#include STM32_HAL_H #include "rng.h" const uint8_t AHBPrescTable[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9}; const uint8_t APBPrescTable[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}; uint32_t SystemCoreClock = 168000000U; #pragma GCC optimize("no-stack-protector") // applies to all functions in this file void SystemInit(void) { // set flash wait states for an increasing HCLK frequency -- reference RM0090 section 3.5.1 FLASH->ACR = FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_5WS; // wait until the new wait state config takes effect -- per section 3.5.1 guidance while ((FLASH->ACR & FLASH_ACR_LATENCY) != FLASH_ACR_LATENCY_5WS); // configure main PLL; assumes HSE is 8 MHz; this should evaluate to 0x27402a04 -- reference RM0090 section 7.3.2 RCC->PLLCFGR = (RCC_PLLCFGR_RST_VALUE & ~RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ & ~RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC & ~RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP & ~RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN & ~RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM) | (7U << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLQ_Pos) // Q = 7 | RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC_HSE // PLLSRC = HSE | (0U << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP_Pos) // P = 2 (two bits, 00 means PLLP = 2) | (168U << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN_Pos) // N = 168 | (4U << RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM_Pos); // M = 4 // enable spread spectrum clock for main PLL RCC->SSCGR = RCC_SSCGR_SSCGEN | (44 << RCC_SSCGR_INCSTEP_Pos) | (250 << RCC_SSCGR_MODPER_Pos); // enable clock security system, HSE clock, and main PLL RCC->CR |= RCC_CR_CSSON | RCC_CR_HSEON | RCC_CR_PLLON; // wait until PLL and HSE ready while((RCC->CR & (RCC_CR_PLLRDY | RCC_CR_HSERDY)) != (RCC_CR_PLLRDY | RCC_CR_HSERDY)); // APB2=2, APB1=4, AHB=1, system clock = main PLL const uint32_t cfgr = RCC_CFGR_PPRE2_DIV2 | RCC_CFGR_PPRE1_DIV4 | RCC_CFGR_HPRE_DIV1 | RCC_CFGR_SW_PLL; RCC->CFGR = cfgr; // wait until PLL is system clock and also verify that the pre-scalers were set while(RCC->CFGR != (RCC_CFGR_SWS_PLL | cfgr)); // turn off the HSI as it is now unused (it will be turned on again automatically if a clock security failure occurs) RCC->CR &= ~RCC_CR_HSION; // wait until ths HSI is off while((RCC->CR & RCC_CR_HSION) == RCC_CR_HSION); // init the TRNG peripheral rng_init(); // set CP10 and CP11 to enable full access to the fpu coprocessor; ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual section B3.2.20 SCB->CPACR |= ((3U << 22) | (3U << 20)); } extern volatile uint32_t uwTick; void SysTick_Handler(void) { // this is a millisecond tick counter that wraps after approximately // 49.71 days = (0xffffffff / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) uwTick++; } extern void shutdown(void); void PVD_IRQHandler(void) { TIM1->CCR1 = 0; // turn off display backlight shutdown(); }