from typing import * # extmod/modtrezorcrypto/modtrezorcrypto-bip32.h class HDNode: ''' BIP0032 HD node structure. ''' def __init__(self, depth: int, fingerprint: int, child_num: int, chain_code: bytes, private_key: bytes = None, public_key: bytes = None, curve_name: str = None) -> None: ''' ''' def derive(self, index: int, public: bool=False) -> None: ''' Derive a BIP0032 child node in place. ''' def derive_cardano(self, index: int) -> None: ''' Derive a BIP0032 child node in place using Cardano algorithm. ''' def derive_path(self, path: List[int]) -> None: ''' Go through a list of indexes and iteratively derive a child node in place. ''' def serialize_public(self, version: int) -> str: ''' Serialize the public info from HD node to base58 string. ''' def serialize_private(self, version: int) -> str: ''' Serialize the private info HD node to base58 string. ''' def clone(self) -> HDNode: ''' Returns a copy of the HD node. ''' def depth(self) -> int: ''' Returns a depth of the HD node. ''' def fingerprint(self) -> int: ''' Returns a fingerprint of the HD node (hash of the parent public key). ''' def child_num(self) -> int: ''' Returns a child index of the HD node. ''' def chain_code(self) -> bytes: ''' Returns a chain code of the HD node. ''' def private_key(self) -> bytes: ''' Returns a private key of the HD node. ''' def private_key_ext(self) -> bytes: ''' Returns a private key extension of the HD node. ''' def public_key(self) -> bytes: ''' Returns a public key of the HD node. ''' def address(self, version: int) -> str: ''' Compute a base58-encoded address string from the HD node. ''' def nem_address(self, network: int) -> str: ''' Compute a NEM address string from the HD node. ''' def nem_encrypt(self, transfer_public_key: bytes, iv: bytes, salt: bytes, payload: bytes) -> bytes: ''' Encrypts payload using the transfer's public key ''' def ethereum_pubkeyhash(self) -> bytes: ''' Compute an Ethereum pubkeyhash (aka address) from the HD node. ''' def deserialize(self, value: str, version_public: int, version_private: int) -> HDNode: ''' Construct a BIP0032 HD node from a base58-serialized value. ''' def from_seed(seed: bytes, curve_name: str) -> HDNode: ''' Construct a BIP0032 HD node from a BIP0039 seed value. ''' def from_mnemonic_cardano(mnemonic: str, passphrase: str) -> bytes: ''' Convert mnemonic to hdnode '''