use heapless::String; use crate::{ trezorhal::secbool::secbool, ui::{ component::{connect::Connect, Label}, display::{self, Color, Font, Icon}, geometry::{Offset, Point, Rect}, layout::simplified::{run, show}, }, }; use super::{ bootloader::welcome::Welcome, component::{ bl_confirm::{Confirm, ConfirmTitle}, Button, ResultScreen, WelcomeScreen, }, theme::{ bootloader::{ button_bld, button_bld_menu, button_confirm, button_wipe_cancel, button_wipe_confirm, BLD_BG, BLD_FG, BLD_TITLE_COLOR, BLD_WIPE_COLOR, CHECK24, CHECK40, DOWNLOAD24, FIRE32, FIRE40, RESULT_FW_INSTALL, RESULT_WIPE, TEXT_BOLD, TEXT_NORMAL, TEXT_WIPE_BOLD, TEXT_WIPE_NORMAL, WARNING40, WELCOME_COLOR, X24, }, BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, GREEN_LIGHT, GREY, }, ModelMercuryFeatures, }; use crate::ui::{ui_features::UIFeaturesBootloader, UIFeaturesCommon}; #[cfg(not(feature = "new_rendering"))] use super::theme::BLACK; #[cfg(feature = "new_rendering")] use crate::ui::{ constant, display::toif::Toif, geometry::{Alignment, Alignment2D}, shape, shape::render_on_display, util::version_split, }; #[cfg(feature = "new_rendering")] use ufmt::uwrite; #[cfg(feature = "new_rendering")] use super::theme::bootloader::BLD_WARN_COLOR; use intro::Intro; use menu::Menu; pub mod intro; pub mod menu; pub mod welcome; pub type BootloaderString = String<128>; const RECONNECT_MESSAGE: &str = "PLEASE RECONNECT\nTHE DEVICE"; const SCREEN: Rect = ModelMercuryFeatures::SCREEN; const PROGRESS_TEXT_ORIGIN: Point = Point::new(2, 28); impl ModelMercuryFeatures { #[cfg(not(feature = "new_rendering"))] fn screen_progress( text: &str, progress: u16, initialize: bool, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color, icon: Option<(Icon, Color)>, center_text: Option<&str>, ) { let loader_offset: i16 = 19; let center_text_offset: i16 = 10; if initialize { Self::fadeout(); display::rect_fill(SCREEN, bg_color); } display::text_left(PROGRESS_TEXT_ORIGIN, text, Font::NORMAL, BLD_FG, bg_color); display::loader(progress, 19, fg_color, bg_color, icon); if let Some(center_text) = center_text { display::text_center( + Offset::y(loader_offset + center_text_offset), center_text, Font::NORMAL, GREY, bg_color, ); } display::refresh(); if initialize { Self::fadein(); } } #[cfg(feature = "new_rendering")] fn screen_progress( text: &str, progress: u16, initialize: bool, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color, icon: Option<(Icon, Color)>, center_text: Option<&str>, ) { if initialize { Self::fadeout(); } display::sync(); render_on_display(None, Some(bg_color), |target| { shape::Text::new(PROGRESS_TEXT_ORIGIN, text) .with_font(Font::NORMAL) .with_fg(BLD_FG) .render(target); let loader_offset: i16 = 19; let center_text_offset: i16 = 10; let center = + Offset::y(loader_offset); let inactive_color = bg_color.blend(fg_color, 85); shape::Circle::new(center, constant::LOADER_OUTER) .with_bg(inactive_color) .render(target); shape::Circle::new(center, constant::LOADER_OUTER) .with_bg(fg_color) .with_end_angle(((progress as i32 * shape::PI4 as i32 * 8) / 1000) as i16) .render(target); shape::Circle::new(center, constant::LOADER_INNER + 2) .with_bg(bg_color) .render(target); if let Some((icon, color)) = icon { shape::ToifImage::new(center, icon.toif) .with_align(Alignment2D::CENTER) .with_fg(color) .render(target); } if let Some(center_text) = center_text { shape::Text::new( + Offset::y(loader_offset + center_text_offset), center_text, ) .with_align(Alignment::Center) .with_font(Font::NORMAL) .with_fg(GREY) .render(target); } }); display::refresh(); if initialize { Self::fadein(); } } } impl UIFeaturesBootloader for ModelMercuryFeatures { fn screen_welcome() { let mut frame = Welcome::new(); show(&mut frame, true); } #[cfg(not(feature = "new_rendering"))] fn