# Running UI tests ## 1. Running the full test suite _Note: You need Pipenv, as mentioned in the core's [documentation](https://docs.trezor.io/trezor-firmware/core/) section._ In the `trezor-firmware` checkout, in the root of the monorepo, install the environment: ```sh pipenv sync ``` And run the tests: ```sh pipenv run make -C core test_emu_ui ``` ## 2. Running tests manually Install the pipenv environment as outlined above. Then switch to a shell inside the environment: ```sh pipenv shell ``` If you want to test against the emulator, run it in a separate terminal: ```sh ./core/emu.py ``` Now you can run the test suite with `pytest` from the root directory: ```sh pytest tests/device_tests --ui=test ``` If you wish to check that all test cases in `fixtures.json` were used set the `--ui-check-missing` flag. Of course this is meaningful only if you run the tests on the whole `device_tests` folder. ```sh pytest tests/device_tests --ui=test --ui-check-missing ``` You can also skip tests marked as `skip_ui`. ```sh pytest tests/device_tests --ui=test -m "not skip_ui" ``` # Updating Fixtures ("Recording") Short version: ```sh pipenv run make -C core test_emu_ui_record ``` Long version: The `--ui` pytest argument has two options: - **record**: Create screenshots and calculate theirs hash for each test. The screenshots are gitignored, but the hash is included in git. - **test**: Create screenshots, calculate theirs hash and test the hash against the one stored in git. If you want to make a change in the UI you simply run `--ui=record`. An easy way to proceed is to run `--ui=test` at first, see what tests fail (see the Reports section below), decide if those changes are the ones you expected and then finally run the `--ui=record` and commit the new hashes. Also here we provide an option to check the `fixtures.json` file. Use `--ui-check-missing` flag again to make sure there are no extra fixtures in the file: ```sh pytest tests/device_tests --ui=record --ui-check-missing ``` ## Reports ### Tests Each `--ui=test` creates a clear report which tests passed and which failed. The index file is stored in `tests/ui_tests/reporting/reports/test/index.html`, but for an ease of use you will find a link at the end of the pytest summary. On CI this report is published as an artifact. You can see the latest master report [here](https://gitlab.com/satoshilabs/trezor/trezor-firmware/-/jobs/artifacts/master/file/test_ui_report/index.html?job=core%20device%20ui%20test). ### Master diff In the ui tests folder you will also find a Python script `report_master_diff.py`, which creates a report where you find which tests were altered, added, or removed relative to master. This useful for Pull Requests. This report is available as an artifact on CI as well. You can find it by visiting the "core unix ui changes" job in your pipeline - browse the artifacts and open `master_diff/index.html`.