import gc import sys from trezorutils import ( # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa: F401 BITCOIN_ONLY, EMULATOR, GITREV, MODEL, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH, consteq, halt, memcpy, ) DISABLE_ANIMATION = 0 if __debug__: if EMULATOR: import uos DISABLE_ANIMATION = int(uos.getenv("TREZOR_DISABLE_ANIMATION") or "0") LOG_MEMORY = int(uos.getenv("TREZOR_LOG_MEMORY") or "0") else: LOG_MEMORY = 0 if False: from typing import Any, Iterable, Iterator, Protocol, TypeVar, Sequence def unimport_begin() -> Iterable[str]: return set(sys.modules) def unimport_end(mods: Iterable[str]) -> None: for mod in sys.modules: if mod not in mods: # remove reference from sys.modules del sys.modules[mod] # remove reference from the parent module i = mod.rfind(".") if i < 0: continue path = mod[:i] name = mod[i + 1 :] try: delattr(sys.modules[path], name) except KeyError: # either path is not present in sys.modules, or module is not # referenced from the parent package. both is fine. pass # collect removed modules gc.collect() def ensure(cond: bool, msg: str = None) -> None: if not cond: if msg is None: raise AssertionError else: raise AssertionError(msg) if False: Chunkable = TypeVar("Chunkable", str, Sequence[Any]) def chunks(items: Chunkable, size: int) -> Iterator[Chunkable]: for i in range(0, len(items), size): yield items[i : i + size] if False: class HashContext(Protocol): def update(self, buf: bytes) -> None: ... def digest(self) -> bytes: ... class Writer(Protocol): def append(self, b: int) -> None: ... def extend(self, buf: bytes) -> None: ... def write(self, buf: bytes) -> None: ... class HashWriter: def __init__(self, ctx: HashContext) -> None: self.ctx = ctx self.buf = bytearray(1) # used in append() def append(self, b: int) -> None: self.buf[0] = b self.ctx.update(self.buf) def extend(self, buf: bytes) -> None: self.ctx.update(buf) def write(self, buf: bytes) -> None: # alias for extend() self.ctx.update(buf) async def awrite(self, buf: bytes) -> int: # AsyncWriter interface self.ctx.update(buf) return len(buf) def get_digest(self) -> bytes: return self.ctx.digest() def obj_eq(l: object, r: object) -> bool: """ Compares object contents, supports __slots__. """ if l.__class__ is not r.__class__: return False if not hasattr(l, "__slots__"): return l.__dict__ == r.__dict__ if l.__slots__ is not r.__slots__: return False for slot in l.__slots__: if getattr(l, slot, None) != getattr(r, slot, None): return False return True def obj_repr(o: object) -> str: """ Returns a string representation of object, supports __slots__. """ if hasattr(o, "__slots__"): d = {attr: getattr(o, attr, None) for attr in o.__slots__} else: d = o.__dict__ return "<%s: %s>" % (o.__class__.__name__, d) def truncate_utf8(string: str, max_bytes: int) -> str: """Truncate the codepoints of a string so that its UTF-8 encoding is at most `max_bytes` in length.""" data = string.encode() if len(data) <= max_bytes: return string # Find the starting position of the last codepoint in data[0 : max_bytes + 1]. i = max_bytes while i >= 0 and data[i] & 0xC0 == 0x80: i -= 1 return data[:i].decode()