import sys from . import consts def to_int_by_words(array: bytes) -> int: """ Converts array of bytes into an int by reading word size of bytes then converted to int using the system's endianness. """ assert len(array) % consts.WORD_SIZE == 0 n = 0 for i in range(0, len(array), consts.WORD_SIZE): n = (n << (consts.WORD_SIZE * 8)) + int.from_bytes( array[i : i + consts.WORD_SIZE], sys.byteorder ) return n def to_bytes_by_words(n: int, length: int) -> bytes: """ Converting int back to bytes by words. """ mask = (1 << (consts.WORD_SIZE * 8)) - 1 array = bytes() for i in reversed(range(0, length, consts.WORD_SIZE)): array = array + ((n >> (i * 8)) & mask).to_bytes( consts.WORD_SIZE, sys.byteorder ) return array def int_to_word(n: int) -> bytes: return n.to_bytes(consts.WORD_SIZE, sys.byteorder) def word_to_int(b: bytes) -> int: return int.from_bytes(b, sys.byteorder)