from pathlib import Path from typing import Any import dominate import dominate.tags as t from dominate.tags import a, h1, hr, i, p, table, td, th, tr from ..common import ( UI_TESTS_DIR, FixturesType, get_screen_path, screens_and_hashes, screens_diff, ) from . import download, html HERE = Path(__file__).resolve().parent STYLE = (HERE / "testreport.css").read_text() SCRIPT = (HERE / "testreport.js").read_text() GIF_SCRIPT = (HERE / "create-gif.js").read_text() REPORTS_PATH = UI_TESTS_DIR / "reports" # Saving the master screens on disk not to fetch them all the time MASTER_CACHE_DIR = HERE / "master_cache" if not MASTER_CACHE_DIR.exists(): MASTER_CACHE_DIR.mkdir() def generate_master_diff_report( diff_tests: dict[str, tuple[str, str]], base_dir: Path ) -> None: unique_differing_screens = _get_unique_differing_screens(diff_tests, base_dir) _differing_screens_report(unique_differing_screens, base_dir) def get_diff( current: FixturesType, print_to_console: bool = False, models: list[str] | None = None, ) -> tuple[dict[str, str], dict[str, str], dict[str, tuple[str, str]]]: master = _get_preprocessed_master_fixtures() removed = {} added = {} diff = {} for model in master.keys() | current.keys(): if models and model not in models: continue master_groups = master.get(model, {}) current_groups = current.get(model, {}) for group in master_groups.keys() | current_groups.keys(): master_tests = master_groups.get(group, {}) current_tests = current_groups.get(group, {}) def testname(test: str) -> str: assert test.startswith(model + "_") test = test[len(model) + 1 :] return f"{model}-{group}-{test}" # removed items removed_here = { testname(test): master_tests[test] for test in (master_tests.keys() - current_tests.keys()) } # added items added_here = { testname(test): current_tests[test] for test in (current_tests.keys() - master_tests.keys()) } # create the diff from items in both branches diff_here = {} for master_test, master_hash in master_tests.items(): full_test_name = testname(master_test) if full_test_name in removed_here: continue if current_tests.get(master_test) == master_hash: continue diff_here[full_test_name] = ( master_tests[master_test], current_tests[master_test], ) removed.update(removed_here) added.update(added_here) diff.update(diff_here) if print_to_console: print(f"{model} {group}") print(f" removed: {len(removed_here)}") print(f" added: {len(added_here)}") print(f" diff: {len(diff_here)}") return removed, added, diff def document( title: str, actual_hash: str | None = None, index: bool = False, model: str | None = None, ) -> dominate.document: doc = dominate.document(title=title) style = style.add_raw_string(STYLE) script = t.script() script.add_raw_string(GIF_SCRIPT) script.add_raw_string(SCRIPT) doc.head.add(style, script) if actual_hash is not None: doc.body["data-actual-hash"] = actual_hash if index: doc.body["data-index"] = True if model: doc.body["class"] = f"model-{model}" return doc def _preprocess_master_compat(master_fixtures: dict[str, Any]) -> FixturesType: if all(isinstance(v, str) for v in master_fixtures.values()): # old format, convert to new format new_fixtures = {} for key, val in master_fixtures.items(): model, _test = key.split("_", maxsplit=1) groups_by_model = new_fixtures.setdefault(model, {}) default_group = groups_by_model.setdefault("device_tests", {}) default_group[key] = val return FixturesType(new_fixtures) else: return FixturesType(master_fixtures) def _get_preprocessed_master_fixtures() -> FixturesType: return _preprocess_master_compat(download.fetch_fixtures_master()) def _create_testcase_html_diff_file( zipped_screens: list[tuple[str | None, str | None]], test_name: str, master_hash: str, current_hash: str, base_dir: Path, ) -> Path: doc = document(title=test_name, model=test_name[:2]) with doc: h1(test_name) p("This UI test differs from master.", style="color: grey; font-weight: bold;") with table(): with tr(): td("Master:") td(master_hash, style="color: red;") with tr(): td("Current:") td(current_hash, style="color: green;") hr() with table(border=1, width=600): with tr(): th("Master") th("Current branch") html.diff_table(zipped_screens, base_dir / "diff") return html.write(base_dir / "diff", doc, test_name + ".html") def _differing_screens_report( unique_differing_screens: dict[tuple[str | None, str | None], str], base_dir: Path ) -> None: try: model = next(iter(unique_differing_screens.values()))[:2] except StopIteration: model = "" doc = document(title="Master differing screens", model=model) with doc: with table(border=1, width=600): with tr(): th("Expected") th("Actual") th("Testcase (link)") for (master, current), testcase in unique_differing_screens.items(): with tr(bgcolor="red"): html.image_column(master, base_dir) html.image_column(current, base_dir) with td(): with a(href=f"diff/{testcase}.html"): i(testcase) html.write(base_dir, doc, "master_diff.html") def _get_unique_differing_screens( diff_tests: dict[str, tuple[str, str]], base_dir: Path ) -> dict[tuple[str | None, str | None], str]: # Holding unique screen differences, connected with a certain testcase # Used for diff report unique_differing_screens: dict[tuple[str | None, str | None], str] = {} for test_name, (master_hash, current_hash) in diff_tests.items(): # Downloading master recordings only if we do not have them already master_screens_path = MASTER_CACHE_DIR / master_hash if not master_screens_path.exists(): master_screens_path.mkdir() # master_hash may be empty, in case of new test if master_hash: try: download.fetch_recorded(master_hash, master_screens_path) except RuntimeError as e: print("WARNING:", e) current_screens_path = get_screen_path(test_name) if not current_screens_path: current_screens_path = MASTER_CACHE_DIR / "empty_current_screens" current_screens_path.mkdir() # Saving all the images to a common directory # They will be referenced from the HTML files if master_hash: master_screens, master_hashes = screens_and_hashes(master_screens_path) else: master_screens, master_hashes = [], [] current_screens, current_hashes = screens_and_hashes(current_screens_path) html.store_images(master_screens, master_hashes) html.store_images(current_screens, current_hashes) # List of tuples of master and current screens # Useful for both testcase HTML report and the differing screen report zipped_screens = list(screens_diff(master_hashes, current_hashes)) # Create testcase HTML report _create_testcase_html_diff_file( zipped_screens, test_name, master_hash, current_hash, base_dir ) # Save differing screens for differing screens report for master, current in zipped_screens: if master != current: unique_differing_screens[(master, current)] = test_name return unique_differing_screens