_counter += 1 logging.debug(f"Found {qstr_counter} Qstr defs") def build_enums_with_offsets(self): enums = [] cursor = 0 for enum in sorted(self.descriptor.enums, key=lambda e: e.name): self.enum_map[enum.name] = cursor enum_blob = ENUM_ENTRY.build(sorted(v.number for v in enum.value)) enums.append(enum_blob) cursor += len(enum_blob) return b"".join(enums) def encode_flags_and_wire_type(self, message): wire_type = message.wire_type if wire_type is None: wire_type = 0x7FFF if wire_type > 0x7FFF: raise ValueError("Unsupported wire type") flags_and_wire_type = wire_type if message.extensions.get("unstable"): flags_and_wire_type |= 0x8000 return flags_and_wire_type def encode_field(self, field): return dict( tag=field.number, flags_and_type=dict( is_required=field.required, is_repeated=field.repeated, is_experimental=field.experimental, type=FIELD_TYPES_RUST_BLOB[field.type], ), enum_or_msg_offset=0, name=self.qstr_map[field.name], orig_field=field, ) def fill_enum_or_msg_offsets(self, msg_entries): for msg_dict in msg_entries: for field_dict in msg_dict["fields"]: field = field_dict["orig_field"] if field.is_enum: field_dict["enum_or_msg_offset"] = self.enum_map[field.type_name] elif field.is_message: field_dict["enum_or_msg_offset"] = self.msg_map[field.type_name] def build_message_entries(self): messages = [] cursor = 0 for message in sorted(self.descriptor.messages, key=lambda m: m.name): self.msg_map[message.name] = cursor fields = sorted(message.fields, key=lambda f: f.number) defaults = b"".join(self.encode_field_default(f) for f in fields) flags_and_wire_type = self.encode_flags_and_wire_type(message) entry = dict( flags_and_wire_type=flags_and_wire_type, fields=[self.encode_field(f) for f in fields], defaults=defaults, ) messages.append(entry) cursor += len(MSG_ENTRY.build(entry)) return messages def build_message_blob(self, msg_entries): return b"".join(MSG_ENTRY.build(entry) for entry in msg_entries) def encode_field_default(self, field): if field.number > 0xFF: raise ValueError("Invalid field number") default = field.default_value if default is None: return b"" elif field.type in INT_TYPES: return DEFAULT_VARINT_ENTRY.build((field.number, int(default))) elif field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL: return DEFAULT_VARINT_ENTRY.build((field.number, int(default == "True"))) elif field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: if default != "": raise ValueError( "Bytes fields can only have empty bytes for default value" ) return DEFAULT_LENGTH_ENTRY.build((field.number, b"")) elif field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING: return DEFAULT_LENGTH_ENTRY.build((field.number, default.encode())) elif field.is_enum: # find the right value value = find_by_name(field.type_object.value, default) if value is None: raise ValueError(f"Default not found for field {field.name}") return DEFAULT_VARINT_ENTRY.build((field.number, value.number)) else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot encode default value for field {field.name}") def build_blob_names(self): # sorting by Qstr value of the message name messages = sorted(self.descriptor.messages, key=lambda m: self.qstr_map[m.name]) return b"".join( NAME_ENTRY.build((self.qstr_map[m.name], self.msg_map[m.name])) for m in messages ) def build_blob_wire(self): # create wire-type -> message mapping wire_messages = [m for m in self.descriptor.messages if m.wire_type is not None] # sorting by wire-type wire_messages.sort(key=lambda m: m.wire_type) return b"".join( WIRETYPE_ENTRY.build((m.wire_type, self.msg_map[m.name])) for m in wire_messages ) ReadableFile = click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True) WritableFile = click.Path(dir_okay=False, writable=True) WritableDirectory = click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, writable=True) @click.command() # fmt: off @click.argument("proto", nargs=-1, type=ReadableFile, required=True) @click.option("--python-outdir", type=WritableDirectory, help="Output directory for Python classes (contents will be deleted)") @click.option("--python-extension", default="py", help="Use .pyi to generate type stubs") @click.option("--outfile", type=WritableFile, help="Output file for single-file generated definitions") @click.option("--template", type=ReadableFile, help="Template for single-file entry") @click.option("--blob-outdir", type=WritableDirectory, help="Output directory for protobuf blob files") @click.option("--qstr-defs", type=ReadableFile, help="Collected Qstr definitions") @click.option("--qstr-out", type=WritableFile, help="Output Qstr header") @click.option("-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True) @click.option("-d", "--include-deprecated", is_flag=True, help="Include deprecated fields, messages and enums") @click.option("-b", "--bitcoin-only", type=int, default=0, help="Exclude fields, messages and enums that do not belong to bitcoin_only builds") # fmt: on def main( proto, python_outdir, python_extension, outfile, template, blob_outdir, qstr_defs, qstr_out, verbose, include_deprecated, bitcoin_only, ): if verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) descriptor_proto = protoc(proto) descriptor = Descriptor( descriptor_proto, include_deprecated=include_deprecated, bitcoin_only=bitcoin_only, ) if python_outdir: outdir = Path(python_outdir) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: tmpdir_path = Path(tmpdir) for file in outdir.glob("_proto*.mako"): shutil.copy(file, tmpdir) renderer = PythonRenderer(descriptor, tmpdir_path, python_extension) renderer.generate_python() for file in outdir.glob("*." + python_extension): if file.name == "__init__." + python_extension: continue file.unlink() for file in tmpdir_path.iterdir(): shutil.copy(file, outdir) if outfile: if not template: raise click.ClickException("Please specify --template") renderer = PythonRenderer(descriptor) with open(outfile, "w") as f: f.write(renderer.render_singlefile(template)) if qstr_out: renderer = RustBlobRenderer(descriptor) renderer.write_qstrs(qstr_out) if blob_outdir: if not qstr_defs: raise click.ClickException("Qstr defs not provided") renderer = RustBlobRenderer(descriptor, qstr_defs) renderer.write_blobs(blob_outdir) if __name__ == "__main__": main()