# This file is part of the Trezor project. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2019 SatoshiLabs and contributors # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the License along with this library. # If not, see . """ Extremely minimal streaming codec for a subset of protobuf. Supports uint32, bytes, string, embedded message and repeated fields. For de-serializing (loading) protobuf types, object with `Reader` interface is required. For serializing (dumping) protobuf types, object with `Writer` interface is required. """ import logging import warnings from enum import IntEnum from io import BytesIO from itertools import zip_longest from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union import attr from typing_extensions import Protocol MT = TypeVar("MT", bound="MessageType") class Reader(Protocol): def readinto(self, buffer: bytearray) -> int: """ Reads exactly `len(buffer)` bytes into `buffer`. Returns number of bytes read, or 0 if it cannot read that much. """ class Writer(Protocol): def write(self, buffer: bytes) -> int: """ Writes all bytes from `buffer`, or raises `EOFError` """ _UVARINT_BUFFER = bytearray(1) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def safe_issubclass(value, cls): return isinstance(value, type) and issubclass(value, cls) def load_uvarint(reader: Reader) -> int: buffer = _UVARINT_BUFFER result = 0 shift = 0 byte = 0x80 bytes_read = 0 while byte & 0x80: if reader.readinto(buffer) == 0: if bytes_read > 0: raise IOError("Interrupted UVarint") else: raise EOFError bytes_read += 1 byte = buffer[0] result += (byte & 0x7F) << shift shift += 7 return result def dump_uvarint(writer: Writer, n: int) -> None: if n < 0: raise ValueError("Cannot dump signed value, convert it to unsigned first.") buffer = _UVARINT_BUFFER shifted = 1 while shifted: shifted = n >> 7 buffer[0] = (n & 0x7F) | (0x80 if shifted else 0x00) writer.write(buffer) n = shifted # protobuf interleaved signed encoding: # https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding#structure # the idea is to save the sign in LSbit instead of twos-complement. # so counting up, you go: 0, -1, 1, -2, 2, ... (as the first bit changes, sign flips) # # To achieve this with a twos-complement number: # 1. shift left by 1, leaving LSbit free # 2. if the number is negative, do bitwise negation. # This keeps positive number the same, and converts negative from twos-complement # to the appropriate value, while setting the sign bit. # # The original algorithm makes use of the fact that arithmetic (signed) shift # keeps the sign bits, so for a n-bit number, (x >> n) gets us "all sign bits". # Then you can take "number XOR all-sign-bits", which is XOR 0 (identity) for positive # and XOR 1 (bitwise negation) for negative. Cute and efficient. # # But this is harder in Python because we don't natively know the bit size of the number. # So we have to branch on whether the number is negative. def sint_to_uint(sint: int) -> int: res = sint << 1 if sint < 0: res = ~res return res def uint_to_sint(uint: int) -> int: sign = uint & 1 res = uint >> 1 if sign: res = ~res return res WIRE_TYPE_INT = 0 WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH = 2 WIRE_TYPES = { "uint32": WIRE_TYPE_INT, "uint64": WIRE_TYPE_INT, "sint32": WIRE_TYPE_INT, "sint64": WIRE_TYPE_INT, "bool": WIRE_TYPE_INT, "bytes": WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH, "string": WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH, } REQUIRED_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER = object() @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class Field: name: str type: str repeated: bool = attr.ib(default=False) required: bool = attr.ib(default=False) default: object = attr.ib(default=None) @property def wire_type(self) -> int: if self.type in WIRE_TYPES: return WIRE_TYPES[self.type] field_type_object = get_field_type_object(self) if safe_issubclass(field_type_object, MessageType): return WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH if safe_issubclass(field_type_object, IntEnum): return WIRE_TYPE_INT raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized type for field {self.name}") def value_fits(self, value: int) -> bool: if self.type == "uint32": return 0 <= value < 2 ** 32 if self.type == "uint64": return 0 <= value < 2 ** 64 if self.type == "sint32": return -(2 ** 31) <= value < 2 ** 31 if self.type == "sint64": return -(2 ** 63) <= value < 2 ** 63 raise ValueError(f"Cannot check range bounds for {self.type}") class _MessageTypeMeta(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, d) -> None: super().__init__(name, bases, d) if name != "MessageType": cls.__init__ = MessageType.