from __future__ import annotations import re from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable HERE = Path(__file__).resolve().parent TEST_FILE = HERE / "test-nonenglish.yml" LANGS = { "cs": "czech", "fr": "french", "de": "german", "es": "spanish", } MODELS = ["T", "R"] @dataclass class Replacement: start: str end: str replacement: str def replace_content_between_markers( file_path: Path | str, replacements: list[Replacement] ) -> None: with open(file_path, "r") as file: content = for replace in replacements: pattern = rf"({replace.start}.*?{replace.end})" content = re.sub( pattern, f"{replace.start}\n{replace.replacement}\n{replace.end}", content, flags=re.DOTALL, ) with open(file_path, "w") as file: file.write(content) def get_device_test(lang: str, model: str) -> str: lang_long = LANGS[lang] model_or_empty = f" {model}" if model != "T" else "" model_needs_or_empty = f" {model}" if model != "T" else "" return f"""\ core device{model_or_empty} test {lang_long}: stage: test <<: *gitlab_caching needs: - core unix frozen{model_needs_or_empty} debug build variables: TREZOR_PROFILING: "1" # so that we get coverage data TREZOR_MODEL: "{model}" MULTICORE: "4" # more could interfere with other jobs TEST_LANG: "{lang}" # {lang_long} only: - schedules # nightly build - /translations/ # translations branches script: - $NIX_SHELL --run "poetry run make -C core test_emu_ui_multicore | ts -s" after_script: - mv core/src/.coverage.* core # there will be more coverage files (one per core) - mv tests/ui_tests/reports/test/ test_ui_report - $NIX_SHELL --run "poetry run python ci/ | ts -s" - diff -u tests/ui_tests/fixtures.json tests/ui_tests/fixtures.suggestion.json artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" paths: - ci/ui_test_records/ - test_ui_report - tests/ui_tests/screens/ - tests/ui_tests/fixtures.suggestion.json - tests/ui_tests/fixtures.results.json - tests/junit.xml - tests/trezor.log - core/.coverage.* when: always expire_in: 1 week reports: junit: tests/junit.xml """ def get_click_test(lang: str, model: str) -> str: lang_long = LANGS[lang] model_or_empty = f" {model}" if model != "T" else "" model_needs_or_empty = f" {model}" if model != "T" else "" return f"""\ core click{model_or_empty} test {lang_long}: stage: test <<: *gitlab_caching needs: - core unix frozen{model_needs_or_empty} debug build variables: TREZOR_PROFILING: "1" # so that we get coverage data TREZOR_MODEL: "{model}" TEST_LANG: "{lang}" # {lang_long} only: - schedules # nightly build - /translations/ # translations branches script: - $NIX_SHELL --run "poetry run make -C core test_emu_click_ui | ts -s" after_script: - mv core/src/.coverage core/.coverage.test_click - mv tests/ui_tests/reports/test/ test_ui_report - $NIX_SHELL --run "poetry run python ci/ | ts -s" - diff -u tests/ui_tests/fixtures.json tests/ui_tests/fixtures.suggestion.json artifacts: name: "$CI_JOB_NAME-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA" paths: - ci/ui_test_records/ - test_ui_report - tests/ui_tests/screens/ - tests/ui_tests/fixtures.suggestion.json - tests/ui_tests/fixtures.results.json - tests/trezor.log - tests/junit.xml - core/.coverage.* reports: junit: tests/junit.xml expire_in: 1 week when: always """ def get_all_tests_text(func: Callable[[str, str], str]) -> str: text = "" for model in MODELS: for lang in LANGS: content = func(lang, model) text += content + "\n" return text def fill_device_tests() -> None: replacement = Replacement( start=r"##START_DEVICE_TESTS", end=r"##END_DEVICE_TESTS", replacement=get_all_tests_text(get_device_test), ) replace_content_between_markers(TEST_FILE, [replacement]) def fill_click_tests() -> None: replacement = Replacement( start=r"##START_CLICK_TESTS", end=r"##END_CLICK_TESTS", replacement=get_all_tests_text(get_click_test), ) replace_content_between_markers(TEST_FILE, [replacement]) if __name__ == "__main__": fill_device_tests() fill_click_tests()