#include <trezor_rtl.h> #include <rtl/cli.h> #include <rtl/mini_printf.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdarg.h> #define ESC_COLOR_GREEN "\e[32m" #define ESC_COLOR_RED "\e[31m" #define ESC_COLOR_GRAY "\e[37m" #define ESC_COLOR_RESET "\e[39m" bool cli_init(cli_t* cli, cli_read_cb_t read, cli_write_cb_t write, void* callback_context) { memset(cli, 0, sizeof(cli_t)); cli->read = read; cli->write = write; cli->callback_context = callback_context; return true; } void cli_set_commands(cli_t* cli, const cli_command_t* cmd_array, size_t cmd_count) { cli->cmd_array = cmd_array; cli->cmd_count = cmd_count; } static void cli_vprintf(cli_t* cli, const char* format, va_list args) { char buffer[CLI_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE]; mini_vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), format, args); cli->write(cli->callback_context, buffer, strlen(buffer)); } static void cli_printf(cli_t* cli, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); cli_vprintf(cli, format, args); va_end(args); } void cli_vtrace(cli_t* cli, const char* format, va_list args) { if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, ESC_COLOR_GRAY); } cli_printf(cli, "#"); if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, ESC_COLOR_RESET); } if (format != NULL && format[0] != '\0') { // Print the formatted message cli_printf(cli, " "); cli_vprintf(cli, format, args); } cli_printf(cli, "\r\n"); } void cli_trace(cli_t* cli, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); cli_vtrace(cli, format, args); va_end(args); } void cli_ok(cli_t* cli, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, ESC_COLOR_GREEN); } cli_printf(cli, "OK"); if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, ESC_COLOR_RESET); } if (format != NULL && format[0] != '\0') { // Print the formatted message cli_printf(cli, " "); va_start(args, format); cli_vprintf(cli, format, args); va_end(args); } cli_printf(cli, "\r\n"); cli->final_status = true; } // Write OK response with hex-encoded data void cli_ok_hexdata(cli_t* cli, const void* data, size_t size) { if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, ESC_COLOR_GREEN); } cli_printf(cli, "OK"); if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, ESC_COLOR_RESET); } if (size > 0) { cli_printf(cli, " "); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { cli_printf(cli, "%02X", ((uint8_t*)data)[i]); } } cli_printf(cli, "\r\n"); cli->final_status = true; } static void cli_verror(cli_t* cli, const char* code, const char* format, va_list args) { if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, ESC_COLOR_RED); } cli_printf(cli, "ERROR"); if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, ESC_COLOR_RESET); } cli_printf(cli, " %s", code); if (format != NULL && format[0] != '\0') { cli_printf(cli, " \""); // Print the formatted message cli_vprintf(cli, format, args); cli_printf(cli, "\""); } cli_printf(cli, "\r\n"); cli->final_status = true; } void cli_error(cli_t* cli, const char* code, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); cli_verror(cli, code, format, args); va_end(args); } void cli_error_arg(cli_t* cli, const char* format, ...) { if (cli->interactive && cli->current_cmd != NULL) { const cli_command_t* cmd = cli->current_cmd; if (cmd->args != NULL) { cli_trace(cli, "USAGE: %s %s", cmd->name, cmd->args); } else { cli_trace(cli, "USAGE: %s", cmd->name); } } va_list args; va_start(args, format); cli_verror(cli, CLI_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, format, args); va_end(args); } void cli_error_arg_count(cli_t* cli) { cli_error_arg(cli, "Unexpected trailing input."); } void cli_progress(cli_t* cli, const char* format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); cli_printf(cli, "PROGRESS"); if (format != NULL && format[0] != '\0') { cli_printf(cli, " "); // Print