#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'highline' require 'open-uri' TEMPLATE_NAME = (Pathname.new(__FILE__).sub_ext '.erb').to_s.freeze @terminal = HighLine.new($stdin, $stderr) def github_files require 'octokit' @github_files ||= Octokit.contents('NemProject/nem-test-vectors') .select do |file| file.name.end_with? '.dat' end end def choose_data_file @terminal.choose do |menu| github_files.each do |file| menu.choice(file.name) { file.download_url } end menu.prompt = 'Which file? ' menu.index = :none menu.select_by = :name end end def load_header(line) line = line.dup abort 'Header is not a comment' unless line.slice!(0) == '#' header = line.split(':').each(&:strip!) header.shift if header.first.empty? header end def parse_field_answer(answer) if answer.empty? nil elsif /^(?:(?<type>\w+) )?(?<identifier>\w+)$/ =~ answer [identifier, type] else raise NotValidQuestionError end end def ask_fields(header) header.map do |name| @terminal.ask "Field for `#{name}'? " do |question| question.answer_type = lambda(&method(:parse_field_answer)) end end end def load_data_line(line) abort 'Line does not begin with colon' unless line.slice!(0) == ':' line.strip! line.chomp!(',') values = line.split(':').each(&:strip!) values.pop if values.last.empty? values end def load_data(file, count) file.each_line.lazy.reject { |line| line.start_with? '#' } .take(count) .map(&method(:load_data_line)) .to_a end def remove_skipped_fields(fields, data) data.each do |values| abort 'Line does not match header' unless values.size == fields.size values.reject!.each_with_index { |_, index| fields[index].nil? } end fields.compact! end def format_data_fields(fields, data) data.each do |values| fields.each_with_index do |(_, type), index| values[index] = values[index].dump if type.nil? end end end def template(source_url, fields, data) test_name = @terminal.ask('Name for test? ') do |question| question.validate = /./ end erb = ERB.new(File.read(TEMPLATE_NAME), nil, '-') erb.filename = TEMPLATE_NAME erb.result(binding) end download_url = choose_data_file source_code = open download_url do |file| line = file.readline header = load_header(line) @terminal.say line count = @terminal.ask('How many vectors to import? ', Integer) fields = ask_fields(header) data = load_data(file, count) remove_skipped_fields(fields, data) format_data_fields(fields, data) template(download_url, fields, data) end puts source_code