bld_continue_label(bg_color: Color) { display::text_center( Point::new(SCREEN.width() / 2, SCREEN.height() - 5), "click to continue ...", Font::NORMAL, BLD_FG, bg_color, ); } fn screen_install_success(restart_seconds: u8, initial_setup: bool, complete_draw: bool) { let mut reboot_msg = BootloaderString::new(); let bg_color = if initial_setup { WELCOME_COLOR } else { BLD_BG }; let fg_color = if initial_setup { GREEN_LIGHT } else { BLD_FG }; if restart_seconds >= 1 { // in practice, restart_seconds is 5 or less so this is fine let seconds_char = b'0' + restart_seconds % 10; unwrap!(reboot_msg.push(seconds_char as char)); let progress = (5 - (restart_seconds as u16)).clamp(0, 5) * 200; Self::screen_progress( "Restarting device", progress, complete_draw, fg_color, bg_color, None, Some(reboot_msg.as_str()), ); } else { Self::screen_progress( "Firmware installed", 1000, complete_draw, fg_color, bg_color, Some((Icon::new(CHECK24), BLD_FG)), None, ); } } fn screen_install_fail() { let mut frame = ResultScreen::new( &RESULT_FW_INSTALL, Icon::new(WARNING40), "Firmware installation was not successful".into(), Label::centered(RECONNECT_MESSAGE.into(), RESULT_FW_INSTALL.title_style()) .vertically_centered(), true, ); show(&mut frame, true); } fn screen_install_confirm( vendor: &str, version: &str, fingerprint: &str, should_keep_seed: bool, is_newvendor: bool, version_cmp: i32, ) -> u32 { let mut version_str: BootloaderString = String::new(); unwrap!(version_str.push_str("Firmware version ")); unwrap!(version_str.push_str(version)); unwrap!(version_str.push_str("\nby ")); unwrap!(version_str.push_str(vendor)); let title_str = if is_newvendor { "CHANGE FW\nVENDOR" } else if version_cmp > 0 { "UPDATE FIRMWARE" } else if version_cmp == 0 { "REINSTALL FW" } else { "DOWNGRADE FW" }; let title = Label::left_aligned(title_str.into(), TEXT_BOLD).vertically_centered(); let msg = Label::left_aligned(version_str.as_str().into(), TEXT_NORMAL); let alert = (!should_keep_seed).then_some(Label::left_aligned( "SEED WILL BE ERASED!".into(), TEXT_BOLD, )); let (left, right) = if should_keep_seed { let l = Button::with_text("CANCEL".into()).styled(button_bld()); let r = Button::with_text("INSTALL".into()).styled(button_confirm()); (l, r) } else { let l = Button::with_icon(Icon::new(X24)).styled(button_bld()); let r = Button::with_icon(Icon::new(CHECK24)).styled(button_confirm()); (l, r) }; let mut frame = Confirm::new(BLD_BG, left, right, ConfirmTitle::Text(title), msg) .with_info( "FW FINGERPRINT".into(), fingerprint.into(), button_bld_menu(), ); if let Some(alert) = alert { frame = frame.with_alert(alert); } run(&mut frame) } fn screen_wipe_confirm() -> u32 { let icon = Icon::new(FIRE40); let msg = Label::centered( "Are you sure you want to factory reset the device?".into(), TEXT_WIPE_NORMAL, ); let alert = Label::centered("SEED AND FIRMWARE\nWILL BE ERASED!".into(), TEXT_WIPE_BOLD); let right = Button::with_text("RESET".into()).styled(button_wipe_confirm()); let left = Button::with_text("CANCEL".into()).styled(button_wipe_cancel()); let mut frame = Confirm::new(BLD_WIPE_COLOR, left, right, ConfirmTitle::Icon(icon), msg) .with_alert(alert); run(&mut frame) } fn screen_unlock_bootloader_confirm() -> u32 { unimplemented!(); } fn screen_unlock_bootloader_success() { unimplemented!(); } fn screen_menu(firmware_present: secbool) -> u32 { run(&mut Menu::new(firmware_present)) } fn screen_intro(bld_version: &str, vendor: &str, version: &str, fw_ok: bool) -> u32 { let mut title_str: BootloaderString = String::new(); unwrap!(title_str.push_str("BOOTLOADER ")); unwrap!(title_str.push_str(bld_version)); let mut version_str: BootloaderString = String::new(); unwrap!(version_str.push_str("Firmware version ")); unwrap!(version_str.push_str(version)); unwrap!