the formatted message cli_vprintf(cli, format, args); } cli_printf(cli, "\r\n"); va_end(args); } void cli_abort(cli_t* cli) { cli->aborted = true; } bool cli_aborted(cli_t* cli) { return cli->aborted; } // Finds a command record by name // // Returns NULL if the command is not found static const cli_command_t* cli_find_command(cli_t* cli, const char* cmd) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cli->cmd_count; i++) { if (strcmp(cmd, cli->cmd_array[i].name) == 0) { return &cli->cmd_array[i]; } } return NULL; } #define INDEX_ADD(index, offset) \ (((index) + CLI_HISTORY_DEPTH + (offset)) % CLI_HISTORY_DEPTH) static void cli_history_add(cli_t* cli, const char* line) { size_t line_len = strlen(line); if (line_len == 0 || line_len >= CLI_HISTORY_LINE_SIZE) { // Skip empty or too long lines return; } for (int i = 0; i < CLI_HISTORY_DEPTH; i++) { if (strcmp(cli->history[i], line) == 0) { // Duplicate line => Move it to the top for (; i != INDEX_ADD(cli->history_head, -1); i = INDEX_ADD(i, 1)) { strcpy(cli->history[i], cli->history[INDEX_ADD(i, 1)]); } strcpy(cli->history[i], line); return; } } // Add the new line to the history strcpy(cli->history[cli->history_head], line); cli->history_head = (cli->history_head + 1) % CLI_HISTORY_DEPTH; } // Searches the history for the previous command that starts with the prefix // provided in the `line` buffer. // // `idx` is the index of the current command in the history // // Returns NULL if there are no more commands static const char* cli_history_rev(cli_t* cli, int* idx, char* line, int prefix) { for (int i = *idx + 1; i <= CLI_HISTORY_DEPTH; i++) { const char* hist_line = cli->history[INDEX_ADD(cli->history_head, -i)]; if (*hist_line == '\0') break; if (strlen(hist_line) >= prefix && strncmp(hist_line, line, prefix) == 0) { *idx = i; return hist_line; } } return NULL; } // Searches the history for the next command that starts with the prefix // provided in the `line` buffer. // // `idx` is the index of the current command in the history // // Returns NULL if there are no more commands static const char* cli_history_fwd(cli_t* cli, int* idx, char* line, int prefix) { for (int i = *idx - 1; i > 0; i--) { const char* hist_line = cli->history[INDEX_ADD(cli->history_head, -i)]; if (strlen(hist_line) >= prefix && strncmp(hist_line, line, prefix) == 0) { *idx = i; return hist_line; } } *idx = 0; return NULL; } #define ESC_SEQ(ch) (0x200 + (ch)) // Reads a character from the console input and return it. // Comple escape sequences translates into ESC_SEQ values // - ESC[<letter> => ESC_SEQ(letter), e.g. ESC[A => ESC_SEQ('A') // - ESC[<number>~ => ESC_SEQ(number) , e.g. ESC[3~ => ESC_SEQ(3) static int cli_readch(cli_t* cli) { int esc_len = 0; // >0 if we are in the middle of an escape sequence int esc_code = 0; // numeric code of the escape sequence for (;;) { char ch; cli->read(cli->callback_context, &ch, 1); if (ch == '\e') { // Escape sequence start esc_len = 1; } else if (esc_len == 1) { if (ch == '\e') { return 'e'; } else if (ch == '[') { // Control sequence introducer esc_len = 2; esc_code = 0; } else { esc_len = 0; } } else if (esc_len == 2 && ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { // XTERM sequences - ESC[<letter> return ESC_SEQ(ch); } else if (esc_len >= 2 && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { // VT sequences - ESC[<number>~ esc_code = esc_code * 10 + (ch - '0'); esc_len++; } else if (esc_len >= 3 && ch == '~') { // End of VT sequence return ESC_SEQ(esc_code); } else if (esc_len >= 3) { // Invalid VT sequence esc_len = 0; } else { // Non-escape character return ch; } } } // Finds the next character that can be used for autocomplete. // Returns '\0' if there are no more characters. static char cli_autocomplete(cli_t* cli, const char* prefix) { char next_char = '\0'; size_t prefix_len = strlen(prefix); for (size_t i = 0; i < cli->cmd_count; i++) { const char* cmd = cli->cmd_array[i].name; if (cstr_starts_with(cmd, prefix)) { char ch = cmd[prefix_len]; if (next_char == '\0') { next_char = ch; } else if (ch != next_char) { return '\0'; } } } return next_char; } // Reads a line from the console input and stores it in the `cli->line` buffer // // Returns false if the input line is too long static bool cli_readln(cli_t* cli) { char* buf = cli->line_buffer; int len = 0; // number of characters in the buffer (excluding '\0') int cursor = 0; // cursor position in the buffer int hist_idx = 0; int hist_prefix = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; for (;;) { int ch = cli_readch(cli); switch (ch) { case ESC_SEQ('A'): // ESC[A // Up arrow - search history backwards if (hist_idx == 0) { hist_prefix = len; } const char* hist_line = cli_history_rev(cli, &hist_idx, buf, hist_prefix); if (hist_line != NULL) { if (cursor > 0) { // Move the cursor to the beginning of the line cli_printf(cli, "\e[%dD", cursor); } // Replace original text strcpy(buf, hist_line); len = cursor = strlen(buf); cli_printf(cli, "%s\e[K", buf); } continue; case ESC_SEQ('B'): // ESC[B // Down arrow - search history forwards if (hist_idx > 0) { const char* hist_line = cli_history_fwd(cli, &hist_idx, buf, hist_prefix); if (hist_line != NULL) { if (cursor > 0) { // Move the cursor to the beginning of the line cli_printf(cli, "\e[%dD", cursor); } // Replace original text strcpy(buf, hist_line); len = cursor = strlen(buf); cli_printf(cli, "%s\e[K", buf); } else { if (cursor > hist_prefix) { cli_printf(cli, "\e[%dD", cursor - hist_prefix); } cli_printf(cli, "\e[K"); len = cursor = hist_prefix; buf[len] = '\0'; } } continue; } // Reset the history index, if the user types something else hist_idx = 0; switch (ch) { case ESC_SEQ('C'): // ESC[C // Right arrow if (cursor < len) { if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, "\e[C"); } cursor++; } break; case ESC_SEQ('D'): // ESC[D // Left arrow if (cursor > 0) { if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, "\e[D"); } cursor--; } break; case '\b': case 0x7F: // backspace => delete last character if (cursor == 0) break; if (cli->interactive) { // Move the cursor left cli_printf(cli, "\e[D"); } --cursor; // do not break, fall through case ESC_SEQ(3): // ESC[3~ // Delete if (cursor < len) { // Delete the character at the cursor memmove(&buf[cursor], &buf[cursor + 1], len - cursor); --len; if (cli->interactive) { // Print the rest of the line and move the cursor back cli_printf(cli, "%s \b", &buf[cursor]); if (cursor < len) { cli_printf(cli, "\e[%dD", len - cursor); } } } break; case '\r': case '\n': // end of line if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, "\r\n"); } return len < CLI_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE; case '\t': // tab => autocomplete if (cli->interactive && len == cursor) { char ch; while ((ch = cli_autocomplete(cli, buf)) != '\0') { if (len < CLI_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) { cli_printf(cli, "%c", ch); buf[len++] = ch; buf[len] = '\0'; cursor++; } } } break; default: if (ch >= 0x20 && ch <= 0x7E) { // Printable character if (len < CLI_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) { // Insert the character at the cursor ++len; memmove(&buf[cursor + 1], &buf[cursor], len - cursor); buf[cursor] = ch; // Print new character and the rest of the line if (cli->interactive) { cli_printf(cli, "%s", &buf[cursor]); } ++cursor; if (cli->interactive && cursor < len) { // Move the cursor back cli_printf(cli, "\e[%dD", len - cursor); } } } } } } // Splits the command line into arguments // Returns false if there are too many arguments static const char* cstr_token(char** str) { char* p = *str; // Skip leading