from micropython import const from trezor import io, loop, ui if False: from typing import Generator SWIPE_UP = const(0x01) SWIPE_DOWN = const(0x02) SWIPE_LEFT = const(0x04) SWIPE_RIGHT = const(0x08) SWIPE_VERTICAL = const(SWIPE_UP | SWIPE_DOWN) SWIPE_HORIZONTAL = const(SWIPE_LEFT | SWIPE_RIGHT) SWIPE_ALL = const(SWIPE_VERTICAL | SWIPE_HORIZONTAL) _SWIPE_DISTANCE = const(120) _SWIPE_TRESHOLD = const(30) class Swipe(ui.Component): def __init__(self, directions: int = SWIPE_ALL, area: ui.Area = None) -> None: if area is None: area = (0, 0, ui.WIDTH, ui.HEIGHT) self.area = area self.directions = directions self.started = False self.start_x = 0 self.start_y = 0 self.light_origin = ui.BACKLIGHT_NORMAL self.light_target = ui.BACKLIGHT_NONE def on_touch_start(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: if ui.in_area(self.area, x, y): self.start_x = x self.start_y = y self.light_origin = ui.BACKLIGHT_NORMAL self.started = True def on_touch_move(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: if not self.started: return # not started in our area dirs = self.directions pdx = x - self.start_x pdy = y - self.start_y pdxa = abs(pdx) pdya = abs(pdy) if pdxa > pdya and dirs & SWIPE_HORIZONTAL: # horizontal direction if (pdx > 0 and dirs & SWIPE_RIGHT) or (pdx < 0 and dirs & SWIPE_LEFT): ui.display.backlight( ui.lerpi( self.light_origin, self.light_target, min(pdxa / _SWIPE_DISTANCE, 1), ) ) elif pdxa < pdya and dirs & SWIPE_VERTICAL: # vertical direction if (pdy > 0 and dirs & SWIPE_DOWN) or (pdy < 0 and dirs & SWIPE_UP): ui.display.backlight( ui.lerpi( self.light_origin, self.light_target, min(pdya / _SWIPE_DISTANCE, 1), ) ) def on_touch_end(self, x: int, y: int) -> None: if not self.started: return # not started in our area dirs = self.directions pdx = x - self.start_x pdy = y - self.start_y pdxa = abs(pdx) pdya = abs(pdy) if pdxa > pdya and dirs & SWIPE_HORIZONTAL: # horizontal direction ratio = min(pdxa / _SWIPE_DISTANCE, 1) if ratio * 100 >= _SWIPE_TRESHOLD: if pdx > 0 and dirs & SWIPE_RIGHT: self.on_swipe(SWIPE_RIGHT) return elif pdx < 0 and dirs & SWIPE_LEFT: self.on_swipe(SWIPE_LEFT) return elif pdxa < pdya and dirs & SWIPE_VERTICAL: # vertical direction ratio = min(pdya / _SWIPE_DISTANCE, 1) if ratio * 100 >= _SWIPE_TRESHOLD: if pdy > 0 and dirs & SWIPE_DOWN: self.on_swipe(SWIPE_DOWN) return elif pdy < 0 and dirs & SWIPE_UP: self.on_swipe(SWIPE_UP) return # no swipe detected, reset the state ui.display.backlight(self.light_origin) self.started = False def on_swipe(self, swipe: int) -> None: raise ui.Result(swipe) def __await__(self) -> Generator: return self.__iter__() # type: ignore def __iter__(self) -> loop.Task: # type: ignore try: touch = loop.wait(io.TOUCH) while True: event, x, y = yield touch self.dispatch(event, x, y) except ui.Result as result: return result.value