function createGif() { // Finds all the screenshots on the screen, creates a new img // element at the top and switches the src attribute every 200ms // to create a notion of GIF. // Adds some controlling possibilities - buttons, input fields // and sliders to enable pausing, stepping back and forth, changing // the delay, etc. const allImages = document.body.querySelectorAll('img:not(#gif)'); // When no images there, do nothing if (allImages.length === 0) { return; } // Globals that will be changed by individual functions let globCurrentIndex = 0; let globTimerId = null; // Global constants const pauseText = 'Pause (Space)'; const continueText = 'Continue (Space)'; const prevText = 'Prev (<)'; const nextText = 'Next (>)'; const delayText = 'Delay (ms):'; const sliderText = 'Progress:'; const defaultDelay = 200; const keyboardShortcutPrev = 'ArrowLeft'; const keyboardShortcutNext = 'ArrowRight'; const keyboardShortcutPauseContinue = 'Space'; const pauseColor = '#ffa500'; // Orange const continueColor = '#4CAF50'; // Green const btnClass = 'gifBtn'; // Gif itself const gif = document.createElement('img'); = 'gif'; // Update the image source and the slider value according to the current index // Lazy-loading all the lazy-loaded images function updateGifSourceAndSlider() { const currentImage = allImages[globCurrentIndex]; // When the currentImage is not loaded (because of `loading=lazy` attribute), load it if (!currentImage.complete) { const tempImg = new Image(); tempImg.src = currentImage.src; tempImg.onload = function () { currentImage.src = tempImg.src; }; } gif.src = currentImage.src; slider.value = globCurrentIndex; } // Switching between running and paused state function toggleGif() { if (globTimerId) { clearInterval(globTimerId); globTimerId = null; pauseContinueButton.textContent = continueText; = continueColor; delayInput.disabled = false; prevButton.disabled = false; nextButton.disabled = false; } else { pauseContinueButton.textContent = pauseText; = pauseColor; delayInput.disabled = true; prevButton.disabled = true; nextButton.disabled = true; globTimerId = runGif(); } } // Start the gif, return the timer id function runGif() { const delay = parseInt(delayInput.value) || defaultDelay; return setInterval(() => { changeGifFrame(1); }, delay); } // Go to the previous or next frame (when supplied with -1 or 1, respectively) function changeGifFrame(delta) { globCurrentIndex = (globCurrentIndex + delta + allImages.length) % allImages.length; updateGifSourceAndSlider(); } // Pause/continue button const pauseContinueButton = document.createElement('button'); = 'pauseContinueButton'; pauseContinueButton.classList.add(btnClass); pauseContinueButton.textContent = pauseText; = pauseColor; pauseContinueButton.addEventListener('click', toggleGif); // Prev button const prevButton = document.createElement('button'); = 'prevButton'; prevButton.textContent = prevText; prevButton.classList.add(btnClass); prevButton.disabled = true; // Disabled until the gif is paused prevButton.addEventListener('click', () => changeGifFrame(-1)); // Next button const nextButton = document.createElement('button'); = 'nextButton'; nextButton.textContent = nextText; nextButton.classList.add(btnClass); nextButton.disabled = true; // Disabled until the gif is paused nextButton.addEventListener('click', () => changeGifFrame(1)); // Delay label const delayLabel = document.createElement('label'); = 'delayLabel'; delayLabel.textContent = delayText; delayLabel.htmlFor = 'delayInput'; // Delay input const delayInput = document.createElement('input'); = 'delayInput'; delayInput.type = 'number'; delayInput.value = defaultDelay; delayInput.size = '5'; delayInput.disabled = true; // Disabled until the gif is paused // Slider label const sliderLabel = document.createElement('label'); = 'sliderLabel'; sliderLabel.textContent = sliderText; sliderLabel.htmlFor = 'slider'; // Slider const slider = document.createElement('input'); = 'slider'; slider.type = 'range'; slider.min = '0'; slider.max = allImages.length - 1; slider.value = globCurrentIndex; slider.addEventListener('input', () => { globCurrentIndex = parseInt(slider.value); updateGifSourceAndSlider(); }); // Div for buttons const buttonContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'buttonContainer'; buttonContainer.appendChild(prevButton); buttonContainer.appendChild(pauseContinueButton); buttonContainer.appendChild(nextButton); // Div for input const inputContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'inputContainer'; inputContainer.appendChild(delayLabel); inputContainer.appendChild(delayInput); // Div for slider const sliderContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'sliderContainer'; sliderContainer.appendChild(sliderLabel); sliderContainer.appendChild(slider); // Insert everything above the <hr> or at the top of the page when missing const hr = document.querySelector('hr'); if (hr) { hr.parentNode.insertBefore(gif, hr); hr.parentNode.insertBefore(buttonContainer, hr); hr.parentNode.insertBefore(inputContainer, hr); hr.parentNode.insertBefore(sliderContainer, hr); } else { document.body.insertBefore(gif, document.body.firstChild); document.body.insertBefore(buttonContainer, document.body.firstChild); document.body.insertBefore(inputContainer, document.body.firstChild); document.body.insertBefore(sliderContainer, document.body.firstChild); } // Add keyboard shortcuts and disable default shortcuts behavior document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => { switch (event.code) { case keyboardShortcutPauseContinue: event.preventDefault(); toggleGif(); break; case keyboardShortcutPrev: if (!prevButton.disabled) { event.preventDefault(); changeGifFrame(-1); } break; case keyboardShortcutNext: if (!nextButton.disabled) { event.preventDefault(); changeGifFrame(1); } break; } }); // Start the gif globTimerId = runGif(); }