whitespace p = (char*)cstr_skip_whitespace(p); // Start of token const char* token = p; // Find the end of the token while (*p != '\0' && !isspace((unsigned char)*p)) { ++p; } // Terminate the token if (*p != '\0') { *p++ = '\0'; } *str = p; return token; } static bool cli_split_args(cli_t* cli) { char* buf = cli->line_buffer; cli->cmd_name = cstr_token(&buf); cli->args_count = 0; while (*buf != '\0' && cli->args_count < CLI_MAX_ARGS) { const char* arg = cstr_token(&buf); if (*arg != '\0') { cli->args[cli->args_count++] = arg; } } return *cstr_skip_whitespace(buf) == '\0'; } void cli_run_loop(cli_t* cli) { while (true) { if (cli->interactive) { if (cli->final_status) { // Finalize the last command with an empty line cli_printf(cli, "\r\n"); } // Print the prompt cli_printf(cli, "> "); } cli->final_status = false; cli->aborted = false; // Read the next line if (!cli_readln(cli)) { cli_error(cli, CLI_ERROR_FATAL, "Input line too long."); continue; } cli_history_add(cli, cli->line_buffer); // Split command line into arguments if (!cli_split_args(cli)) { cli_error(cli, CLI_ERROR_FATAL, "Too many arguments."); continue; } // Empty line? if (*cli->cmd_name == '\0') { // Switch to interactive mode if two empty lines are entered if (++cli->empty_lines >= 2 && !cli->interactive) { cli->interactive = true; // Print the welcome message const cli_command_t* cmd = cli_find_command(cli, "$intro"); if (cmd != NULL) { cmd->func(cli); } } continue; } cli->empty_lines = 0; // Quit interactive mode on `.+ENTER` if ((strcmp(cli->cmd_name, ".") == 0)) { if (cli->interactive) { cli->interactive = false; cli_trace(cli, "Exiting interactive mode..."); } continue; } // Find the command handler cli->current_cmd = cli_find_command(cli, cli->cmd_name); if (cli->current_cmd == NULL) { cli_error(cli, CLI_ERROR_INVALID_CMD, "Invalid command '%s', try 'help'.", cli->cmd_name); continue; } // Call the command handler cli->current_cmd->func(cli); if (!cli->final_status) { // Command handler hasn't send final status if (cli->aborted) { cli_error(cli, CLI_ERROR_ABORT, ""); } else { cli_error(cli, CLI_ERROR_FATAL, "Command handler didn't finish properly."); } } } } // Return position of the argument with the given name in // the command definition. // // Returns -1 if the argument is not present. static int find_arg(const cli_command_t* cmd, const char* name) { if (cmd->args == NULL) { return -1; } const char* p = cmd->args; int index = 0; while (*p != '\0') { // Skip '<' or '[>' while (*p != '\0' && (*p == ' ' || *p == '<' || *p == '[')) { p++; } // Extract argument name const char* s = p; while (*p != '\0' && (*p != '>' && *p != ']')) { p++; } if (strlen(name) == (p - s) && strncmp(s, name, p - s) == 0) { return index; } // Skip ']' or '>' while (*p != '\0' && (*p == ']' || *p == '>')) { p++; } index++; } return -1; } size_t cli_arg_count(cli_t* cli) { return cli->args_count; } bool cli_has_nth_arg(cli_t* cli, int n) { return n >= 0 && n < cli->args_count; } bool cli_has_arg(cli_t* cli, const char* name) { return cli_has_nth_arg(cli, find_arg(cli->current_cmd, name)); } const char* cli_nth_arg(cli_t* cli, int n) { if (n >= 0 && n < cli->args_count) { return cli->args[n]; } else { return ""; } } const char* cli_arg(cli_t* cli, const char* name) { return cli_nth_arg(cli, find_arg(cli->current_cmd, name)); } bool cli_nth_arg_uint32(cli_t* cli, int n, uint32_t* result) { const char* arg = cli_nth_arg(cli, n); return cstr_parse_uint32(arg, 0, result); } bool cli_arg_uint32(cli_t* cli, const char* name, uint32_t* result) { const char* arg = cli_arg(cli, name); return cstr_parse_uint32(arg, 0, result); } bool cli_arg_hex(cli_t* cli, const char* name, uint8_t* dst, size_t dst_len, size_t* bytes_written) { const char* arg = cli_arg(cli, name); return cstr_decode_hex(arg, dst, dst_len, bytes_written); }