import shutil import sys import tempfile from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Sequence, Tuple import dominate from dominate.tags import br, h1, h2, hr, i, p, table, td, th, tr # These are imported directly because this script is run directly, isort gets confused by that. import download # isort:skip import html # isort:skip REPORTS_PATH = Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "reports" / "master_diff" RECORDED_SCREENS_PATH = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent / "screens" def get_diff( test_prefixes: Sequence[str], ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str]]: master = download.fetch_fixtures_master() current = download.fetch_fixtures_current() def matches_prefix(name: str) -> bool: any(name.startswith(prefix) for prefix in test_prefixes) master = {name: value for name, value in master.items() if matches_prefix(name)} current = {name: value for name, value in current.items() if matches_prefix(name)} # removed items removed = {test: master[test] for test in (master.keys() - current.keys())} # added items added = {test: current[test] for test in (current.keys() - master.keys())} # items in both branches same = master.items() - removed.items() - added.items() # create the diff diff = dict() for master_test, master_hash in same: if current.get(master_test) == master_hash: continue diff[master_test] = master[master_test], current[master_test] return removed, added, diff def removed(screens_path: Path, test_name: str) -> Path: doc = dominate.document(title=test_name) screens = sorted(screens_path.iterdir()) with doc: h1(test_name) p( "This UI test has been removed from fixtures.json.", style="color: red; font-weight: bold;", ) hr() with table(border=1): with tr(): th("Removed files") for screen in screens: with tr(): html.image(screen) return html.write(REPORTS_PATH / "removed", doc, test_name + ".html") def added(screens_path: Path, test_name: str) -> Path: doc = dominate.document(title=test_name) screens = sorted(screens_path.iterdir()) with doc: h1(test_name) p( "This UI test has been added to fixtures.json.", style="color: green; font-weight: bold;", ) hr() with table(border=1): with tr(): th("Added files") for screen in screens: with tr(): html.image(screen) return html.write(REPORTS_PATH / "added", doc, test_name + ".html") def diff( master_screens_path: Path, current_screens_path: Path, test_name: str, master_hash: str, current_hash: str, ) -> Path: doc = dominate.document(title=test_name) master_screens = sorted(master_screens_path.iterdir()) current_screens = sorted(current_screens_path.iterdir()) with doc: h1(test_name) p("This UI test differs from master.", style="color: grey; font-weight: bold;") with table(): with tr(): td("Master:") td(master_hash, style="color: red;") with tr(): td("Current:") td(current_hash, style="color: green;") hr() with table(border=1, width=600): with tr(): th("Master") th("Current branch") html.diff_table(master_screens, current_screens) return html.write(REPORTS_PATH / "diff", doc, test_name + ".html") def index() -> Path: removed = list((REPORTS_PATH / "removed").iterdir()) added = list((REPORTS_PATH / "added").iterdir()) diff = list((REPORTS_PATH / "diff").iterdir()) title = "UI changes from master" doc = dominate.document(title=title) with doc: h1("UI changes from master") hr() h2("Removed:", style="color: red;") i("UI fixtures that have been removed:") html.report_links(removed, REPORTS_PATH) br() hr() h2("Added:", style="color: green;") i("UI fixtures that have been added:") html.report_links(added, REPORTS_PATH) br() hr() h2("Differs:", style="color: grey;") i("UI fixtures that have been modified:") html.report_links(diff, REPORTS_PATH) return html.write(REPORTS_PATH, doc, "index.html") def create_dirs() -> None: # delete the reports dir to clear previous entries and create folders shutil.rmtree(REPORTS_PATH, ignore_errors=True) REPORTS_PATH.mkdir() (REPORTS_PATH / "removed").mkdir() (REPORTS_PATH / "added").mkdir() (REPORTS_PATH / "diff").mkdir() def create_reports(test_prefixes: Sequence[str]) -> None: removed_tests, added_tests, diff_tests = get_diff(test_prefixes) @contextmanager def tmpdir(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="trezor-records-") as temp_dir: yield Path(temp_dir) for test_name, test_hash in removed_tests.items(): with tmpdir() as temp_dir: download.fetch_recorded(test_hash, temp_dir) removed(temp_dir, test_name) for test_name, test_hash in added_tests.items(): path = RECORDED_SCREENS_PATH / test_name / "actual" if not path.exists(): raise RuntimeError("Folder does not exist, has it been recorded?", path) added(path, test_name) for test_name, (master_hash, current_hash) in diff_tests.items(): with tmpdir() as master_screens: download.fetch_recorded(master_hash, master_screens) current_screens = RECORDED_SCREENS_PATH / test_name / "actual" if not current_screens.exists(): raise RuntimeError( "Folder does not exist, has it been recorded?", current_screens ) diff( master_screens, current_screens, test_name, master_hash, current_hash, ) if __name__ == "__main__": create_dirs() create_reports(sys.argv[1:] or [""]) index()