from __future__ import annotations import datetime import json import logging import typing as t import subprocess from pathlib import Path import click from trezorlib import cosi, models, merkle_tree from trezorlib._internal import translations HERE = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) ALL_MODELS = {models.T2B1, models.T2T1} PRIVATE_KEYS_DEV = [byte * 32 for byte in (b"\xdd", b"\xde", b"\xdf")] PUBLIC_KEYS_PROD = [ bytes.fromhex(key) for key in ( # TODO add production public keys "aabbccdd" * 8, "11223344" * 8, "55667788" * 8, ) ] VERSION_H = HERE.parent / "embed" / "firmware" / "version.h" SIGNATURES_JSON = HERE / "signatures.json" class SignatureInfo(t.TypedDict): merkle_root: str signature: str | None datetime: str commit: str class SignatureFile(t.TypedDict): current: SignatureInfo history: list[SignatureInfo] def _version_from_version_h() -> translations.VersionTuple: defines: t.Dict[str, int] = {} with open(VERSION_H) as f: for line in f: try: define, symbol, number = line.rstrip().split() assert define == "#define" defines[symbol] = int(number) except Exception: # not a #define, not a number, wrong number of parts continue return ( defines["VERSION_MAJOR"], defines["VERSION_MINOR"], defines["VERSION_PATCH"], defines["VERSION_BUILD"], ) def make_signature_info(merkle_root: bytes, signature: bytes | None) -> SignatureInfo: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() commit = ( subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=HERE) .decode("ascii") .strip() ) return SignatureInfo( merkle_root=merkle_root.hex(), signature=signature.hex() if signature is not None else None, datetime=now.isoformat(), commit=commit, ) def update_merkle_root(signature_file: SignatureFile, merkle_root: bytes) -> bool: """Update signatures.json with the new Merkle root. Returns True if the signature file was updated, False if it was already up-to-date. """ current = signature_file["current"] if current["merkle_root"] == merkle_root.hex(): # Merkle root is already up to date return False if current["signature"] is None: # current content is not signed. just overwrite with a new one signature_file["current"] = make_signature_info(merkle_root, None) SIGNATURES_JSON.write_text(json.dumps(signature_file, indent=2)) return True # move current to history signature_file["history"].insert(0, current) # create new current signature_file["current"] = make_signature_info(merkle_root, None) return True def generate_all_blobs(rewrite_version: bool) -> list[translations.TranslationsBlob]: order = translations.order_from_json(json.loads((HERE / "order.json").read_text())) fonts_dir = HERE / "fonts" current_version = _version_from_version_h() current_version_str = ".".join(str(v) for v in current_version) common_version = None all_languages = [lang_file.stem for lang_file in HERE.glob("??.json")] all_blobs: list[translations.TranslationsBlob] = [] for lang in all_languages: if lang == "en": continue for model in ALL_MODELS: try: blob_json = json.loads((HERE / f"{lang}.json").read_text()) blob_version = translations.version_from_json( blob_json["header"]["version"] ) if rewrite_version: version = current_version if blob_version != current_version: blob_json["header"]["version"] = current_version_str (HERE / f"{lang}.json").write_text( json.dumps(blob_json, indent=2) + "\n" ) else: version = blob_version if common_version is None: common_version = version elif blob_version != common_version: raise ValueError( f"Language {lang} has version {version} but expected {common_version}" ) blob = translations.blob_from_defs( blob_json, order, model, version, fonts_dir ) all_blobs.append(blob) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() LOG.warning(f"Failed to build {lang} for {model.internal_name}: {e}") continue"Built {lang} for {model.internal_name}") return all_blobs def build_all_blobs( all_blobs: list[translations.TranslationsBlob], merkle_tree: merkle_tree.MerkleTree, sigmask: int, signature: bytes, production: bool = False, ) -> None: for blob in all_blobs: proof = translations.Proof( merkle_proof=merkle_tree.get_proof(blob.header_bytes), signature=signature, sigmask=sigmask, ) blob.proof = proof header = blob.header model = header.model.value.decode("ascii") version = ".".join(str(v) for v in header.firmware_version[:3]) if production: suffix = "" else: suffix = "-unsigned" filename = f"translation-{model}-{header.language}-{version}{suffix}.bin" (HERE / filename).write_bytes("Wrote {header.language} for {model} v{version}: {filename}") def cli() -> None: pass @cli.command() def gen() -> None: """Generate all language blobs for all models. The generated blobs will be signed with the development keys. """ all_blobs = generate_all_blobs(rewrite_version=True) tree = merkle_tree.MerkleTree(b.header_bytes for b in all_blobs) root = tree.get_root_hash() signature = cosi.sign_with_privkeys(root, PRIVATE_KEYS_DEV) sigmask = 0b111 build_all_blobs(all_blobs, tree, sigmask, signature) signature_file = json.loads(SIGNATURES_JSON.read_text()) if update_merkle_root(signature_file, root): SIGNATURES_JSON.write_text(json.dumps(signature_file, indent=2) + "\n") click.echo("Updated signatures.json") else: click.echo("signatures.json is already up-to-date") @cli.command() def merkle_root() -> None: """Print the Merkle root of all language blobs.""" all_blobs = generate_all_blobs(rewrite_version=False) tree = merkle_tree.MerkleTree(b.header_bytes for b in all_blobs) root = tree.get_root_hash() signature_file: SignatureFile = json.loads(SIGNATURES_JSON.read_text()) if signature_file["current"]["merkle_root"] != root.hex(): raise click.ClickException( f"Merkle root mismatch!\n" f"Expected: {root.hex()}\n" f"Stored in signatures.json: {signature_file['current']['merkle_root']}\n" "Run ` gen` to update the stored Merkle root." ) click.echo(root.hex()) @cli.command() @click.argument("signature_hex", required=False) @click.option("--force", is_flag=True) def sign(signature_hex: str | None, force: bool) -> None: """Insert a signature into language blobs. If signature_hex is not provided, the signature will be located in signatures.json. """ all_blobs = generate_all_blobs(rewrite_version=False) tree = merkle_tree.MerkleTree(b.header_bytes for b in all_blobs) root = tree.get_root_hash() signature_file: SignatureFile = json.loads(SIGNATURES_JSON.read_text()) if signature_file["current"]["merkle_root"] != root.hex(): raise click.ClickException( f"Merkle root mismatch!\n" f"Expected: {root.hex()}\n" f"Stored in signatures.json: {signature_file['current']['merkle_root']}" ) if signature_hex is None: if signature_file["current"]["signature"] is None: raise click.ClickException("Please provide a signature.") signature_hex = signature_file["current"]["signature"] elif ( not force and signature_file["current"]["signature"] is not None and signature_file["current"]["signature"] != signature_hex ): raise click.ClickException( "A different signature is already present in signatures.json\n" "Use --force to overwrite it." ) else: # Update signature file data. It will be written only if the signature verifies. signature_file["current"]["signature"] = signature_hex signature_file["current"]["datetime"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() signature_bytes = bytes.fromhex(signature_hex) sigmask, signature = signature_bytes[0], signature_bytes[1:] try: cosi.verify(signature, root, 2, PUBLIC_KEYS_PROD, sigmask) except Exception as e: if force: LOG.warning(f"Invalid signature: {e}. --force is provided, writing anyway.") pass else: raise click.ClickException(f"Invalid signature: {e}") from e SIGNATURES_JSON.write_text(json.dumps(signature_file, indent=2) + "\n") build_all_blobs(all_blobs, tree, sigmask, signature, production=True) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()