use crate::{ trezorhal::io::io_touch_read, ui::{ component::{Component, Event, EventCtx, Never}, display::{self, Font}, event::TouchEvent, geometry::Point, model_tt::constant, }, }; use heapless::String; use num_traits::ToPrimitive; pub mod confirm; mod connect; pub mod intro; pub mod menu; pub mod theme; use crate::{ strutil::hexlify, ui::{ component::text::paragraphs::{Paragraph, ParagraphVecShort, Paragraphs, VecExt}, constant::screen, display::{Color, Icon}, geometry::{LinearPlacement, CENTER}, model_tt::{ bootloader::{ connect::Connect, theme::{ button_install_cancel, button_install_confirm, button_wipe_cancel, button_wipe_confirm, BLD_BG, BLD_FG, BLD_WIPE_COLOR, ERASE_BIG, LOGO_EMPTY, RECEIVE, TEXT_WIPE_BOLD, WELCOME_COLOR, }, }, component::{Button, ResultScreen}, theme::{ BACKLIGHT_DIM, BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, BG, BLACK, FG, GREY_DARK, ICON_SUCCESS_SMALL, ICON_WARN_SMALL, TEXT_ERROR_BOLD, TEXT_ERROR_NORMAL, WHITE, }, }, util::{from_c_array, from_c_str}, }, }; use confirm::Confirm; use intro::Intro; use menu::Menu; pub trait ReturnToC { fn return_to_c(self) -> u32; } impl ReturnToC for Never { fn return_to_c(self) -> u32 { unreachable!() } } impl ReturnToC for T where T: ToPrimitive, { fn return_to_c(self) -> u32 { self.to_u32().unwrap() } } fn fadein() { display::fade_backlight_duration(BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, 500); } fn fadeout() { display::fade_backlight_duration(BACKLIGHT_DIM, 500); } fn run(frame: &mut F) -> u32 where F: Component, F::Msg: ReturnToC, {; fadeout(); display::sync(); frame.paint(); fadein(); loop { let event = touch_eval(); if let Some(e) = event { let mut ctx = EventCtx::new(); let msg = frame.event(&mut ctx, Event::Touch(e)); if let Some(message) = msg { return message.return_to_c(); } display::sync(); frame.paint(); } } } fn show(frame: &mut F, fading: bool) where F: Component, {; if fading { fadeout() }; display::sync(); frame.paint(); if fading { fadein() }; } fn touch_eval() -> Option { let event = io_touch_read(); if event == 0 { return None; } let event_type = event >> 24; let ex = ((event >> 12) & 0xFFF) as i16; let ey = (event & 0xFFF) as i16; TouchEvent::new(event_type, ex as _, ey as _).ok() } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_install_confirm( vendor_str: *const cty::c_char, vendor_str_len: u8, version: *const cty::c_char, fingerprint: *const cty::uint8_t, downgrade: bool, vendor: bool, ) -> u32 { let text = unwrap!(unsafe { from_c_array(vendor_str, vendor_str_len as usize) }); let version = unwrap!(unsafe { from_c_str(version) }); let mut fingerprint_buffer: [u8; 64] = [0; 64]; let fingerprint_str = unsafe { let fingerprint_slice = core::slice::from_raw_parts(fingerprint as *const u8, 32); hexlify(fingerprint_slice, &mut fingerprint_buffer); core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(fingerprint_buffer.as_ref()) }; let mut version_str: String<64> = String::new(); unwrap!(version_str.push_str("Firmware version ")); unwrap!(version_str.push_str(version)); let mut vendor_str: String<64> = String::new(); unwrap!(vendor_str.push_str("by ")); unwrap!(vendor_str.push_str(text)); let title = if downgrade { "DOWNGRADE FW" } else if vendor { "CHANGE FW VENDOR" } else { "UPDATE FIRMWARE" }; let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, version_str.as_ref())); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, vendor_str.as_ref())); if vendor || downgrade { messages .add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_BOLD, "Seed will be erased!").with_top_padding(16)); } let message = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_FINGERPRINT, fingerprint_str)); let fingerprint = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let left = Button::with_text("CANCEL").styled(button_install_cancel()); let right = Button::with_text("INSTALL").styled(button_install_confirm()); let mut frame = Confirm::new( BLD_BG, None, left, right, false, (Some(title), message), Some(("FW FINGERPRINT", fingerprint)), ); run(&mut frame) } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_wipe_confirm() -> u32 { let icon = Some(Icon::new(ERASE_BIG)); let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add( Paragraph::new( &TEXT_ERROR_NORMAL, "Are you sure you want to factory reset the device?", ) .centered(), ); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_ERROR_BOLD, "Seed and firmware\nwill be erased!").centered()); let message = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let left = Button::with_text("RESET").styled(button_wipe_confirm()); let right = Button::with_text("CANCEL").styled(button_wipe_cancel()); let mut frame = Confirm::new( BLD_WIPE_COLOR, icon, left, right, true, (None, message), None, ); run(&mut frame) } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_menu(bld_version: *const cty::c_char) -> u32 { let bld_version = unwrap!(unsafe { from_c_str(bld_version) }); run(&mut Menu::new(bld_version)) } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_intro( bld_version: *const cty::c_char, vendor_str: *const cty::c_char, vendor_str_len: u8, version: *const cty::c_char, ) -> u32 { let vendor = unwrap!(unsafe { from_c_array(vendor_str, vendor_str_len as usize) }); let version = unwrap!(unsafe { from_c_str(version) }); let bld_version = unwrap!(unsafe { from_c_str(bld_version) }); let mut fw: String<64> = String::new(); unwrap!(fw.push_str("Firmware ")); unwrap!(fw.push_str(version)); let mut vendor_: String<64> = String::new(); unwrap!(vendor_.push_str("by ")); unwrap!