#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Fetch market capitalization data.""" import json import os import time import requests COINMAKETCAP_CACHE = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "coinmarketcap.json") COINMARKETCAP_API_BASE = "https://pro-api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/" COINS_SEARCHABLE = {} def call(endpoint, api_key, params=None): url = COINMARKETCAP_API_BASE + endpoint r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers={"X-CMC_PRO_API_KEY": api_key}) r.raise_for_status() return r.json() def init(api_key, refresh=None): global COINS_SEARCHABLE force_refresh = refresh is True disable_refresh = refresh is False try: try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(COINMAKETCAP_CACHE) except FileNotFoundError: mtime = 0 cache_is_fresh = mtime > time.time() - 3600 if disable_refresh or (cache_is_fresh and not force_refresh): print("Using cached market cap data") with open(COINMAKETCAP_CACHE) as f: coinmarketcap_data = json.load(f) else: print("Fetching market cap data") coinmarketcap_data = call( "cryptocurrency/listings/latest", api_key, params={"limit": 5000, "convert": "USD"}, ) by_id = {str(coin["id"]): coin for coin in coinmarketcap_data["data"]} all_ids = list(by_id.keys()) while all_ids: first_100 = all_ids[:100] all_ids = all_ids[100:] time.sleep(2.2) print("Fetching metadata, {} coins remaining...".format(len(all_ids))) metadata = call( "cryptocurrency/info", api_key, params={"id": ",".join(first_100)} ) for coin_id, meta in metadata["data"].items(): by_id[coin_id]["meta"] = meta with open(COINMAKETCAP_CACHE, "w") as f: json.dump(coinmarketcap_data, f) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("market cap data unavailable") from e data_searchable = {} for coin in coinmarketcap_data["data"]: slug = coin["slug"] symbol = coin["symbol"] platform = coin["meta"]["platform"] data_searchable[slug] = data_searchable[symbol] = coin if platform is not None and platform["name"] == "Ethereum": address = platform["token_address"].lower() data_searchable[address] = coin for explorer in coin["meta"]["urls"]["explorer"]: # some tokens exist in multiple places, such as BNB and ETH # then the "platform" field might list the wrong thing # to be sure, walk the list of explorers and look for etherscan.io if explorer.startswith("https://etherscan.io/token/"): address = explorer.rsplit("/", 1)[-1].lower() data_searchable[address] = coin COINS_SEARCHABLE = data_searchable def get_coin(coin): if coin["type"] == "erc20": address = coin["address"].lower() return COINS_SEARCHABLE.get(address) data = None if "coinmarketcap_alias" in coin: data = COINS_SEARCHABLE.get(coin["coinmarketcap_alias"]) if data is None: slug = coin["name"].replace(" ", "-").lower() data = COINS_SEARCHABLE.get(slug) if data is None: data = COINS_SEARCHABLE.get(coin["shortcut"].lower()) return data def marketcap(coin): data = get_coin(coin) if data is None: return None return int(data["quote"]["USD"]["market_cap"]) def fiat_price(coin_symbol): data = COINS_SEARCHABLE.get(coin_symbol) if data is None: return None return data["quote"]["USD"]["price"]