.PHONY: vendor JOBS = 4 MAKE = make -j $(JOBS) SCONS = scons -Q -j $(JOBS) BUILD_DIR = build BOARDLOADER_BUILD_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/boardloader BOOTLOADER_BUILD_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/bootloader PRODTEST_BUILD_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/prodtest REFLASH_BUILD_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/reflash FIRMWARE_BUILD_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/firmware UNIX_BUILD_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/unix UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) UNIX_PORT_OPTS ?= TREZOR_X86=0 else UNIX_PORT_OPTS ?= TREZOR_X86=1 endif CROSS_PORT_OPTS ?= MICROPY_FORCE_32BIT=1 ifeq ($(DISPLAY_ILI9341V), 1) CFLAGS += -DDISPLAY_ILI9341V=1 CFLAGS += -DDISPLAY_ST7789V=0 endif PRODUCTION ?= 0 STLINK_VER ?= v2 OPENOCD = openocd -f interface/stlink-$(STLINK_VER).cfg -c "transport select hla_swd" -f target/stm32f4x.cfg BOARDLOADER_START = 0x08000000 BOOTLOADER_START = 0x08020000 FIRMWARE_START = 0x08040000 PRODTEST_START = 0x08040000 BOARDLOADER_MAXSIZE = 49152 BOOTLOADER_MAXSIZE = 131072 FIRMWARE_MAXSIZE = 786432 GITREV=$(shell git describe --always --dirty) CFLAGS += -DGITREV=$(GITREV) ## help commands: help: ## show this help @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## / {printf "\033[36m make %-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2} /^##(.*)/ {printf "\033[33m%s\n", substr($$0, 4)}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) ## dependencies commands: vendor: ## update git submodules git submodule update --init --recursive --force res: ## update resources ./tools/res_collect ## emulator commands: run: ## run unix port cd src ; ../$(UNIX_BUILD_DIR)/micropython emu: ## run emulator ./emu.sh ## test commands: test: ## run unit tests cd tests ; ./run_tests.sh test_emu: ## run selected device tests from python-trezor cd tests ; ./run_tests_device_emu.sh pylint: ## run pylint on application sources and tests pylint -E $(shell find src -name *.py) pylint -E $(shell find tests -name *.py) style: ## run code style check on application sources and tests flake8 $(shell find src -name *.py) flake8 $(shell find tests -name *.py) ## build commands: build: build_boardloader build_bootloader build_prodtest build_firmware build_unix build_cross ## build all build_boardloader: ## build boardloader $(SCONS) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" PRODUCTION="$(PRODUCTION)" $(BOARDLOADER_BUILD_DIR)/boardloader.bin build_bootloader: ## build bootloader $(SCONS) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" PRODUCTION="$(PRODUCTION)" $(BOOTLOADER_BUILD_DIR)/bootloader.bin build_prodtest: ## build production test firmware $(SCONS) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" $(PRODTEST_BUILD_DIR)/prodtest.bin build_reflash: ## build reflash firmware + reflash image $(SCONS) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" $(REFLASH_BUILD_DIR)/reflash.bin dd if=build/boardloader/boardloader.bin of=$(REFLASH_BUILD_DIR)/sdimage.bin bs=1 seek=0 dd if=build/bootloader/bootloader.bin of=$(REFLASH_BUILD_DIR)/sdimage.bin bs=1 seek=49152 build_firmware: res build_cross ## build firmware with frozen modules $(SCONS) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" $(FIRMWARE_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.bin build_unix: ## build unix port $(SCONS) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" $(UNIX_BUILD_DIR)/micropython $(UNIX_PORT_OPTS) build_unix_noui: ## build unix port without UI support $(SCONS) CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" $(UNIX_BUILD_DIR)/micropython $(UNIX_PORT_OPTS) TREZOR_NOUI=1 build_cross: ## build mpy-cross port $(MAKE) -C vendor/micropython/mpy-cross $(CROSS_PORT_OPTS) ## clean commands: clean: clean_boardloader clean_bootloader clean_prodtest clean_firmware clean_unix clean_cross ## clean all clean_boardloader: ## clean boardloader build rm -rf $(BOARDLOADER_BUILD_DIR) clean_bootloader: ## clean bootloader build rm -rf $(BOOTLOADER_BUILD_DIR) clean_prodtest: ## clean prodtest build rm -rf $(PRODTEST_BUILD_DIR) clean_reflash: ## clean reflash build rm -rf $(REFLASH_BUILD_DIR) clean_firmware: ## clean firmware build rm -rf $(FIRMWARE_BUILD_DIR) clean_unix: ## clean unix build rm -rf $(UNIX_BUILD_DIR) clean_cross: ## clean mpy-cross build $(MAKE) -C vendor/micropython/mpy-cross clean $(CROSS_PORT_OPTS) ## flash commands: flash: flash_boardloader flash_bootloader flash_firmware ## flash everything using OpenOCD flash_boardloader: $(BOARDLOADER_BUILD_DIR)/boardloader.bin ## flash boardloader using OpenOCD $(OPENOCD) -c "init; reset halt; flash write_image erase $< $(BOARDLOADER_START); exit" flash_bootloader: $(BOOTLOADER_BUILD_DIR)/bootloader.bin ## flash bootloader using OpenOCD $(OPENOCD) -c "init; reset halt; flash write_image erase $< $(BOOTLOADER_START); exit" flash_prodtest: $(PRODTEST_BUILD_DIR)/prodtest.bin ## flash prodtest using OpenOCD $(OPENOCD) -c "init; reset halt; flash write_image erase $< $(FIRMWARE_START); exit" flash_firmware: $(FIRMWARE_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.bin ## flash firmware using OpenOCD $(OPENOCD) -c "init; reset halt; flash write_image erase $< $(FIRMWARE_START); exit" flash_combine: $(PRODTEST_BUILD_DIR)/combined.bin ## flash combined using OpenOCD $(OPENOCD) -c "init; reset halt; flash write_image erase $< $(BOARDLOADER_START); exit" flash_erase: ## erase all sectors in flash bank 0 $(OPENOCD) -c "init; reset halt; flash info 0; flash erase_sector 0 0 last; flash erase_check 0; exit" ## openocd debug commands: openocd: ## start openocd which connects to the device $(OPENOCD) openocd_reset: ## cause a system reset using OpenOCD $(OPENOCD) -c "init; reset; exit" GDB = arm-none-eabi-gdb --nx -ex 'set remotetimeout unlimited' -ex 'set confirm off' -ex 'target remote' -ex 'monitor reset halt' gdb_boardloader: $(BOARDLOADER_BUILD_DIR)/boardloader.elf ## start remote gdb session to openocd with boardloader symbols $(GDB) $< gdb_bootloader: $(BOOTLOADER_BUILD_DIR)/bootloader.elf ## start remote gdb session to openocd with bootloader symbols $(GDB) $< gdb_prodtest: $(PRODTEST_BUILD_DIR)/prodtest.elf ## start remote gdb session to openocd with prodtest symbols $(GDB) $< gdb_firmware: $(FIRMWARE_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.elf ## start remote gdb session to openocd with firmware symbols $(GDB) $< ## misc commands: vendorheader: ## construct and sign the default vendor header ./tools/build_vendorheader e28a8970753332bd72fef413e6b0b2ef1b4aadda7aa2c141f233712a6876b351:d4eec1869fb1b8a4e817516ad5a931557cb56805c3eb16e8f3a803d647df7869:772c8a442b7db06e166cfbc1ccbcbcde6f3eba76a4e98ef3ffc519502237d6ef 2 0.0 65534 DEVELOPMENT assets/vendor_devel.toif embed/firmware/vendorheader.bin ./tools/binctl embed/firmware/vendorheader.bin -s 1:2 `./tools/combine_sign vendorheader embed/firmware/vendorheader.bin 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 4545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545` vendorheader_sl: ## construct SatoshiLabs vendor header ./tools/build_vendorheader 47fbdc84d8abef44fe6abde8f87b6ead821b7082ec63b9f7cc33dc53bf6c708d:03fdd9a9c3911652d5effca4540d96ed92d85850a47d256ab0a2d728c0d1a298:2218c25f8ba70c82eba8ed6a321df209c0a7643d014f33bf9317846f62923830 2 0.0 65534 SatoshiLabs assets/vendor_satoshilabs.toif embed/firmware/vendorheader_sl.bin binctl: ## print info about binary files ./tools/binctl $(BOOTLOADER_BUILD_DIR)/bootloader.bin ./tools/binctl embed/firmware/vendorheader.bin ./tools/binctl $(PRODTEST_BUILD_DIR)/prodtest.bin ./tools/binctl $(FIRMWARE_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.bin bloaty: ## run bloaty size profiler bloaty -d symbols -n 0 -s file $(FIRMWARE_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.elf | less bloaty -d compileunits -n 0 -s file $(FIRMWARE_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.elf | less sizecheck: ## check sizes of binary files test $(BOARDLOADER_MAXSIZE) -ge $(shell wc -c < $(BOARDLOADER_BUILD_DIR)/boardloader.bin) test $(BOOTLOADER_MAXSIZE) -ge $(shell wc -c < $(BOOTLOADER_BUILD_DIR)/bootloader.bin) test $(FIRMWARE_MAXSIZE) -ge $(shell wc -c < $(FIRMWARE_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.bin) combine: ## combine boardloader + bootloader + prodtest into one combined image ./tools/combine_firmware \ $(BOARDLOADER_START) $(BOARDLOADER_BUILD_DIR)/boardloader.bin \ $(BOOTLOADER_START) $(BOOTLOADER_BUILD_DIR)/bootloader.bin \ $(PRODTEST_START) $(PRODTEST_BUILD_DIR)/prodtest.bin \ > $(PRODTEST_BUILD_DIR)/combined.bin \ upload: ## upload firmware using trezorctl trezorctl firmware_update -f $(FIRMWARE_BUILD_DIR)/firmware.bin upload_prodtest: ## upload prodtest using trezorctl trezorctl firmware_update -f $(PRODTEST_BUILD_DIR)/prodtest.bin