(vendor_.push_str(vendor)); let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, fw.as_ref())); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, vendor_.as_ref())); let p = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_start()); let mut frame = Intro::new(bld_version, p); run(&mut frame) } fn screen_progress( text: &str, progress: u16, initialize: bool, fg_color: Color, bg_color: Color, icon: Option<(Icon, Color)>, ) { if initialize { fadeout(); display::rect_fill(constant::screen(), bg_color); } display::text_center( Point::new(constant::WIDTH / 2, 214), text, Font::NORMAL, fg_color, bg_color, ); display::loader(progress, -20, fg_color, bg_color, icon); if initialize { fadein(); } } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_install_progress(progress: u16, initialize: bool, initial_setup: bool) { let bg_color = if initial_setup { WELCOME_COLOR } else { BG }; let fg_color = if initial_setup { FG } else { BLD_FG }; screen_progress( "Installing firmware...", progress, initialize, fg_color, bg_color, Some((Icon::new(RECEIVE), fg_color)), ) } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_wipe_progress(progress: u16, initialize: bool) { screen_progress( "Resetting Trezor...", progress, initialize, theme::BLD_FG, BLD_WIPE_COLOR, Some((Icon::new(ERASE_BIG), theme::BLD_FG)), ) } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_connect() { let mut frame = Connect::new("Waiting for host..."); show(&mut frame, true); } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_wipe_success() { let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_ERROR_BOLD, "Trezor reset").centered()); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_ERROR_BOLD, "successfully.").centered()); let m_top = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_WIPE_BOLD, "PLEASE RECONNECT").centered()); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_WIPE_BOLD, "THE DEVICE").centered()); let m_bottom = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut frame = ResultScreen::new( WHITE, BLD_WIPE_COLOR, Icon::new(ICON_SUCCESS_SMALL), m_top, m_bottom, true, ); show(&mut frame, true); } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_wipe_fail() { let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_ERROR_BOLD, "Trezor reset was").centered()); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_ERROR_BOLD, "not successful.").centered()); let m_top = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_WIPE_BOLD, "PLEASE RECONNECT").centered()); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&TEXT_WIPE_BOLD, "THE DEVICE").centered()); let m_bottom = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut frame = ResultScreen::new( WHITE, BLD_WIPE_COLOR, Icon::new(ICON_WARN_SMALL), m_top, m_bottom, true, ); show(&mut frame, true); } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_boot_empty(firmware_present: bool, fading: bool) { if fading { fadeout(); } let fg = if firmware_present { GREY_DARK } else { WHITE }; let bg = if firmware_present { BLACK } else { WELCOME_COLOR }; display::rect_fill(constant::screen(), bg); let icon = Icon::new(LOGO_EMPTY); icon.draw(screen().center(), CENTER, fg, bg); if fading { fadein(); } else { display::set_backlight(BACKLIGHT_NORMAL); } } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_install_fail() { let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_BOLD, "Firmware installation was").centered()); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_BOLD, "not successful.").centered()); let m_top = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_SUBMSG, "PLEASE RECONNECT").centered()); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_SUBMSG, "THE DEVICE").centered()); let m_bottom = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut frame = ResultScreen::new( WHITE, BLD_BG, Icon::new(ICON_WARN_SMALL), m_top, m_bottom, true, ); show(&mut frame, true); } fn screen_install_success_bld(msg: &'static str, complete_draw: bool) { let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_BOLD, "Firmware installed").centered()); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_BOLD, "successfully.").centered()); let m_top = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_SUBMSG, msg).centered()); let m_bottom = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut frame = ResultScreen::new( WHITE, BLD_BG, Icon::new(ICON_SUCCESS_SMALL), m_top, m_bottom, complete_draw, ); show(&mut frame, complete_draw); } fn screen_install_success_initial(msg: &'static str, complete_draw: bool) { let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_WELCOME_BOLD, "Firmware installed").centered()); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_WELCOME_BOLD, "successfully.").centered()); let m_top = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_SUBMSG_INITIAL, msg).centered()); let m_bottom = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); let mut frame = ResultScreen::new( FG, WELCOME_COLOR, Icon::new(ICON_SUCCESS_SMALL), m_top, m_bottom, complete_draw, ); show(&mut frame, complete_draw); } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_install_success( reboot_msg: *const cty::c_char, initial_setup: bool, complete_draw: bool, ) { let msg = unwrap!(unsafe { from_c_str(reboot_msg) }); if initial_setup { screen_install_success_initial(msg, complete_draw) } else { screen_install_success_bld(msg, complete_draw) } } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn screen_welcome() { fadeout(); display::rect_fill(screen(), WELCOME_COLOR); let mut messages = ParagraphVecShort::new(); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_WELCOME, "Get started with").centered()); messages.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_WELCOME, "your trezor at").centered()); messages.add( Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_WELCOME_BOLD, "") .centered() .with_top_padding(2), ); let mut frame = Paragraphs::new(messages).with_placement(LinearPlacement::vertical().align_at_center()); show(&mut frame, false); fadein(); }