#include #include #include "common.h" #include "display.h" #include "image.h" #include "flash.h" #include "rng.h" #include "touch.h" #include "usb.h" #include "version.h" #include "mini_printf.h" #include "icon_cross.h" #include "icon_tick.h" #include "icon_tools.h" #include "messages.h" #include "style.h" #define FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAGIC 0x465A5254 // TRZF #define FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAXSIZE (6 * 128 * 1024) void display_fade(int start, int end, int delay) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { display_backlight(start + i * (end - start) / 100); hal_delay(delay / 100); } display_backlight(end); } void display_header(const char *text) { display_bar(0, 0, 240, 32, COLOR_BL_ORANGE); display_icon(8, 4, 24, 24, icon_tools, sizeof(icon_tools), COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BL_ORANGE); display_text(8 + 24 + 8, 23, text, -1, FONT_BOLD, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BL_ORANGE); } void display_footer(const char *text, uint16_t color) { display_bar(0, 184, 240, 56, COLOR_BLACK); display_text_center(120, 220, text, -1, FONT_BOLD, color, COLOR_BLACK); } void display_done(int restart) { if (restart == 0 || restart == 3) { display_loader(1000, 0, COLOR_BL_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK, icon_tick, sizeof(icon_tick), COLOR_WHITE); } if (restart == 3) { display_footer("Done! Restarting in 3s", COLOR_BL_GREEN); } else if (restart == 2) { display_footer("Done! Restarting in 2s", COLOR_BL_GREEN); } else if (restart == 1) { display_footer("Done! Restarting in 1s", COLOR_BL_GREEN); } else { display_footer("Done! Unplug the device", COLOR_BL_GREEN); } } void display_error(void) { display_loader(1000, 0, COLOR_BL_RED, COLOR_BLACK, icon_cross, sizeof(icon_cross), COLOR_WHITE); display_footer("Error! Unplug the device", COLOR_BL_RED); } void display_welcome(void) { display_clear(); display_header("TREZOR Bootloader"); uint8_t dom[32]; // format: TREZOR2-YYMMDD if (flash_otp_read(0, 0, dom, 32) && 0 == memcmp(dom, "TREZOR2-", 8) && dom[14] == 0) { display_qrcode(120, 120, (const char *)dom, 14, 4); display_text_center(120, 210, (const char *)dom, 14, FONT_BOLD, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); } display_fade(0, BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, 1000); } void display_vendor(const uint8_t *vimg, const char *vstr, uint32_t vstr_len, uint32_t fw_version) { display_clear(); if (memcmp(vimg, "TOIf", 4) != 0) { return; } uint16_t w = *(uint16_t *)(vimg + 4); uint16_t h = *(uint16_t *)(vimg + 6); if (w != 120 || h != 120) { return; } uint32_t datalen = *(uint32_t *)(vimg + 8); display_image(60, 32, w, h, vimg + 12, datalen); display_text_center(120, 192, vstr, vstr_len, FONT_BOLD, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); char ver_str[32]; mini_snprintf(ver_str, sizeof(ver_str), "%d.%d.%d.%d", (int)(fw_version & 0xFF), (int)((fw_version >> 8) & 0xFF), (int)((fw_version >> 16) & 0xFF), (int)((fw_version >> 24) & 0xFF) ); display_text_center(120, 215, ver_str, -1, FONT_BOLD, COLOR_GRAY128, COLOR_BLACK); display_refresh(); } const uint8_t BOOTLOADER_KEY_M = 2; const uint8_t BOOTLOADER_KEY_N = 3; static const uint8_t * const BOOTLOADER_KEYS[] = { #if PRODUCTION (const uint8_t *)"\xc2\xc8\x7a\x49\xc5\xa3\x46\x09\x77\xfb\xb2\xec\x9d\xfe\x60\xf0\x6b\xd6\x94\xdb\x82\x44\xbd\x49\x81\xfe\x3b\x7a\x26\x30\x7f\x3f", (const uint8_t *)"\x80\xd0\x36\xb0\x87\x39\xb8\x46\xf4\xcb\x77\x59\x30\x78\xde\xb2\x5d\xc9\x48\x7a\xed\xcf\x52\xe3\x0b\x4f\xb7\xcd\x70\x24\x17\x8a", (const uint8_t *)"\xb8\x30\x7a\x71\xf5\x52\xc6\x0a\x4c\xbb\x31\x7f\xf4\x8b\x82\xcd\xbf\x6b\x6b\xb5\xf0\x4c\x92\x0f\xec\x7b\xad\xf0\x17\x88\x37\x51", #else (const uint8_t *)"\xd7\x59\x79\x3b\xbc\x13\xa2\x81\x9a\x82\x7c\x76\xad\xb6\xfb\xa8\xa4\x9a\xee\x00\x7f\x49\xf2\xd0\x99\x2d\x99\xb8\x25\xad\x2c\x48", (const uint8_t *)"\x63\x55\x69\x1c\x17\x8a\x8f\xf9\x10\x07\xa7\x47\x8a\xfb\x95\x5e\xf7\x35\x2c\x63\xe7\xb2\x57\x03\x98\x4c\xf7\x8b\x26\xe2\x1a\x56", (const uint8_t *)"\xee\x93\xa4\xf6\x6f\x8d\x16\xb8\x19\xbb\x9b\xeb\x9f\xfc\xcd\xfc\xdc\x14\x12\xe8\x7f\xee\x6a\x32\x4c\x2a\x99\xa1\xe0\xe6\x71\x48", #endif }; void usb_init_all(void) { static const usb_dev_info_t dev_info = { .vendor_id = 0x1209, .product_id = 0x53C0, .release_num = 0x0002, .manufacturer = (const uint8_t *)"SatoshiLabs", .product = (const uint8_t *)"TREZOR Bootloader", .serial_number = (const uint8_t *)"", }; static uint8_t hid_rx_buffer[USB_PACKET_SIZE]; static const uint8_t hid_report_desc[] = { 0x06, 0x00, 0xff, // USAGE_PAGE (Vendor Defined) 0x09, 0x01, // USAGE (1) 0xa1, 0x01, // COLLECTION (Application) 0x09, 0x20, // USAGE (Input Report Data) 0x15, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0) 0x26, 0xff, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (255) 0x75, 0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (8) 0x95, 0x40, // REPORT_COUNT (64) 0x81, 0x02, // INPUT (Data,Var,Abs) 0x09, 0x21, // USAGE (Output Report Data) 0x15, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MINIMUM (0) 0x26, 0xff, 0x00, // LOGICAL_MAXIMUM (255) 0x75, 0x08, // REPORT_SIZE (8) 0x95, 0x40, // REPORT_COUNT (64) 0x91, 0x02, // OUTPUT (Data,Var,Abs) 0xc0 // END_COLLECTION }; static const usb_hid_info_t hid_info = { .iface_num = USB_IFACE_NUM, .ep_in = USB_EP_DIR_IN | 0x01, .ep_out = USB_EP_DIR_OUT | 0x01, .subclass = 0, .protocol = 0, .max_packet_len = sizeof(hid_rx_buffer), .rx_buffer = hid_rx_buffer, .polling_interval = 1, .report_desc_len = sizeof(hid_report_desc), .report_desc = hid_report_desc, }; usb_init(&dev_info); ensure(usb_hid_add(&hid_info), NULL); usb_start(); } bool bootloader_loop(void) { usb_init_all(); display_welcome(); uint8_t buf[USB_PACKET_SIZE]; for (;;) { int r = usb_hid_read_blocking(USB_IFACE_NUM, buf, USB_PACKET_SIZE, 100); if (r != USB_PACKET_SIZE) { continue; } ensure(r == USB_PACKET_SIZE, NULL); uint16_t msg_id; uint32_t msg_size; if (!msg_parse_header(buf, &msg_id, &msg_size)) { // invalid header -> discard continue; } switch (msg_id) { case 0: // Initialize process_msg_Initialize(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); break; case 1: // Ping process_msg_Ping(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); break; case 5: // WipeDevice display_fade(BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, 0, 100); display_clear(); display_header("Wiping Device"); display_footer("In progress ...", COLOR_WHITE); display_fade(0, BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, 100); r = process_msg_WipeDevice(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); if (r < 0) { // error display_error(); return false; // shutdown } else { // success display_done(0); return false; // shutdown } break; case 6: // FirmwareErase display_fade(BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, 0, 100); display_clear(); display_header("Updating Firmware"); display_footer("In progress ...", COLOR_WHITE); display_fade(0, BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, 100); process_msg_FirmwareErase(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); break; case 7: // FirmwareUpload r = process_msg_FirmwareUpload(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); if (r < 0) { // error display_error(); return false; // shutdown } else if (r == 0) { // last chunk received display_done(3); hal_delay(1000); display_done(2); hal_delay(1000); display_done(1); hal_delay(1000); display_fade(BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, 0, 500); return true; // jump to firmware } break; default: process_msg_unknown(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); break; } } } // protection against bootloader downgrade #define BOOTLOADER_VERSION_OTP_BLOCK 1 void check_bootloader_version(void) { uint8_t bits[FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE * 8; i++) { if (i < VERSION_MONOTONIC) { bits[i / 8] &= ~(1 << (7 - (i % 8))); } else { bits[i / 8] |= (1 << (7 - (i % 8))); } } ensure(true == flash_otp_write(BOOTLOADER_VERSION_OTP_BLOCK, 0, bits, FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE), NULL); uint8_t bits2[FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE]; ensure(true == flash_otp_read(BOOTLOADER_VERSION_OTP_BLOCK, 0, bits2, FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE), NULL); ensure(0 == memcmp(bits, bits2, FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE), "Bootloader downgraded"); } int main(void) { #if PRODUCTION check_bootloader_version(); #endif display_orientation(0); touch_init(); // delay to detect touch uint32_t touched = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { touched |= touch_read(); hal_delay(1); } vendor_header vhdr; // start the bootloader if user touched the screen or no firmware installed if (touched || !vendor_parse_header((const uint8_t *)FIRMWARE_START, &vhdr)) { if (!bootloader_loop()) { return 1; } } ensure( vendor_parse_header((const uint8_t *)FIRMWARE_START, &vhdr), "invalid vendor header"); ensure( vendor_check_signature((const uint8_t *)FIRMWARE_START, &vhdr, BOOTLOADER_KEY_M, BOOTLOADER_KEY_N, BOOTLOADER_KEYS), "invalid vendor header signature"); image_header hdr; ensure( image_parse_header((const uint8_t *)(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen), FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAGIC, FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAXSIZE, &hdr), "invalid firmware header"); ensure( image_check_signature((const uint8_t *)(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen), &hdr, vhdr.vsig_m, vhdr.vsig_n, vhdr.vpub), "invalid firmware signature"); display_vendor(vhdr.vimg, (const char *)vhdr.vstr, vhdr.vstr_len, hdr.version); display_fade(0, BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, 1000); if (vhdr.vtrust < 50) { display_text_center(120, 238, "click to continue ...", -1, FONT_BOLD, COLOR_GRAY64, COLOR_BLACK); touch_click(); } else { hal_delay(1000); } display_fade(BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, 0, 500); display_clear(); jump_to(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen + HEADER_SIZE); return 0; }