from trezorlib import messages from trezorlib.debuglink import TrezorClientDebugLink as Client from .common import BRGeneratorType B = messages.ButtonRequestType class PinFlow: def __init__(self, client: Client): self.client = client self.debug = self.client.debug def setup_new_pin( self, pin: str, second_different_pin: str | None = None ) -> BRGeneratorType: yield # Enter PIN assert "PinKeyboard" in self.debug.wait_layout().all_components() self.debug.input(pin) if self.debug.model == "Safe 3": yield # Reenter PIN assert "re-enter PIN" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() yield # Enter PIN again assert "PinKeyboard" in self.debug.wait_layout().all_components() if second_different_pin is not None: self.debug.input(second_different_pin) else: self.debug.input(pin) class BackupFlow: def __init__(self, client: Client): self.client = client self.debug = self.client.debug def confirm_new_wallet(self) -> BRGeneratorType: yield assert "By continuing you agree" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() if self.debug.model == "Safe 3": self.debug.press_right() self.debug.press_yes() class RecoveryFlow: def __init__(self, client: Client): self.client = client self.debug = self.client.debug def confirm_recovery(self) -> BRGeneratorType: yield assert "By continuing you agree" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() if self.debug.model == "Safe 3": self.debug.press_right() self.debug.press_yes() def confirm_dry_run(self) -> BRGeneratorType: yield assert "Check your backup" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def setup_slip39_recovery(self, num_words: int) -> BRGeneratorType: if self.debug.model == "Safe 3": yield from self.tr_recovery_homescreen() yield from self.input_number_of_words(num_words) yield from self.enter_any_share() def setup_bip39_recovery(self, num_words: int) -> BRGeneratorType: if self.debug.model == "Safe 3": yield from self.tr_recovery_homescreen() yield from self.input_number_of_words(num_words) yield from self.enter_your_backup() def tr_recovery_homescreen(self) -> BRGeneratorType: yield assert "number of words" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def enter_your_backup(self) -> BRGeneratorType: yield assert "Enter your backup" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() if ( self.debug.model == "Safe 3" and "BACKUP CHECK" not in self.debug.wait_layout().title() ): # Normal recovery has extra info (not dry run) self.debug.press_right(wait=True) self.debug.press_right(wait=True) self.debug.press_yes() def enter_any_share(self) -> BRGeneratorType: yield assert "Enter any share" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() if ( self.debug.model == "Safe 3" and "BACKUP CHECK" not in self.debug.wait_layout().title() ): # Normal recovery has extra info (not dry run) self.debug.press_right(wait=True) self.debug.press_right(wait=True) self.debug.press_yes() def abort_recovery(self, confirm: bool) -> BRGeneratorType: yield if self.debug.model == "Safe 3": assert "number of words" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() else: assert "Enter any share" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_no() yield assert "cancel the recovery" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() if self.debug.model == "Safe 3": self.debug.press_right() if confirm: self.debug.press_yes() else: self.debug.press_no() def input_number_of_words(self, num_words: int) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.MnemonicWordCount if self.debug.model == "Safe 3": assert "NUMBER OF WORDS" in self.debug.wait_layout().title() else: assert "number of words" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.input(str(num_words)) def warning_invalid_recovery_seed(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.Warning assert "Invalid recovery seed" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def warning_invalid_recovery_share(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.Warning assert "Invalid recovery share" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def warning_group_threshold_reached(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.Warning assert "Group threshold reached" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def warning_share_already_entered(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.Warning assert "Share already entered" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def warning_share_from_another_shamir(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.Warning assert ( "You have entered a share from another Shamir Backup" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() ) self.debug.press_yes() def success_share_group_entered(self) -> BRGeneratorType: yield assert "You have entered" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() assert "Group" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def success_wallet_recovered(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.Success assert ( "Wallet recovered successfully" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() ) self.debug.press_yes() def success_bip39_dry_run_valid(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.Success assert "recovery seed is valid" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def success_slip39_dryrun_valid(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.Success assert "recovery shares are valid" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def warning_slip39_dryrun_mismatch(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.Warning assert "do not match" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def warning_bip39_dryrun_mismatch(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.Warning assert "does not match" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def success_more_shares_needed( self, count_needed: int | None = None ) -> BRGeneratorType: yield assert ( "1 more share needed" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content().lower() or "more shares needed" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content().lower() ) if count_needed is not None: assert str(count_needed) in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_yes() def input_mnemonic(self, mnemonic: list[str]) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert br.code == B.MnemonicInput assert "MnemonicKeyboard" in self.debug.wait_layout().all_components() for index, word in enumerate(mnemonic): if self.debug.model == "Safe 3": assert f"WORD {index + 1}" in self.debug.wait_layout().title() else: assert ( f"Type word {index + 1}" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() ) self.debug.input(word) def input_all_slip39_shares( self, shares: list[str], has_groups: bool = False, click_info: bool = False, ) -> BRGeneratorType: for index, share in enumerate(shares): mnemonic = share.split(" ") yield from self.input_mnemonic(mnemonic) if index < len(shares) - 1: if has_groups: yield from self.success_share_group_entered() if self.debug.model == "T" and click_info: yield from self.tt_click_info() yield from self.success_more_shares_needed() def tt_click_info( self, ) -> BRGeneratorType: # Moving through the INFO button self.debug.press_info() yield self.debug.swipe_up() self.debug.press_yes() class EthereumFlow: GO_BACK = (16, 220) def __init__(self, client: Client): self.client = client self.debug = self.client.debug def confirm_data(self, info: bool = False, cancel: bool = False) -> BRGeneratorType: yield assert self.debug.wait_layout().title() == "CONFIRM DATA" assert "Size:" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() if info: self.debug.press_info() elif cancel: self.debug.press_no() else: self.debug.press_yes() def paginate_data(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert self.debug.wait_layout().title() == "CONFIRM DATA" assert br.pages is not None for i in range(br.pages): self.debug.wait_layout() if i < br.pages - 1: self.debug.swipe_up() self.debug.press_yes() def paginate_data_go_back(self) -> BRGeneratorType: br = yield assert self.debug.wait_layout().title() == "CONFIRM DATA" assert br.pages is not None assert br.pages > 2 if self.debug.model == "T": self.debug.swipe_up(wait=True) self.debug.swipe_up(wait=True) else: self.debug.press_right() self.debug.press_right() self.debug.press_left() self.debug.press_left() self.debug.press_left() def confirm_tx( self, cancel: bool = False, info: bool = False, go_back_from_summary: bool = False, ) -> BRGeneratorType: yield assert self.debug.wait_layout().title() == "RECIPIENT" if self.debug.model == "T": if cancel: self.debug.press_no() else: self.debug.press_yes() yield assert self.debug.wait_layout().title() == "SUMMARY" assert "Maximum fee:" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() if go_back_from_summary: self.debug.press_no() yield self.debug.press_yes() yield if info: self.debug.press_info(wait=True) assert "Gas limit:" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() assert "Gas price:" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_no(wait=True) self.debug.press_yes() else: if cancel: self.debug.press_left() else: self.debug.press_right() yield assert "Maximum fee:" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() if go_back_from_summary: self.debug.press_left() yield self.debug.press_right() yield if info: self.debug.press_right(wait=True) assert "Gas limit:" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_right(wait=True) assert "Gas price:" in self.debug.wait_layout().text_content() self.debug.press_left(wait=True) self.debug.press_left(wait=True) self.debug.press_middle()