// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd // Basic U2F HID framing compliance test. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "u2f_util.h" using namespace std; int arg_Verbose = 0; // default bool arg_Pause = false; // default bool arg_Abort = true; // default static void checkPause() { if (arg_Pause) { printf("\nPress any key to continue.."); getchar(); printf("\n"); } } static void AbortOrNot() { checkPause(); if (arg_Abort) abort(); cerr << "(continuing -a)" << endl; } struct U2Fob* device; #define SEND(f) CHECK_EQ(0, U2Fob_sendHidFrame(device, &f)) #define RECV(f, t) CHECK_EQ(0, U2Fob_receiveHidFrame(device, &f, t)) // Initialize a frame with |len| random payload, or data. void initFrame(U2FHID_FRAME* f, uint32_t cid, uint8_t cmd, size_t len, const void* data = NULL) { memset(f, 0, sizeof(U2FHID_FRAME)); f->cid = cid; f->init.cmd = cmd | TYPE_INIT; f->init.bcnth = (uint8_t) (len >> 8); f->init.bcntl = (uint8_t) len; for (size_t i = 0; i < min(len, sizeof(f->init.data)); ++i) { f->init.data[i] = data ? ((const uint8_t*)data)[i] : (rand() & 255); } } // Initialize a continue frame void contFrame(U2FHID_FRAME* f, uint32_t cid, uint8_t seqno, uint8_t val) { memset(f, val, sizeof(U2FHID_FRAME)); f->cid = cid; f->cont.seq = seqno & ~TYPE_INIT; } // Return true if frame r is error frame for expected error. bool isError(const U2FHID_FRAME r, int error) { return r.init.cmd == U2FHID_ERROR && MSG_LEN(r) == 1 && r.init.data[0] == error; } // Test basic INIT. // Returns basic capabilities field. uint8_t test_BasicInit() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_INIT, INIT_NONCE_SIZE); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(r.init.cmd, U2FHID_INIT); CHECK_EQ(MSG_LEN(r), sizeof(U2FHID_INIT_RESP)); CHECK_EQ(memcmp(&f.init.data[0], &r.init.data[0], INIT_NONCE_SIZE), 0); CHECK_EQ(r.init.data[12], U2FHID_IF_VERSION); return r.init.data[16]; } // Test we have a working (single frame) echo. void test_Echo() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; uint64_t t = 0; U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_PING, 8); U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); // Expect echo somewhat quickly. CHECK_LT(U2Fob_deltaTime(&t), .1); // Check echoed content matches. CHECK_EQ(U2FHID_PING, r.init.cmd); CHECK_EQ(MSG_LEN(f), MSG_LEN(r)); CHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(f.init.data, r.init.data, MSG_LEN(f))); } // Test we can echo message larger than a single frame. void test_LongEcho() { const size_t TESTSIZE = 1024; uint8_t challenge[TESTSIZE]; uint8_t response[TESTSIZE]; uint8_t cmd = U2FHID_PING; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(challenge); ++i) challenge[i] = rand(); uint64_t t = 0; U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); CHECK_EQ(0, U2Fob_send(device, cmd, challenge, sizeof(challenge))); float sent = U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); CHECK_EQ(sizeof(response), U2Fob_recv(device, &cmd, response, sizeof(response), 2.0)); float received = U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); CHECK_EQ(cmd, U2FHID_PING); CHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(challenge, response, sizeof(challenge))); INFO << "sent: " << sent << ", received: " << received; // Expected transfer times for 2ms bInterval. // We do not want fobs to be too slow or too agressive. if (device->dev != NULL) { // CHECK_GE(sent, .020); CHECK_LE(sent, .075); // CHECK_GE(received, .020); CHECK_LE(received, .075); } } // Execute WINK, if implemented. // Visually inspect fob for compliance. void test_OptionalWink() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; uint8_t caps = test_BasicInit(); initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_WINK, 0); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); if (caps & CAPFLAG_WINK) { CHECK_EQ(f.init.cmd, r.init.cmd); CHECK_EQ(MSG_LEN(r), 0); } else { CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_INVALID_CMD), true); } } // Test max data size limit enforcement. // We try echo 7610 bytes. // Device should pre-empt communications with error reply. void test_Limits() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; uint64_t t = 0; U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_PING, 7610); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_INVALID_LEN), true); } // Check there are no frames pending for this cid. // Poll for a frame with short timeout. // Make sure none got received and timeout time passed. void test_Idle(float timeOut = .3) { U2FHID_FRAME r; uint64_t t = 0; U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); CHECK_EQ(-ERR_MSG_TIMEOUT, U2Fob_receiveHidFrame(device, &r, timeOut)); CHECK_GE(U2Fob_deltaTime(&t), .2); CHECK_LE(U2Fob_deltaTime(&t), .5); } // Check we get a timeout error frame if not sending TYPE_CONT frames // for a message that spans multiple frames. // Device should timeout at ~.5 seconds. void test_Timeout() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; float measuredTimeout; uint64_t t = 0; U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_PING, 99); U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_MSG_TIMEOUT), true); measuredTimeout = U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); CHECK_GE(measuredTimeout, .4); // needs to be at least 0.4 seconds CHECK_LE(measuredTimeout, 1.0); // but at most 1.0 seconds } // Test LOCK functionality, if implemented. void test_Lock() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; uint64_t t = 0; U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); uint8_t caps = test_BasicInit(); // Check whether lock is supported using an unlock command. initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_LOCK, 1, "\x00"); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); if (!(caps & CAPFLAG_LOCK)) { // Make sure CAPFLAG reflects behavior. CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_INVALID_CMD), true); return; } // Lock channel for 3 seconds. initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_LOCK, 1, "\x03"); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(f.init.cmd, r.init.cmd); CHECK_EQ(0, MSG_LEN(r)); // Rattle lock, checking for BUSY. int count = 0; do { // The requested channel timeout (3 seconds) resets // after every message, so we only send a couple of // messages down the channel in this loop. Otherwise // the lock would never expire. if (++count < 2) test_Echo(); usleep(100000); initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device) ^ 1, U2FHID_PING, 1); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); if (r.init.cmd == U2FHID_ERROR) { // We only expect BUSY here. CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY), true); } } while (r.init.cmd == U2FHID_ERROR); CHECK_GE(U2Fob_deltaTime(&t), 2.5); } // Check we get abort if we send TYPE_INIT when TYPE_CONT is expected. void test_NotCont() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; uint64_t t = 0; U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_PING, 99); // Note 99 > frame. SEND(f); SEND(f); // Send frame again, i.e. another TYPE_INIT frame. RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_LT(U2Fob_deltaTime(&t), .1); // Expect fail reply quickly. CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_INVALID_SEQ), true); // Check there are no further messages. CHECK_EQ(-ERR_MSG_TIMEOUT, U2Fob_receiveHidFrame(device, &r, 0.6f)); } // Check we get a error when sending wrong sequence in continuation frame. void test_WrongSeq() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; uint64_t t = 0; U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_PING, 99); SEND(f); f.cont.seq = 1 | TYPE_CONT; // Send wrong SEQ, 0 is expected. SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_LT(U2Fob_deltaTime(&t), .1); // Expect fail reply quickly. CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_INVALID_SEQ), true); // Check