* This file is part of the Trezor project, https://trezor.io/
* Copyright (c) SatoshiLabs
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "bootui.h"
#include "rust_ui.h"
#include "version.h"
#define TOIF_LENGTH(ptr) ((*(uint32_t *)((ptr) + 8)) + 12)
// common shared functions
static void format_ver(const char *format, uint32_t version, char *buffer,
size_t buffer_len) {
mini_snprintf(buffer, buffer_len, format, (int)(version & 0xFF),
(int)((version >> 8) & 0xFF), (int)((version >> 16) & 0xFF)
// ignore build field (int)((version >> 24) & 0xFF)
// boot UI
static bool initial_setup = true;
void ui_set_initial_setup(bool initial) { initial_setup = initial; }
#if defined USE_TOUCH
void ui_click(void) {
// flush touch events if any
while (touch_get_event()) {
// wait for TOUCH_START
while ((touch_get_event() & TOUCH_START) == 0) {
// wait for TOUCH_END
while ((touch_get_event() & TOUCH_END) == 0) {
// flush touch events if any
while (touch_get_event()) {
#elif defined USE_BUTTON
void ui_click(void) {
for (;;) {
if (button_is_down(BTN_LEFT) && button_is_down(BTN_RIGHT)) {
for (;;) {
if (!button_is_down(BTN_LEFT) && !button_is_down(BTN_RIGHT)) {
#error "No input method defined"
void ui_screen_boot(const vendor_header *const vhdr,
const image_header *const hdr, int wait) {
bool show_string = ((vhdr->vtrust & VTRUST_NO_STRING) == 0);
const char *vendor_str = show_string ? vhdr->vstr : NULL;
const size_t vendor_str_len = show_string ? vhdr->vstr_len : 0;
bool red_screen = ((vhdr->vtrust & VTRUST_NO_RED) == 0);
uint32_t vimg_len = TOIF_LENGTH(vhdr->vimg);
screen_boot(red_screen, vendor_str, vendor_str_len, hdr->version, vhdr->vimg,
vimg_len, wait);
// welcome UI
void ui_screen_welcome(void) { screen_welcome(); }
uint32_t ui_screen_intro(const vendor_header *const vhdr,
const image_header *const hdr, bool fw_ok) {
char bld_ver[32];
char ver_str[64];
format_ver("%d.%d.%d", VERSION_UINT32, bld_ver, sizeof(bld_ver));
format_ver("%d.%d.%d", hdr->version, ver_str, sizeof(ver_str));
return screen_intro(bld_ver, vhdr->vstr, vhdr->vstr_len, ver_str, fw_ok);
uint32_t ui_screen_menu(secbool firmware_present) {
return screen_menu(firmware_present);
void ui_screen_connect(void) { screen_connect(initial_setup); }
// install UI
ui_result_t ui_screen_install_confirm(const vendor_header *const vhdr,
const image_header *const hdr,
secbool should_keep_seed,
secbool is_newvendor,
secbool is_newinstall, int version_cmp) {
uint8_t fingerprint[32];
char ver_str[64];
get_image_fingerprint(hdr, fingerprint);
format_ver("%d.%d.%d", hdr->version, ver_str, sizeof(ver_str));
return screen_install_confirm(vhdr->vstr, vhdr->vstr_len, ver_str,
fingerprint, should_keep_seed == sectrue,
is_newvendor == sectrue,
is_newinstall == sectrue, version_cmp);
void ui_screen_install_start() {
screen_install_progress(0, true, initial_setup);
void ui_screen_install_progress_erase(int pos, int len) {
screen_install_progress(250 * pos / len, false, initial_setup);
void ui_screen_install_progress_upload(int pos) {
screen_install_progress(pos, false, initial_setup);
// wipe UI
ui_result_t ui_screen_wipe_confirm(void) { return screen_wipe_confirm(); }
void ui_screen_wipe(void) { screen_wipe_progress(0, true); }
void ui_screen_wipe_progress(int pos, int len) {
screen_wipe_progress(1000 * pos / len, false);
// done UI
void ui_screen_done(uint8_t restart_seconds, secbool full_redraw) {
screen_install_success(restart_seconds, initial_setup, full_redraw);
void ui_screen_boot_stage_1(bool fading) { screen_boot_stage_1(fading); }
// error UI
void ui_screen_fail(void) { screen_install_fail(); }
uint32_t ui_screen_unlock_bootloader_confirm(void) {
return screen_unlock_bootloader_confirm();
void ui_screen_install_restricted(void) { screen_install_fail(); }
// general functions
void ui_fadein(void) { display_fade(0, BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, 1000); }
void ui_fadeout(void) { display_fade(BACKLIGHT_NORMAL, 0, 500); }
#ifdef USE_BLE
uint32_t ui_screen_confirm_pairing(const char *code) {
return screen_confirm_pairing(code, initial_setup);