/** * Types for TREZOR communication * * @author Marek Palatinus * @version 1.2 */ // Sugar for easier handling in Java option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.protobuf"; option java_outer_classname = "TrezorType"; import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; /** * Options for specifying message direction and type of wire (normal/debug) */ extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions { optional bool wire_in = 50002; // message can be transmitted via wire from PC to TREZOR optional bool wire_out = 50003; // message can be transmitted via wire from TREZOR to PC optional bool wire_debug_in = 50004; // message can be transmitted via debug wire from PC to TREZOR optional bool wire_debug_out = 50005; // message can be transmitted via debug wire from TREZOR to PC } /** * Type of failures returned by Failure message * @used_in Failure */ enum FailureType { Failure_UnexpectedMessage = 1; Failure_ButtonExpected = 2; Failure_SyntaxError = 3; Failure_ActionCancelled = 4; Failure_PinExpected = 5; Failure_PinCancelled = 6; Failure_PinInvalid = 7; Failure_InvalidSignature = 8; Failure_Other = 9; Failure_NotEnoughFunds = 10; Failure_NotInitialized = 11; Failure_FirmwareError = 99; } /** * Type of script which will be used for transaction output * @used_in TxOutputType */ enum OutputScriptType { PAYTOADDRESS = 0; // used for all addresses (bitcoin, p2sh, witness) PAYTOSCRIPTHASH = 1; // p2sh address (deprecated; use PAYTOADDRESS) PAYTOMULTISIG = 2; // only for change output PAYTOOPRETURN = 3; // op_return PAYTOWITNESS = 4; // only for change output PAYTOP2SHWITNESS = 5; // only for change output } /** * Type of script which will be used for transaction output * @used_in TxInputType */ enum InputScriptType { SPENDADDRESS = 0; // standard p2pkh address SPENDMULTISIG = 1; // p2sh multisig address EXTERNAL = 2; // reserved for external inputs (coinjoin) SPENDWITNESS = 3; // native segwit SPENDP2SHWITNESS = 4; // segwit over p2sh (backward compatible) } /** * Type of information required by transaction signing process * @used_in TxRequest */ enum RequestType { TXINPUT = 0; TXOUTPUT = 1; TXMETA = 2; TXFINISHED = 3; } /** * Type of button request * @used_in ButtonRequest */ enum ButtonRequestType { ButtonRequest_Other = 1; ButtonRequest_FeeOverThreshold = 2; ButtonRequest_ConfirmOutput = 3; ButtonRequest_ResetDevice = 4; ButtonRequest_ConfirmWord = 5; ButtonRequest_WipeDevice = 6; ButtonRequest_ProtectCall = 7; ButtonRequest_SignTx = 8; ButtonRequest_FirmwareCheck = 9; ButtonRequest_Address = 10; ButtonRequest_PublicKey = 11; } /** * Type of PIN request * @used_in PinMatrixRequest */ enum PinMatrixRequestType { PinMatrixRequestType_Current = 1; PinMatrixRequestType_NewFirst = 2; PinMatrixRequestType_NewSecond = 3; } /** * Structure representing BIP32 (hierarchical deterministic) node * Used for imports of private key into the device and exporting public key out of device * @used_in PublicKey * @used_in LoadDevice * @used_in DebugLinkState * @used_in Storage */ message HDNodeType { required uint32 depth = 1; required uint32 fingerprint = 2; required uint32 child_num = 3; required bytes chain_code = 4; optional bytes private_key = 5; optional bytes public_key = 6; } message HDNodePathType { required HDNodeType node = 1; // BIP-32 node in deserialized form repeated uint32 address_n = 2; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from node } /** * Structure representing Coin * @used_in Features */ message CoinType { optional string coin_name = 1; optional string coin_shortcut = 2; optional uint32 address_type = 3 [default=0]; optional uint64 maxfee_kb = 4; optional uint32 address_type_p2sh = 5 [default=5]; optional uint32 address_type_p2wpkh = 6 [default=6]; optional uint32 address_type_p2wsh = 7 [default=10]; optional string signed_message_header = 8; } /** * Type of redeem script used in input * @used_in TxInputType */ message MultisigRedeemScriptType { repeated HDNodePathType pubkeys = 1; // pubkeys from multisig address (sorted lexicographically) repeated bytes signatures = 2; // existing signatures for partially signed input optional uint32 m = 3; // "m" from n, how many valid signatures is necessary for spending } /** * Structure representing transaction input * @used_in SimpleSignTx * @used_in TransactionType */ message TxInputType { repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node required bytes prev_hash = 2; // hash of previous transaction output to spend by this input required uint32 prev_index = 3; // index of previous output to spend optional bytes script_sig = 4; // script signature, unset for tx to sign optional uint32 sequence = 5 [default=0xffffffff]; // sequence optional InputScriptType script_type = 6 [default=SPENDADDRESS]; // defines template of input script optional MultisigRedeemScriptType multisig = 7; // Filled if input is going to spend multisig tx optional uint64 amount = 8; // amount of previous transaction output (for segwit only) } /** * Structure representing transaction output * @used_in SimpleSignTx * @used_in TransactionType */ message TxOutputType { optional string address = 1; // target coin address in Base58 encoding repeated uint32 address_n = 2; // BIP-32 path to derive the key from master node; has higher priority than "address" required uint64 amount = 3; // amount to spend in satoshis required OutputScriptType script_type = 4; // output script type optional MultisigRedeemScriptType multisig = 5; // defines multisig address; script_type must be PAYTOMULTISIG optional bytes op_return_data = 6; // defines op_return data; script_type must be PAYTOOPRETURN, amount must be 0 } /** * Structure representing compiled transaction output * @used_in TransactionType */ message TxOutputBinType { required uint64 amount = 1; required bytes script_pubkey = 2; } /** * Structure representing transaction * @used_in SimpleSignTx */ message TransactionType { optional uint32 version = 1; repeated TxInputType inputs = 2; repeated TxOutputBinType bin_outputs = 3; repeated TxOutputType outputs = 5; optional uint32 lock_time = 4; optional uint32 inputs_cnt = 6; optional uint32 outputs_cnt = 7; } /** * Structure representing request details * @used_in TxRequest */ message TxRequestDetailsType { optional uint32 request_index = 1; // device expects TxAck message from the computer optional bytes tx_hash = 2; // tx_hash of requested transaction } /** * Structure representing serialized data * @used_in TxRequest */ message TxRequestSerializedType { optional uint32 signature_index = 1; // 'signature' field contains signed input of this index optional bytes signature = 2; // signature of the signature_index input optional bytes serialized_tx = 3; // part of serialized and signed transaction } /** * Structure representing identity data * @used_in IdentityType */ message IdentityType { optional string proto = 1; // proto part of URI optional string user = 2; // user part of URI optional string host = 3; // host part of URI optional string port = 4; // port part of URI optional string path = 5; // path part of URI optional uint32 index = 6 [default=0]; // identity index }