# Static checks on the code. image: registry.gitlab.com/satoshilabs/trezor/trezor-firmware/trezor-firmware-env.nix # Caching .gitlab_caching: &gitlab_caching cache: key: "$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG" paths: - .venv/ # Check the code for style correctness and perform some static code analysis. # Biggest part is the python one - using `flake8`, `isort`, `black`, `pylint` and `pyright`, # also checking Rust files by `rustfmt` and C files by `clang-format`. # Changelogs formats are checked. style prebuild: stage: prebuild variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: "none" <<: *gitlab_caching script: - cached-nix-shell --run "poetry run make -j1 style_check" # Check validity of coin definitions and protobuf files. common prebuild: stage: prebuild <<: *gitlab_caching script: - cached-nix-shell --run "poetry run make defs_check" # Check validity of auto-generated files. gen prebuild: stage: prebuild <<: *gitlab_caching script: - cached-nix-shell --run "poetry run make -j1 gen_check" # Checking format of .editorconfig files. editor prebuild: stage: prebuild <<: *gitlab_caching script: - cached-nix-shell --run "make editor_check" # All .yml/.yaml files are checked for syntax validity and other correctness. yaml prebuild: stage: prebuild <<: *gitlab_caching script: - cached-nix-shell --run "poetry run make yaml_check" # Checking the format of release commit messages. release commit messages prebuild: stage: prebuild before_script: [] # nothing needed variables: # We need to clone the repo properly so we can work with origin/master. GIT_STRATEGY: clone only: refs: - /^release\// variables: # We want this to run on gitlab.com/satoshilabs/trezor/trezor-firmware only. - $CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG == 'satoshilabs-trezor-trezor-firmware' script: - cached-nix-shell --run "ci/check_release_commit_messages.sh" # Verifying that all commits changing some functionality have a changelog entry # or contain `[no changelog]` in the commit message. changelog prebuild: stage: prebuild except: - master before_script: [] # nothing needed variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: "none" GIT_STRATEGY: clone script: - cached-nix-shell --run "ci/check_changelog.sh"