#!/usr/bin/env python3 import click import Pyro4 from trezorlib import cosi, firmware from trezorlib._internal import firmware_headers from typing import List, Tuple Pyro4.config.SERIALIZER = "marshal" PORT = 5001 # =========================== signing ========================= def sign_with_privkeys(digest: bytes, privkeys: List[bytes]) -> bytes: """Locally produce a CoSi signature.""" pubkeys = [cosi.pubkey_from_privkey(sk) for sk in privkeys] nonces = [cosi.get_nonce(sk, digest, i) for i, sk in enumerate(privkeys)] global_pk = cosi.combine_keys(pubkeys) global_R = cosi.combine_keys(R for r, R in nonces) sigs = [ cosi.sign_with_privkey(digest, sk, global_pk, r, global_R) for sk, (r, R) in zip(privkeys, nonces) ] signature = cosi.combine_sig(global_R, sigs) try: cosi.verify_combined(signature, digest, global_pk) except Exception as e: raise click.ClickException(f"Failed to produce valid signature.") from e return signature def parse_privkey_args(privkey_data: List[str]) -> Tuple[int, List[bytes]]: privkeys = [] sigmask = 0 for key in privkey_data: try: idx, key_hex = key.split(":", maxsplit=1) privkeys.append(bytes.fromhex(key_hex)) sigmask |= 1 << (int(idx) - 1) except ValueError: click.echo(f"Could not parse key: {key}") click.echo("Keys must be in the format: :") raise click.ClickException("Unrecognized key format.") return sigmask, privkeys def process_remote_signers(fw, addrs: List[str]) -> Tuple[int, List[bytes]]: if len(addrs) < fw.sigs_required: raise click.ClickException( f"Not enough signers (need at least {fw.sigs_required})" ) digest = fw.digest() name = fw.NAME sigmask = 0 proxies = [] pks, Rs = [], [] for addr in addrs: click.echo(f"Connecting to {addr}...") proxy = Pyro4.Proxy(f"PYRO:keyctl@{addr}:{PORT}") proxies.append((addr, proxy)) pk, R = proxy.get_commit(name, digest) if pk not in fw.public_keys: raise click.ClickException( f"Signer at {addr} commits with unknown public key {pk.hex()}" ) idx = fw.public_keys.index(pk) click.echo(f"Signer at {addr} commits with public key #{idx+1}: {pk.hex()}") sigmask |= 1 << idx pks.append(pk) Rs.append(R) # compute global commit global_pk = cosi.combine_keys(pks) global_R = cosi.combine_keys(Rs) # collect signatures sigs = [] for addr, proxy in proxies: click.echo(f"Waiting for {addr} to sign... ", nl=False) sig = proxy.get_signature(name, digest, global_R, global_pk) sigs.append(sig) click.echo("OK") for _, proxy in proxies: proxy.finish() # compute global signature return sigmask, cosi.combine_sig(global_R, sigs) # ===================== CLI actions ========================= def do_replace_vendorheader(fw, vh_file) -> None: if not isinstance(fw, firmware_headers.FirmwareImage): raise click.ClickException("Invalid image type (must be firmware).") vh = firmware.VendorHeader.parse(vh_file.read()) if vh.header_len != fw.fw.vendor_header.header_len: raise click.ClickException("New vendor header must have the same size.") fw.fw.vendor_header = vh @click.command() @click.option("-n", "--dry-run", is_flag=True, help="Do not save changes.") @click.option("-h", "--rehash", is_flag=True, help="Force recalculate hashes.") @click.option("-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True, help="Show verbose info about headers.") @click.option( "-S", "--sign-private", "privkey_data", metavar="INDEX:PRIVKEY_HEX", multiple=True, help="Private key to use for signing. Can be repeated.", ) @click.option( "-D", "--sign-dev-keys", is_flag=True, help="Sign with development header keys." ) @click.option( "-s", "--signature", "insert_signature", nargs=2, metavar="INDEX:INDEX:INDEX... SIGNATURE_HEX", help="Insert external signature.", ) @click.option("-V", "--replace-vendor-header", type=click.File("rb")) @click.option( "-d", "--digest", "print_digest", is_flag=True, help="Only output header digest for signing and exit.", ) @click.option( "-r", "--remote", metavar="IPADDR", multiple=True, help="IP address of remote signer. Can be repeated.", ) @click.argument("firmware_file", type=click.File("rb+")) def cli( firmware_file, verbose, rehash, dry_run, privkey_data, sign_dev_keys, insert_signature, replace_vendor_header, print_digest, remote, ): """Manage trezor-core firmware headers. This tool supports three types of files: raw vendor headers (TRZV), bootloader images (TRZB), and firmware images which are prefixed with a vendor header (TRZV+TRZF). Run with no options on a file to dump information about that file. Run with -d to print the header digest and exit. This works correctly regardless of whether code hashes have been filled. Run with -h to recalculate and fill in code hashes. To insert an external signature: ./headertool.py firmware.bin -s 1:2:3 ABCDEF<...signature in hex format> The string "1:2:3" is a list of 1-based indexes of keys used to generate the signature. To sign with local private keys: \b ./headertool.py firmware.bin -S 1:ABCDEF<...hex private key> -S 2:1234<..hex private key> Each instance of -S is in the form "index:privkey", where index is the same as above. Instead of specifying the keys manually, use -D to substitue known development keys. Signature validity is not checked in either of the two cases. To sign with remote participants: ./headertool.py firmware.bin -r -r ... Each participant must be running keyctl-proxy configured on the same file. Signers' public keys must be in the list of known signers and are matched to indexes automatically. """ firmware_data = firmware_file.read() try: fw = firmware_headers.parse_image(firmware_data) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() magic = firmware_data[:4] raise click.ClickException( f"Could not parse file (magic bytes: {magic!r})" ) from e digest = fw.digest() if print_digest: click.echo(digest.hex()) return if replace_vendor_header: do_replace_vendorheader(fw, replace_vendor_header) if rehash: fw.rehash() if sign_dev_keys: privkeys = fw.DEV_KEYS sigmask = fw.DEV_KEY_SIGMASK else: sigmask, privkeys = parse_privkey_args(privkey_data) signature = None if privkeys: click.echo("Signing with local private keys...", err=True) signature = sign_with_privkeys(digest, privkeys) if insert_signature: click.echo("Inserting external signature...", err=True) sigmask_str, signature = insert_signature signature = bytes.fromhex(signature) sigmask = 0 for bit in sigmask_str.split(":"): sigmask |= 1 << (int(bit) - 1) if remote: click.echo(fw.format()) click.echo(f"Signing with {len(remote)} remote participants.") sigmask, signature = process_remote_signers(fw, remote) if signature: fw.rehash() fw.insert_signature(signature, sigmask) click.echo(fw.format(verbose)) updated_data = fw.dump() if updated_data == firmware_data: click.echo("No changes made", err=True) elif dry_run: click.echo("Not saving changes", err=True) else: firmware_file.seek(0) firmware_file.truncate(0) firmware_file.write(updated_data) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()