# TREZOR Firmware [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/trezor/trezor-mcu.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/trezor/trezor-mcu) [![gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/trezor/community.svg)](https://gitter.im/trezor/community) https://trezor.io/ ## How to build TREZOR firmware? 1. Install Docker 2. `git clone https://github.com/trezor/trezor-mcu.git` 3. `cd trezor-mcu` 4. `./build-firmware.sh TAG` (where TAG is v1.5.0 for example, if left blank the script builds latest commit in master branch) This creates file `build/trezor-TAG.bin` and prints its fingerprint and size at the end of the build log. ## How to build TREZOR bootloader? 1. Install Docker 2. `git clone https://github.com/trezor/trezor-mcu.git` 3. `cd trezor-mcu` 4. `./build-bootloader.sh TAG` (where TAG is bl1.3.2 for example, if left blank the script builds latest commit in master branch) This creates file `build/bootloader-TAG.bin` and prints its fingerprint and size at the end of the build log. ## How to get fingerprint of firmware signed and distributed by SatoshiLabs? 1. Pick version of firmware binary listed on https://wallet.trezor.io/data/firmware/releases.json 2. Download it: `wget -O trezor.signed.bin https://wallet.trezor.io/data/firmware/trezor-1.3.6.bin` 3. Compute fingerprint: `tail -c +257 trezor.signed.bin | sha256sum` Step 3 should produce the same sha256 fingerprint like your local build (for the same version tag). Firmware has a special header (of length 256 bytes) holding signatures themselves, which must be avoided while calculating the fingerprint, that's why tail command has to be used.