__init__ class MessageType(metaclass=_MessageTypeMeta): MESSAGE_WIRE_TYPE: Optional[int] = None UNSTABLE: bool = False FIELDS: Dict[int, Field] = {} @classmethod def get_field(cls, name: str) -> Optional[Field]: return next((f for f in cls.FIELDS.values() if f.name == name), None) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if args: warnings.warn( "Positional arguments for MessageType are deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # process fields one by one MISSING = object() for field, val in zip_longest(self.FIELDS.values(), args, fillvalue=MISSING): if field is MISSING: raise TypeError("too many positional arguments") if field.name in kwargs and val is not MISSING: # both *args and **kwargs specify the same thing raise TypeError(f"got multiple values for argument '{field.name}'") elif field.name in kwargs: # set in kwargs but not in args setattr(self, field.name, kwargs[field.name]) elif val is not MISSING: # set in args but not in kwargs setattr(self, field.name, val) else: # not set at all, pick a default if field.repeated: default = [] elif field.required: warnings.warn( f"Value of required field '{field.name}' must be provided in constructor", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) default = REQUIRED_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER else: default = field.default setattr(self, field.name, default) def __eq__(self, rhs: Any) -> bool: return self.__class__ is rhs.__class__ and self.__dict__ == rhs.__dict__ def __repr__(self) -> str: d = {} for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if value is None or value == []: continue d[key] = value return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {d}>" def ByteSize(self) -> int: data = BytesIO() dump_message(data, self) return len(data.getvalue()) class LimitedReader: def __init__(self, reader: Reader, limit: int) -> None: self.reader = reader self.limit = limit def readinto(self, buf: bytearray) -> int: if self.limit < len(buf): return 0 else: nread = self.reader.readinto(buf) self.limit -= nread return nread class CountingWriter: def __init__(self) -> None: self.size = 0 def write(self, buf: bytes) -> int: nwritten = len(buf) self.size += nwritten return nwritten def get_field_type_object(field: Field) -> Optional[type]: from . import messages field_type_object = getattr(messages, field.type, None) if not safe_issubclass(field_type_object, (IntEnum, MessageType)): return None return field_type_object def decode_packed_array_field(field: Field, reader: Reader) -> List[Any]: assert field.repeated, "Not decoding packed array into non-repeated field" length = load_uvarint(reader) packed_reader = LimitedReader(reader, length) values = [] try: while True: values.append(decode_varint_field(field, packed_reader)) except EOFError: pass return values def decode_varint_field(field: Field, reader: Reader) -> Union[int, bool, IntEnum]: assert field.wire_type == WIRE_TYPE_INT, f"Field {field.name} is not varint-encoded" value = load_uvarint(reader) field_type_object = get_field_type_object(field) if safe_issubclass(field_type_object, IntEnum): try: return field_type_object(value) except ValueError as e: # treat enum errors as warnings LOG.info(f"On field {field.name}: {e}") return value if field.type.startswith("uint"): if not field.value_fits(value): LOG.info( f"On field {field.name}: value {value} out of range for {field.type}" ) return value if field.type.startswith("sint"): value = uint_to_sint(value) if not field.value_fits(value): LOG.info( f"On field {field.name}: value {value} out of range for {field.type}" ) return value if field.type == "bool": return bool(value) raise TypeError # not a varint field or unknown type def decode_length_delimited_field( field: Field, reader: Reader ) -> Union[bytes, str, MessageType]: value = load_uvarint(reader) if field.type == "bytes": buf = bytearray(value) reader.readinto(buf) return bytes(buf) if field.type == "string": buf = bytearray(value) reader.readinto(buf) return buf.decode() field_type_object = get_field_type_object(field) if safe_issubclass(field_type_object, MessageType): return load_message(LimitedReader(reader, value), field_type_object) raise TypeError # field type is unknown def load_message(reader: Reader, msg_type: Type[MT]) -> MT: msg_dict = {} # pre-seed the dict for field in msg_type.FIELDS.values(): if field.repeated: msg_dict[field.name] = [] elif not field.required: msg_dict[field.name] = field.default while True: try: fkey = load_uvarint(reader) except EOFError: break # no more fields to load ftag = fkey >> 3 wtype = fkey & 7 field = msg_type.FIELDS.get(ftag, None) if field is None: # unknown field, skip it if wtype == WIRE_TYPE_INT: load_uvarint(reader) elif wtype == WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH: ivalue = load_uvarint(reader) reader.readinto(bytearray(ivalue)) else: raise ValueError continue if ( wtype == WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH and field.wire_type == WIRE_TYPE_INT and field.repeated ): # packed array fvalues = decode_packed_array_field(field, reader) elif wtype != field.wire_type: raise ValueError(f"Field {field.name} received value does not match schema") elif wtype == WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH: fvalues = [decode_length_delimited_field(field, reader)] elif wtype == WIRE_TYPE_INT: fvalues = [decode_varint_field(field, reader)] else: raise TypeError # unknown wire type if field.repeated: msg_dict[field.name].extend(fvalues) elif len(fvalues) != 1: raise ValueError("Unexpected multiple values in non-repeating field") else: msg_dict[field.name] = fvalues[0] for field in msg_type.FIELDS.values(): if field.required and field.name not in msg_dict: raise ValueError(f"Did not receive value for field {field.name}") return msg_type(**msg_dict) def dump_message(writer: Writer, msg: MessageType) -> None: repvalue = [0] mtype = msg.