# This file is part of the Trezor project. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2019 SatoshiLabs and contributors # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the License along with this library. # If not, see . import os import pytest from trezorlib import debuglink, log from trezorlib.debuglink import TrezorClientDebugLink from trezorlib.device import apply_settings, wipe as wipe_device from trezorlib.transport import enumerate_devices, get_transport from . import ui_tests from .device_handler import BackgroundDeviceHandler from .ui_tests.reporting import testreport # So that we see details of failed asserts from this module pytest.register_assert_rewrite("tests.common") @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def _raw_client(request): path = os.environ.get("TREZOR_PATH") interact = int(os.environ.get("INTERACT", 0)) if path: try: transport = get_transport(path) return TrezorClientDebugLink(transport, auto_interact=not interact) except Exception as e: request.session.shouldstop = "Failed to communicate with Trezor" raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to open debuglink for {path}") from e else: devices = enumerate_devices() for device in devices: try: return TrezorClientDebugLink(device, auto_interact=not interact) except Exception: pass request.session.shouldstop = "Failed to communicate with Trezor" raise RuntimeError("No debuggable device found") @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def client(request, _raw_client): """Client fixture. Every test function that requires a client instance will get it from here. If we can't connect to a debuggable device, the test will fail. If 'skip_t2' is used and TT is connected, the test is skipped. Vice versa with T1 and 'skip_t1'. The client instance is wiped and preconfigured with "all all all..." mnemonic, no password and no pin. It is possible to customize this with the `setup_client` marker. To specify a custom mnemonic and/or custom pin and/or enable passphrase: @pytest.mark.setup_client(mnemonic=MY_MNEMONIC, pin="9999", passphrase=True) To receive a client instance that was not initialized: @pytest.mark.setup_client(uninitialized=True) """ if request.node.get_closest_marker("skip_t2") and _raw_client.features.model == "T": pytest.skip("Test excluded on Trezor T") if request.node.get_closest_marker("skip_t1") and _raw_client.features.model == "1": pytest.skip("Test excluded on Trezor 1") sd_marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("sd_card") if sd_marker and not _raw_client.features.sd_card_present: raise RuntimeError( "This test requires SD card.\n" "To skip all such tests, run:\n" " pytest -m 'not sd_card' " ) test_ui = request.config.getoption("ui") run_ui_tests = not request.node.get_closest_marker("skip_ui") and test_ui _raw_client.reset_debug_features() _raw_client.open() try: _raw_client.init_device() except Exception: request.session.shouldstop = "Failed to communicate with Trezor" pytest.fail("Failed to communicate with Trezor") if run_ui_tests: # we need to reseed before the wipe _raw_client.debug.reseed(0) if sd_marker: should_format = sd_marker.kwargs.get("formatted", True) _raw_client.debug.erase_sd_card(format=should_format) wipe_device(_raw_client) setup_params = dict( uninitialized=False, mnemonic=" ".join(["all"] * 12), pin=None, passphrase=False, needs_backup=False, no_backup=False, ) marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("setup_client") if marker: setup_params.update(marker.kwargs) use_passphrase = setup_params["passphrase"] is True or isinstance( setup_params["passphrase"], str ) if not setup_params["uninitialized"]: debuglink.load_device( _raw_client, mnemonic=setup_params["mnemonic"], pin=setup_params["pin"], passphrase_protection=use_passphrase, label="test", language="en-US", needs_backup=setup_params["needs_backup"], no_backup=setup_params["no_backup"], ) if _raw_client.features.model == "T": apply_settings(_raw_client, experimental_features=True) if use_passphrase and isinstance(setup_params["passphrase"], str): _raw_client.use_passphrase(setup_params["passphrase"]) _raw_client.clear_session() if run_ui_tests: with ui_tests.screen_recording(_raw_client, request): yield _raw_client else: yield _raw_client _raw_client.close() def pytest_sessionstart(session): ui_tests.read_fixtures() if session.config.getoption("ui") == "test": testreport.clear_dir() def _should_write_ui_report(exitstatus): # generate