there are no further messages. CHECK_EQ(-ERR_MSG_TIMEOUT, U2Fob_receiveHidFrame(device, &r, 0.6f)); } // Check we hear nothing if we send a random CONT frame. void test_NotFirst() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_PING, 8); f.cont.seq = 0 | TYPE_CONT; // Make continuation packet. SEND(f); CHECK_EQ(-ERR_MSG_TIMEOUT, U2Fob_receiveHidFrame(device, &r, 1.0)); } // Check we get a BUSY if device is waiting for CONT on other channel. void test_Busy() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; uint64_t t = 0; U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_PING, 99); SEND(f); f.cid ^= 1; // Flip channel. SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_LT(U2Fob_deltaTime(&t), .1); // Expect busy reply quickly. CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY), true); f.cid ^= 1; // Flip back. RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_MSG_TIMEOUT), true); CHECK_GE(U2Fob_deltaTime(&t), .45); // Expect T/O msg only after timeout. } // Check that fob ignores CONT frame for different cid. void test_Interleave() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; uint64_t t = 0; U2Fob_deltaTime(&t); uint32_t cid0 = U2Fob_getCid(device); uint32_t cid1 = U2Fob_getCid(device) ^ 1; uint8_t expected; // Start a 2 frame request on cid 0 initFrame(&f, cid0, U2FHID_PING, sizeof(f.cont.data) + sizeof(f.init.data)); expected = f.init.data[0]; SEND(f); // Interleave a 2 frame request on cid 1 initFrame(&f, cid1, U2FHID_PING, sizeof(f.cont.data) + sizeof(f.init.data)); SEND(f); contFrame(&f, cid1, 0, expected ^ 1); SEND(f); // Then send 2nd frame on cid 0 contFrame(&f, cid0, 0, expected); SEND(f); // Expect CHANNEL_BUSY for cid 1 RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(r.cid, cid1); CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_CHANNEL_BUSY), true); // Expect correct 2 frame reply for cid 0 RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(r.cid, cid0); CHECK_EQ(r.init.data[0], expected); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(r.cid, cid0); CHECK_EQ(r.cont.data[1], expected); // Expect nothing left to receive CHECK_EQ(-ERR_MSG_TIMEOUT, U2Fob_receiveHidFrame(device, &r, .5)); } // Test INIT self aborts wait for CONT frame void test_InitSelfAborts() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_PING, 99); SEND(f); initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_INIT, INIT_NONCE_SIZE); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(r.init.cmd, U2FHID_INIT); CHECK_GE(MSG_LEN(r), MSG_LEN(f)); CHECK_EQ(memcmp(&f.init.data[0], &r.init.data[0], INIT_NONCE_SIZE), 0); test_NotFirst(); } // Test INIT other does not abort wait for CONT. void test_InitOther() { U2FHID_FRAME f, f2, r; initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_PING, 99); SEND(f); initFrame(&f2, U2Fob_getCid(device) ^ 1, U2FHID_INIT, INIT_NONCE_SIZE); SEND(f2); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f2.cid, r.cid); // Expect sync reply for requester CHECK_EQ(r.init.cmd, U2FHID_INIT); CHECK_GE(MSG_LEN(r), MSG_LEN(f2)); CHECK_EQ(memcmp(&f2.init.data[0], &r.init.data[0], INIT_NONCE_SIZE), 0); // Expect error frame after timeout on first channel. RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_MSG_TIMEOUT), true); } void wait_Idle() { U2FHID_FRAME r; while (-ERR_MSG_TIMEOUT != U2Fob_receiveHidFrame(device, &r, .2f)) { } } void test_LeadingZero() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; initFrame(&f, 0x100, U2FHID_PING, 10); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(r.cid, f.cid); CHECK_EQ(r.init.cmd, U2FHID_PING); CHECK_EQ(MSG_LEN(f), MSG_LEN(r)); } void test_InitOnNonBroadcastEchoesCID() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; size_t cs = INIT_NONCE_SIZE; initFrame(&f, 0xdeadbeef, U2FHID_INIT, cs); // Use non-broadcast cid SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(r.cid, f.cid); CHECK_EQ(r.init.cmd, U2FHID_INIT); CHECK_EQ(MSG_LEN(r), sizeof(U2FHID_INIT_RESP)); CHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(f.init.data, r.init.data, cs)); uint32_t cid = (r.init.data[cs + 0] << 24) | (r.init.data[cs + 1] << 16) | (r.init.data[cs + 2] << 8) | (r.init.data[cs + 3] << 0); CHECK_EQ(cid, 0xdeadbeef); } uint32_t test_Init(bool check = true) { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; size_t cs = INIT_NONCE_SIZE; initFrame(&f, -1, U2FHID_INIT, cs); // -1 is broadcast channel SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(r.cid, f.cid); // expect init reply CHECK_EQ(r.init.cmd, U2FHID_INIT); CHECK_EQ(MSG_LEN(r), sizeof(U2FHID_INIT_RESP)); // Check echo of challenge CHECK_EQ(0, memcmp(f.init.data, r.init.data, cs)); uint32_t cid = (r.init.data[cs + 0] << 0) | (r.init.data[cs + 1] << 8) | (r.init.data[cs + 2] << 16) | (r.init.data[cs + 3] << 24); if (check) { // Check that another INIT yields a distinct cid. CHECK_NE(test_Init(false), cid); } return cid; } void test_InitUnderLock() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; uint8_t caps = test_BasicInit(); // Check whether lock is supported, using an unlock command. initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_LOCK, 1, "\x00"); // unlock SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); if (!(caps & CAPFLAG_LOCK)) { // Make sure CAPFLAG reflects behavior. CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_INVALID_CMD), true); return; } initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_LOCK, 1, "\x03"); // 3 seconds SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(f.init.cmd, r.init.cmd); CHECK_EQ(0, MSG_LEN(r)); // We have a lock. CMD_INIT should work whilst another holds lock. test_Init(false); test_InitOnNonBroadcastEchoesCID(); // Unlock. initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), U2FHID_LOCK, 1, "\x00"); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(f.init.cmd, r.init.cmd); CHECK_EQ(0, MSG_LEN(r)); } void test_Unknown(uint8_t cmd) { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; initFrame(&f, U2Fob_getCid(device), cmd, 0); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_INVALID_CMD), true); } void test_OnlyInitOnBroadcast() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; initFrame(&f, -1, U2FHID_PING, INIT_NONCE_SIZE); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_INVALID_CID), true); } void test_NothingOnChannel0() { U2FHID_FRAME f, r; initFrame(&f, 0, U2FHID_INIT, INIT_NONCE_SIZE); SEND(f); RECV(r, 1.0); CHECK_EQ(f.cid, r.cid); CHECK_EQ(isError(r, ERR_INVALID_CID), true); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [-a] [-v] [-V] [-p]" << endl; return -1; } device = U2Fob_create(); char* arg_DeviceName = argv[1]; while (--argc > 1) { if (!strncmp(argv[argc], "-v", 2)) { // INFO only arg_Verbose |= 1; } if (!strncmp(argv[argc], "-V", 2)) { // All logging arg_Verbose |= 2; U2Fob_setLog(device, stdout, -1); } if (!strncmp(argv[argc], "-a", 2)) { // Don't abort, try continue; arg_Abort = false; } if (!strncmp(argv[argc], "-p", 2)) { // Pause at abort arg_Pause = true; } } srand((unsigned int) time(NULL)); // Start of tests // CHECK_EQ(U2Fob_open(device, arg_DeviceName), 0); PASS(test_Idle()); PASS(test_Init()); // Now that we have INIT, get a proper cid for device. CHECK_EQ(U2Fob_init(device), 0); PASS(test_BasicInit()); PASS(test_Unknown(U2FHID_SYNC)); PASS(test_InitOnNonBroadcastEchoesCID()); PASS(test_InitUnderLock()); PASS(test_InitSelfAborts()); // PASS(test_InitOther()); PASS(test_OptionalWink()); PASS(test_Lock()); PASS(test_Echo()); PASS(test_LongEcho()); // PASS(test_Timeout()); PASS(test_WrongSeq()); PASS(test_NotCont()); PASS(test_NotFirst()); // PASS(test_Limits()); // PASS(test_Busy()); // PASS(test_Interleave()); PASS(test_LeadingZero()); PASS(test_Idle(2.0)); PASS(test_NothingOnChannel0()); // PASS(test_OnlyInitOnBroadcast()); U2Fob_destroy(device); return 0; }