Commandline options for trezorctl ================================= See `EXAMPLES.rst <EXAMPLES.rst>`_ for examples on how to use. Use the following command to see all options: .. code:: trezorctl --help .. code:: Usage: trezorctl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Options: -t, --transport [usb|udp|pipe|bridge] Select transport used for communication. -p, --path TEXT Select device by transport-specific path. -v, --verbose Show communication messages. -j, --json Print result as JSON object --help Show this message and exit. Commands: backup_device Perform device seed backup. change_pin Change new PIN or remove existing. clear_session Clear session (remove cached PIN, passphrase,... cosi_commit Ask device to commit to CoSi signing. cosi_sign Ask device to sign using CoSi. decrypt_keyvalue Decrypt value by given key and path. decrypt_message Decrypt message. disable_passphrase Disable passphrase. enable_passphrase Enable passphrase. encrypt_keyvalue Encrypt value by given key and path. encrypt_message Encrypt message. ethereum_get_address Get Ethereum address in hex encoding. ethereum_sign_message Sign message with Ethereum address. ethereum_sign_tx Sign (and optionally publish) Ethereum... ethereum_verify_message Verify message signed with Ethereum address. firmware_update Upload new firmware to device (must be in... get_address Get address for specified path. get_entropy Get example entropy. get_features Retrieve device features and settings. get_public_node Get public node of given path. list List connected TREZOR devices. list_coins List all supported coin types by the device. load_device Load custom configuration to the device. nem_get_address Get NEM address for specified path. nem_sign_tx Sign (and optionally broadcast) NEM... ping Send ping message. recovery_device Start safe recovery workflow. reset_device Perform device setup and generate new seed. self_test Perform a self-test. set_flags Set device flags. set_homescreen Set new homescreen. set_label Set new device label. set_u2f_counter Set U2F counter. sign_message Sign message using address of given path. sign_tx Sign transaction. verify_message Verify message. version Show version of trezorctl/trezorlib. wipe_device Reset device to factory defaults and remove...