UI report and check missing only if pytest is exitting cleanly # I.e., the test suite passed or failed (as opposed to ctrl+c break, internal error, # etc.) return exitstatus in (pytest.ExitCode.OK, pytest.ExitCode.TESTS_FAILED) def pytest_sessionfinish(session, exitstatus): if not _should_write_ui_report(exitstatus): return missing = session.config.getoption("ui_check_missing") if session.config.getoption("ui") == "test": if missing and ui_tests.list_missing(): session.exitstatus = pytest.ExitCode.TESTS_FAILED ui_tests.write_fixtures_suggestion(missing) testreport.index() if session.config.getoption("ui") == "record": ui_tests.write_fixtures(missing) def pytest_terminal_summary(terminalreporter, exitstatus, config): println = terminalreporter.write_line println("") ui_option = config.getoption("ui") missing_tests = ui_tests.list_missing() if ui_option and _should_write_ui_report(exitstatus) and missing_tests: println(f"{len(missing_tests)} expected UI tests did not run.") if config.getoption("ui_check_missing"): println("-------- List of missing tests follows: --------") for test in missing_tests: println("\t" + test) if ui_option == "test": println("UI test failed.") elif ui_option == "record": println("Removing missing tests from record.") println("") if ui_option == "test" and _should_write_ui_report(exitstatus): println("\n-------- Suggested fixtures.json diff: --------") print("See", ui_tests.SUGGESTION_FILE) println("") if _should_write_ui_report(exitstatus): println("-------- UI tests summary: --------") println("Run ./tests/show_results.py to open test summary") println("") def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( "--ui", action="store", choices=["test", "record"], help="Enable UI intergration tests: 'record' or 'test'", ) parser.addoption( "--ui-check-missing", action="store_true", default=False, help="Check UI fixtures are containing the appropriate test cases (fails on `test`," "deletes old ones on `record`).", ) def pytest_configure(config): """Called at testsuite setup time. Registers known markers, enables verbose output if requested. """ # register known markers config.addinivalue_line("markers", "skip_t1: skip the test on Trezor One") config.addinivalue_line("markers", "skip_t2: skip the test on Trezor T") config.addinivalue_line( "markers", 'setup_client(mnemonic="all all all...", pin=None, passphrase=False, uninitialized=False): configure the client instance', ) config.addinivalue_line( "markers", "skip_ui: skip UI integration checks for this test" ) with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "REGISTERED_MARKERS")) as f: for line in f: config.addinivalue_line("markers", line.strip()) # enable debug if config.getoption("verbose"): log.enable_debug_output() def pytest_runtest_setup(item): """Called for each test item (class, individual tests). Ensures that altcoin tests are skipped, and that no test is skipped on both T1 and TT. """ if item.get_closest_marker("skip_t1") and item.get_closest_marker("skip_t2"): raise RuntimeError("Don't skip tests for both trezors!") skip_altcoins = int(os.environ.get("TREZOR_PYTEST_SKIP_ALTCOINS", 0)) if item.get_closest_marker("altcoin") and skip_altcoins: pytest.skip("Skipping altcoin test") def pytest_runtest_teardown(item): """Called after a test item finishes. Dumps the current UI test report HTML. """ if item.session.config.getoption("ui") == "test": testreport.index() @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True) def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): # Make test results available in fixtures. # See https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/example/simple.html#making-test-result-information-available-in-fixtures # The device_handler fixture uses this as 'request.node.rep_call.passed' attribute, # in order to raise error only if the test passed. outcome = yield rep = outcome.get_result() setattr(item, f"rep_{rep.when}", rep) @pytest.fixture def device_handler(client, request): device_handler = BackgroundDeviceHandler(client) yield device_handler # if test did not finish, e.g. interrupted by Ctrl+C, the pytest_runtest_makereport # did not create the attribute we need if not hasattr(request.node, "rep_call"): return # if test finished, make sure all background tasks are done finalized_ok = device_handler.check_finalize() if request.node.rep_call.passed and not finalized_ok: raise RuntimeError("Test did not check result of background task")