#!/usr/bin/env bash : "${FORCE_DOCKER_USE:=0}" CORE_DIR="$(SHELL_SESSION_FILE='' && cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )/.." >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" DOCKER_ID="" # Test termination trap terminate_test() { if [ -n "$DOCKER_ID" ]; then docker kill $DOCKER_ID 2>/dev/null >/dev/null; fi } set -e trap terminate_test EXIT export TEST_MIN_HF=13 # No need to test hard fork 12 or lower if [[ "$OSTYPE" != "linux-gnu" && "$OSTYPE" != "darwin"* ]]; then echo "Tests with native Monero app is supported only on Linux and OSX at the moment. Your OS: $OSTYPE" exit 0 fi # When updating URL and sha256sum also update the URL in ci/shell.nix. error=1 : "${TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_URL:=https://github.com/ph4r05/monero/releases/download/v0.18.1.0-dev-tests-u18.04-01/trezor_tests}" : "${TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_SHA256SUM:=7a8bab583d5f2f06f092ea297b1417008f20c1c5ca23c74e0eb11660068dead9}" : "${TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_PATH:=$CORE_DIR/tests/trezor_monero_tests}" : "${TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_LOG:=$CORE_DIR/tests/trezor_monero_tests.log}" : "${TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_CHAIN:=$CORE_DIR/tests/trezor_monero_tests.chain}" if [[ ! -f "$TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_PATH" ]]; then echo "Downloading Trezor monero tests binary ($TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_SHA256SUM) to ${TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_PATH}" wget -O "$TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_PATH" "$TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_URL" \ && chmod +x "$TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_PATH" \ && echo "${TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_SHA256SUM} ${TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_PATH}" | shasum -a 256 -c else echo "Trezor monero binary already present at $TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_PATH - not downloading again." fi echo "Running tests" TIME_TESTS_START=$SECONDS if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" && "$FORCE_DOCKER_USE" != 1 ]]; then "$TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_PATH" --heavy_tests --chain=$TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_CHAIN $@ 2>&1 > "$TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_LOG" error=$? elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* || "$FORCE_DOCKER_USE" == 1 ]]; then DOCKER_ID=$(docker run -idt --mount type=bind,src="$CORE_DIR",dst="$CORE_DIR" -w "$CORE_DIR" --network=host ubuntu:18.04) docker exec $DOCKER_ID apt-get update -qq 2>/dev/null >/dev/null docker exec $DOCKER_ID apt-get install --no-install-recommends --no-upgrade -qq net-tools socat 2>/dev/null >/dev/null docker exec -d $DOCKER_ID socat UDP-LISTEN:21324,reuseaddr,reuseport,fork UDP4-SENDTO:host.docker.internal:21324 docker exec -d $DOCKER_ID socat UDP-LISTEN:21325,reuseaddr,reuseport,fork UDP4-SENDTO:host.docker.internal:21325 docker exec $DOCKER_ID "$TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_PATH" 2>&1 > "$TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_LOG" error=$? else echo "Unsupported OS: $OSTYPE" exit 1 fi TIME_TESTS_ELAPSED=$((SECONDS-TIME_TESTS_START)) if ((error != 0)); then RESULT=FAIL else RESULT=PASS fi echo "[$RESULT] Monero test in $TIME_TESTS_ELAPSED sec. " cat "$TREZOR_MONERO_TESTS_LOG" | grep -v DEBUG | egrep '#TEST#|tests.core\b' | tail -n 50 exit $error