use crate::ui::{ component::{Component, ComponentExt, Event, EventCtx, Pad}, display::{self, Color}, geometry::Rect, }; pub struct Maybe { inner: T, pad: Pad, visible: bool, } impl Maybe { pub fn new(pad: Pad, inner: T, visible: bool) -> Self { Self { inner, visible, pad, } } pub fn visible(clear: Color, inner: T) -> Self { Self::new(Pad::with_background(clear), inner, true) } pub fn hidden(clear: Color, inner: T) -> Self { Self::new(Pad::with_background(clear), inner, false) } } impl Maybe where T: Component, { pub fn show_if(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, show: bool) { if self.visible != show { self.visible = show; // Invalidate the pad, so either we prepare a fresh canvas for the content, or // paint over it. self.pad.clear(); if show { // Make sure the whole inner tree is painted. self.inner.request_complete_repaint(ctx); } else { // Just make sure out `paint` method is called, to clear the pad. ctx.request_paint(); } } } pub fn show(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.show_if(ctx, true) } pub fn hide(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx) { self.show_if(ctx, false) } pub fn inner(&self) -> &T { &self.inner } pub fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { &mut self.inner } } impl Component for Maybe where T: Component, { type Msg = T::Msg; fn place(&mut self, bounds: Rect) -> Rect { let area =;; area } fn event(&mut self, ctx: &mut EventCtx, event: Event) -> Option { if self.visible { self.inner.event(ctx, event) } else { None } } fn paint(&mut self) { self.pad.paint(); if self.visible { self.inner.paint(); } } fn bounds(&self, sink: &mut dyn FnMut(Rect)) { sink(self.pad.area); self.inner.bounds(sink); } } pub trait PaintOverlapping { /// Return area that would be cleared during regular paint, along with /// background color, or None if clearing isn't requested. fn cleared_area(&self) -> Option<(Rect, Color)>; /// Paint the component but do not clear background beforehand. fn paint_overlapping(&mut self); } impl PaintOverlapping for Maybe where T: Component, { fn cleared_area(&self) -> Option<(Rect, Color)> { self.pad.will_paint() } fn paint_overlapping(&mut self) { self.pad.cancel_clear(); self.paint() } } /// Paint multiple Maybe components, correctly handling clearing of /// background in the case the areas overlap, i.e. clear the combined area first /// and then paint over it. pub fn paint_overlapping(components: &mut [&mut dyn PaintOverlapping]) { let mut area = Rect::zero(); let mut color = Color::rgb(0, 0, 0); for component in components.iter() { if let Some((clear_area, clear_color)) = component.cleared_area() { area = area.union(clear_area); color = clear_color; } } if area != Rect::zero() { display::rect_fill(area, color) } for component in components.iter_mut() { component.paint_overlapping() } }