#!/usr/bin/env python2 import json import os import collections HEADER_TEMPLATE = """ // This file is automatically generated by coin_info.py -- DO NOT EDIT! #ifndef __COIN_INFO_H__ #define __COIN_INFO_H__ #include "coins.h" #if DEBUG_LINK #define COINS_COUNT ({stable} + {debug}) #else #define COINS_COUNT ({stable}) #endif extern const CoinInfo coins[COINS_COUNT]; #endif """.lstrip() CODE_TEMPLATE = """ // This file is automatically generated by coin_info.py -- DO NOT EDIT! #include "coins.h" #include "curves.h" #include "secp256k1.h" const CoinInfo coins[COINS_COUNT] = {{ {stable} #if DEBUG_LINK {debug} #endif }}; """.lstrip() def format_bool(value): if value: return "true" else: return "false" def format_number(value): if value is None: value = 0 return str(value) def format_string(value): if value is None: return "NULL" else: return json.dumps(value) def format_hex(value): if value is None: value = "0" return "0x{:08x}".format(value) def prepend_varint(string): assert len(string) < 253 varint = "\"\\x{:02x}\"".format(len(string)) return "{} {}".format(varint, format_string(string)) def coin_to_struct(coin): return collections.OrderedDict(( ("coin_name", format_string(coin["coin_name"])), ("coin_shortcut", format_string(" " + coin["coin_shortcut"])), ("maxfee_kb", format_number(coin["maxfee_kb"])), ("signed_message_header", prepend_varint(coin["signed_message_header"])), # noqa: E501 ("has_address_type", format_bool(coin["address_type"] is not None)), # noqa: E501 ("has_address_type_p2sh", format_bool(coin["address_type_p2sh"] is not None)), # noqa: E501 ("has_segwit", format_bool(coin["segwit"])), ("has_fork_id", format_bool(coin["fork_id"] is not None)), ("force_bip143", format_bool(coin["force_bip143"])), ("decred", format_bool(coin["decred"])), ("address_type", format_number(coin["address_type"])), ("address_type_p2sh", format_number(coin["address_type_p2sh"])), ("xpub_magic", format_hex(coin["xpub_magic"])), ("xprv_magic", format_hex(coin["xprv_magic"])), ("fork_id", format_number(coin["fork_id"])), ("bech32_prefix", format_string(coin["bech32_prefix"])), ("cashaddr_prefix", format_string(coin["cashaddr_prefix"])), ("coin_type", "({} | 0x80000000)".format(format_number(coin["slip44"]))), # noqa: E501 ("curve_name", "{}_NAME".format(coin["curve_name"].upper())), # noqa: E501 ("curve", "&{}_info".format(coin["curve_name"])), )) def format_struct(struct): return "{\n" + "\n".join( "\t.{0} = {1},".format(member, value) for member, value in struct.items() ) + "\n}" def format_coin(coin): return format_struct(coin_to_struct(coin)) def format_coins(coins): return "\n".join("{},".format(format_coin(coin)) for coin in coins) if __name__ == "__main__": os.chdir(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) coins = collections.defaultdict(list) support = json.load(open('defs/support.json', 'r'), object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) defs = support['trezor1'].keys() for c in defs: name = c.replace(' ', '_').lower() firmware = 'debug' if name.endswith('_testnet') else 'stable' if name == 'testnet': name = 'bitcoin_testnet' data = json.load(open('defs/coins/%s.json' % name, 'r')) coins[firmware].append(data) with open("coin_info.h", "w+") as f: f.write(HEADER_TEMPLATE.format(**{ k: format_number(len(v)) for k, v in coins.items() })) with open("coin_info.c", "w+") as f: f.write(CODE_TEMPLATE.format(**{ k: format_coins(v) for k, v in coins.items() }))