# Displaying text screens on Trezor T ## Requirements For this feature, you will need a debug-enabled firmware for Trezor T. Usually that will be the emulator. You will also need `trezorctl` 0.12 or later. Best bet is to run the version from github master. ## Trezor T text capabilities The Trezor T screen has a _header_, with an icon and text. Below it is _body_, which can fit up to 5 lines of text. Text can be in one of several colors, and in one of three styles: NORMAL, BOLD, MONO. It is possible to have multiple styles on the same line, but different styles must be separated by a space. I.e., this works fine: > This word is **bold** and this is `monospaced`. This will not work: > Em**bold**ened middle, mono`space`d middle. A line that is too long to fit on screen will automatically break, using a hyphen (`-`) character. This is usually undesirable. Instead, a manual line-break should be inserted in the appropriate place. ## Command line syntax The most basic way to put words on screen is this: ```sh trezorctl debug show-text "My hovercraft is full of eels, call the porter, there is a frog in my bidet." ``` The above command will show:  Notice the "quotes" around the text. The whole body text must be enquoted. To use quotes inside the text, prefix them with backslashes `\`: ```sh trezorctl debug show-text "My \"hovercraft\" is full of eels." ```  ### Line breaks Let's insert some line breaks. Do that by placing `@@BR` in the appropriate place in the text: ```sh trezorctl debug show-text "My hovercraft is full of @@BR eels, call the porter, @@BR there is a frog in my @@BR bidet." ```  Better! ### Text styles Now let's add some style. Use `@@BOLD` to start printing in bold. Use `@@NORMAL` to go back to normal text. `@@MONO` works similarly. ```sh trezorctl debug show-text "My hovercraft is @@BOLD full of @@BR eels. @@NORMAL Call the porter, @@BR there is a @@MONO frog @@NORMAL in my @@BR bidet." ```  ### Line spacing Adding another `@@BR` after a `@@BR` will leave one line empty -- just like pressing \<Enter\> twice. If you don't want a full empty line, you can make a half-break with `@@BR_HALF`. ```sh trezorctl debug show-text "Line one. @@BR @@BR Line two. @@BR @@BR_HALF Line three." ```  ### Text colors To switch to one of the [available colors](../../core/src/trezor/ui/style.py#L14-L47), use the color name prefixed with `%%`: e.g., `%%RED`, `%%LIGHT_BLUE`... To switch back to the default color, you can use `%%FG`: ```sh trezorctl debug show-text "My %%RED hovercraft is @@BOLD full %%GREEN of @@BR eels. @@NORMAL Call %%ORANGE the %%FG porter." ```  ### Headers The default header says "Showing text" with an orange gear icon. It is possible to change all of that. To change the text, use `-h` option: ```sh trezorctl debug show-text -h "Hello world" "My hovercraft is full." ``` To change the icon, you can pick [an icon name from here](../../core/src/trezor/ui/style.py#L50-L70) and specify it with the `-i` option: ```sh trezorctl debug show-text -i RECEIVE "My hovercraft is full." ``` The icons are defined as shapes, and you can specify a custom color [from the list](../../core/src/trezor/ui/style.py#L14-L47) with the `-c` option: ```sh trezorctl debug show-text -c RED "My hovercraft is full." ``` ### Putting it all together Here is how to reproduce the confirmation screen after the wallet is created: ```sh trezorctl debug show-text -h "Success" -i CONFIRM -c GREEN "@@BOLD New wallet created @@BR successfully! @@BR @@BR_HALF @@NORMAL You should back up your @@BR new wallet right now." ```