#include #include "blake2s.h" #include "ed25519-donna/ed25519.h" #include "common.h" #include "image.h" bool image_parse_header(const uint8_t *data, image_header *header) { if (!header) { image_header h; header = &h; } memcpy(&header->magic, data, 4); if (header->magic != IMAGE_MAGIC) return false; memcpy(&header->hdrlen, data + 4, 4); if (header->hdrlen != HEADER_SIZE) return false; memcpy(&header->expiry, data + 8, 4); if (header->expiry != 0) return false; memcpy(&header->codelen, data + 12, 4); if (header->hdrlen + header->codelen < 4 * 1024) return false; if (header->hdrlen + header->codelen > IMAGE_MAXSIZE) return false; if ((header->hdrlen + header->codelen) % 512 != 0) return false; memcpy(&header->version, data + 16, 4); // uint8_t reserved[427]; memcpy(&header->sigmask, data + 0x01BF, 1); memcpy(header->sig, data + 0x01C0, 64); return true; } #define KEYMASK(A, B, C) ((1 << (A - 1)) | (1 << (B - 1)) | (1 << (C - 1))) static const uint8_t *get_pubkey(uint8_t index) { switch (index) { case KEYMASK(1, 2, 3): return (const uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; case KEYMASK(1, 2, 4): return (const uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; case KEYMASK(1, 2, 5): return (const uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; case KEYMASK(1, 3, 4): return (const uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; case KEYMASK(1, 3, 5): return (const uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; case KEYMASK(1, 4, 5): return (const uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; case KEYMASK(2, 3, 4): return (const uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; case KEYMASK(2, 3, 5): return (const uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; case KEYMASK(2, 4, 5): return (const uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; case KEYMASK(3, 4, 5): return (const uint8_t *)"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; default: return NULL; } } bool image_check_signature(const uint8_t *data) { image_header hdr; if (!image_parse_header(data, &hdr)) { return false; } uint8_t hash[BLAKE2S_DIGEST_LENGTH]; BLAKE2S_CTX ctx; blake2s_Init(&ctx, BLAKE2S_DIGEST_LENGTH); blake2s_Update(&ctx, data, HEADER_SIZE - 65); for (int i = 0; i < 65; i++) { blake2s_Update(&ctx, (const uint8_t *)"\x00", 1); } blake2s_Update(&ctx, data + HEADER_SIZE, hdr.codelen); blake2s_Final(&ctx, hash, BLAKE2S_DIGEST_LENGTH); const uint8_t *pub = get_pubkey(hdr.sigmask); // TODO: remove debug skip of unsigned if (!pub) return true; // end return pub && (0 == ed25519_sign_open(hash, BLAKE2S_DIGEST_LENGTH, *(const ed25519_public_key *)pub, *(const ed25519_signature *)hdr.sig)); } bool vendor_parse_header(const uint8_t *data, vendor_header *header) { if (!header) { vendor_header h; header = &h; } memcpy(&header->magic, data, 4); if (header->magic != 0x565A5254) return false; // TRZV memcpy(&header->hdrlen, data + 4, 4); memcpy(&header->expiry, data + 8, 4); if (header->expiry != 0) return false; memcpy(&header->version, data + 12, 2); memcpy(&header->vsig_m, data + 14, 1); memcpy(&header->vsig_n, data + 15, 1); for (int i = 0; i < header->vsig_n; i++) { header->vpub[i] = data + 16 + i * 32; } for (int i = header->vsig_n; i < 8; i++) { header->vpub[i] = 0; } memcpy(&header->vstr_len, data + 16 + header->vsig_n * 32, 1); header->vstr = data + 16 + header->vsig_n * 32 + 1; header->vimg = data + 16 + header->vsig_n * 32 + 1 + header->vstr_len; // align to 4 bytes header->vimg += (-(uintptr_t)header->vimg) & 3; // uint8_t reserved[427]; memcpy(&header->sigmask, data + header->hdrlen - 65, 1); memcpy(header->sig, data + header->hdrlen - 64, 64); return true; } bool vendor_check_signature(const uint8_t *data) { vendor_header hdr; if (!vendor_parse_header(data, &hdr)) { return false; } uint8_t hash[BLAKE2S_DIGEST_LENGTH]; BLAKE2S_CTX ctx; blake2s_Init(&ctx, BLAKE2S_DIGEST_LENGTH); blake2s_Update(&ctx, data, hdr.hdrlen - 65); for (int i = 0; i < 65; i++) { blake2s_Update(&ctx, (const uint8_t *)"\x00", 1); } blake2s_Final(&ctx, hash, BLAKE2S_DIGEST_LENGTH); const uint8_t *pub = get_pubkey(hdr.sigmask); // TODO: remove debug skip of unsigned if (!pub) return true; // end return pub && (0 == ed25519_sign_open(hash, BLAKE2S_DIGEST_LENGTH, *(const ed25519_public_key *)pub, *(const ed25519_signature *)hdr.sig)); }