(version_str.push_str("\nby ")); unwrap!(version_str.push_str(vendor)); let mut frame = Intro::new( title_str.as_str().into(), version_str.as_str().into(), fw_ok, ); run(&mut frame) } fn screen_boot_stage_1(fading: bool) { if fading { Self::fadeout(); } #[cfg(not(feature = "new_rendering"))] display::rect_fill(SCREEN, BLACK); let mut frame = WelcomeScreen::new(); show(&mut frame, false); if fading { Self::fadein(); } else { display::set_backlight(BACKLIGHT_NORMAL); } } fn screen_wipe_progress(progress: u16, initialize: bool) { Self::screen_progress( "Resetting Trezor", progress, initialize, BLD_FG, BLD_WIPE_COLOR, Some((Icon::new(FIRE32), BLD_FG)), None, ) } fn screen_install_progress(progress: u16, initialize: bool, initial_setup: bool) { let bg_color = if initial_setup { WELCOME_COLOR } else { BLD_BG }; let fg_color = if initial_setup { GREEN_LIGHT } else { BLD_FG }; let icon_color = BLD_FG; Self::screen_progress( "Installing firmware", progress, initialize, fg_color, bg_color, Some((Icon::new(DOWNLOAD24), icon_color)), None, ) } fn screen_connect(initial_setup: bool) { let bg = if initial_setup { WELCOME_COLOR } else { BLD_BG }; let mut frame = Connect::new("Waiting for host...", BLD_TITLE_COLOR, bg); show(&mut frame, true); } fn screen_wipe_success() { let mut frame = ResultScreen::new( &RESULT_WIPE, Icon::new(CHECK40), "Trezor reset\nsuccessfully".into(), Label::centered(RECONNECT_MESSAGE.into(), RESULT_WIPE.title_style()) .vertically_centered(), true, ); show(&mut frame, true); } fn screen_wipe_fail() { let mut frame = ResultScreen::new( &RESULT_WIPE, Icon::new(WARNING40), "Trezor reset was\nnot successful".into(), Label::centered(RECONNECT_MESSAGE.into(), RESULT_WIPE.title_style()) .vertically_centered(), true, ); show(&mut frame, true); } #[cfg(feature = "new_rendering")] fn screen_boot( warning: bool, vendor_str: Option<&str>, version: u32, vendor_img: &[u8], wait: i32, ) { let bg_color = if warning { BLD_WARN_COLOR } else { BLD_BG }; display::sync(); render_on_display(None, Some(bg_color), |target| { // Draw vendor image if it's valid and has size of 120x120 if let Ok(toif) = Toif::new(vendor_img) { if (toif.width() == 120) && (toif.height() == 120) { // Image position depends on the vendor string presence let pos = if vendor_str.is_some() { Point::new(SCREEN.width() / 2, 30) } else { Point::new(SCREEN.width() / 2, 60) }; shape::ToifImage::new(pos, toif) .with_align(Alignment2D::TOP_CENTER) .with_fg(BLD_FG) .render(target); } } // Draw vendor string if present if let Some(text) = vendor_str { let pos = Point::new(SCREEN.width() / 2, SCREEN.height() - 5 - 50); shape::Text::new(pos, text) .with_align(Alignment::Center) .with_font(Font::NORMAL) .with_fg(BLD_FG) //COLOR_BL_BG .render(target); let pos = Point::new(SCREEN.width() / 2, SCREEN.height() - 5 - 25); let mut version_text: BootloaderString = String::new(); let ver_nums = version_split(version); unwrap!(uwrite!( version_text, "{}.{}.{}", ver_nums[0], ver_nums[1], ver_nums[2] )); shape::Text::new(pos, version_text.as_str()) .with_align(Alignment::Center) .with_font(Font::NORMAL) .with_fg(BLD_FG) .render(target); } // Draw a message match wait.cmp(&0) { core::cmp::Ordering::Equal => {} core::cmp::Ordering::Greater => { let mut text: BootloaderString = String::new(); unwrap!(uwrite!(text, "starting in {} s", wait)); let pos = Point::new(SCREEN.width() / 2, SCREEN.height() - 5); shape::Text::new(pos, text.as_str()) .with_align(Alignment::Center) .with_font(Font::NORMAL) .with_fg(BLD_FG) .render(target); } core::cmp::Ordering::Less => { let pos = Point::new(SCREEN.width() / 2, SCREEN.height() - 5); shape::Text::new(pos, "click to continue ...") .with_align(Alignment::Center) .with_font(Font::NORMAL) .with_fg(BLD_FG) .render(target); } } }); display::refresh(); } }