__class__ for ftag, field in mtype.FIELDS.items(): fvalue = getattr(msg, field.name, None) if fvalue is REQUIRED_FIELD_PLACEHOLDER: raise ValueError(f"Required value of field {field.name} was not provided") if fvalue is None: # not sending empty values continue fkey = (ftag << 3) | field.wire_type if not field.repeated: repvalue[0] = fvalue fvalue = repvalue for svalue in fvalue: dump_uvarint(writer, fkey) field_type_object = get_field_type_object(field) if safe_issubclass(field_type_object, MessageType): counter = CountingWriter() dump_message(counter, svalue) dump_uvarint(writer, counter.size) dump_message(writer, svalue) elif safe_issubclass(field_type_object, IntEnum): if svalue not in field_type_object.__members__.values(): raise ValueError( f"Value {svalue} in field {field.name} unknown for {field.type}" ) dump_uvarint(writer, svalue) elif field.type.startswith("uint"): if not field.value_fits(svalue): raise ValueError( f"Value {svalue} in field {field.name} does not fit into {field.type}" ) dump_uvarint(writer, svalue) elif field.type.startswith("sint"): if not field.value_fits(svalue): raise ValueError( f"Value {svalue} in field {field.name} does not fit into {field.type}" ) dump_uvarint(writer, sint_to_uint(svalue)) elif field.type == "bool": dump_uvarint(writer, int(svalue)) elif field.type == "bytes": dump_uvarint(writer, len(svalue)) writer.write(svalue) elif field.type == "string": svalue_bytes = svalue.encode() dump_uvarint(writer, len(svalue_bytes)) writer.write(svalue_bytes) else: raise TypeError def format_message( pb: MessageType, indent: int = 0, sep: str = " " * 4, truncate_after: Optional[int] = 256, truncate_to: Optional[int] = 64, ) -> str: def mostly_printable(bytes: bytes) -> bool: if not bytes: return True printable = sum(1 for byte in bytes if 0x20 <= byte <= 0x7E) return printable / len(bytes) > 0.8 def pformat(name: str, value: Any, indent: int) -> str: level = sep * indent leadin = sep * (indent + 1) field = pb.get_field(name) if isinstance(value, MessageType): return format_message(value, indent, sep) if isinstance(value, list): # short list of simple values if not value or all(isinstance(x, int) for x in value): return repr(value) # long list, one line per entry lines = ["[", level + "]"] lines[1:1] = [leadin + pformat(name, x, indent + 1) + "," for x in value] return "\n".join(lines) if isinstance(value, dict): lines = ["{"] for key, val in sorted(value.items()): if val is None or val == []: continue lines.append(leadin + key + ": " + pformat(key, val, indent + 1) + ",") lines.append(level + "}") return "\n".join(lines) if isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray)): length = len(value) suffix = "" if truncate_after and length > truncate_after: suffix = "..." value = value[: truncate_to or 0] if mostly_printable(value): output = repr(value) else: output = "0x" + value.hex() return f"{length} bytes {output}{suffix}" if isinstance(value, int) and safe_issubclass(field.type, IntEnum): try: return f"{field.type(value).name} ({value})" except ValueError: return str(value) return repr(value) return "{name} ({size} bytes) {content}".format( name=pb.__class__.__name__, size=pb.ByteSize(), content=pformat("", pb.__dict__, indent), ) def value_to_proto(field: Field, value: Any) -> Any: field_type_object = get_field_type_object(field) if safe_issubclass(field_type_object, MessageType): raise TypeError("value_to_proto only converts simple values") if safe_issubclass(field_type_object, IntEnum): if isinstance(value, str): return field_type_object.__members__[value] else: try: return field_type_object(value) except ValueError as e: LOG.info(f"On field {field.name}: {e}") return int(value) if "int" in field.type: return int(value) if field.type == "bool": return bool(value) if field.type == "string": return str(value) if field.type == "bytes": if isinstance(value, str): return bytes.fromhex(value) elif isinstance(value, bytes): return value else: raise TypeError(f"can't convert {type(value)} value to bytes") def dict_to_proto(message_type: Type[MT], d: Dict[str, Any]) -> MT: params = {} for field in message_type.FIELDS.values(): value = d.get(field.name) if value is None: continue if not field.repeated: value = [value] field_type_object = get_field_type_object(field) if safe_issubclass(field_type_object, MessageType): newvalue = [dict_to_proto(field_type_object, v) for v in value] else: newvalue = [value_to_proto(field, v) for v in value] if not field.repeated: newvalue = newvalue[0] params[field.name] = newvalue return message_type(**params) def to_dict(msg: MessageType, hexlify_bytes: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]: def convert_value(field: Field, value: Any) -> Any: if hexlify_bytes and isinstance(value, bytes): return value.hex() elif isinstance(value, MessageType): return to_dict(value, hexlify_bytes) elif isinstance(value, list): return [convert_value(field, v) for v in value] elif isinstance(value, IntEnum): return value.name else: return value res = {} for key, value in msg.__dict__.items(): if value is None or value == []: continue res[key] = convert_value(msg.get_field(key), value) return res