from micropython import const from trezor.crypto.hashlib import ripemd160, sha256 from . import base58_ripple # HASH_TX_ID = const(0x54584E00) # 'TXN' HASH_TX_SIGN = const(0x53545800) # 'STX' # HASH_TX_SIGN_TESTNET = const(0x73747800) # 'stx' # DIVISIBILITY = const(6) # 1000000 drops equal 1 XRP # MIN_FEE = const(10) # max is not defined officially but we check to make sure MAX_FEE = const(1000000) # equals 1 XRP FLAG_FULLY_CANONICAL = 0x80000000 def address_from_public_key(pubkey: bytes) -> str: """Extracts public key from an address Ripple address is in format: <1-byte ripple flag> <20-bytes account id> <4-bytes dSHA-256 checksum> - 1-byte flag is 0x00 which is 'r' (Ripple uses its own base58 alphabet) - 20-bytes account id is a ripemd160(sha256(pubkey)) - checksum is first 4 bytes of double sha256(data) see """ """Returns the Ripple address created using base58""" h = sha256(pubkey).digest() h = ripemd160(h).digest() address = bytearray() address.append(0x00) # 'r' address.extend(h) return base58_ripple.encode_check(bytes(address)) def decode_address(address: str): """Returns so called Account ID""" adr = base58_ripple.decode_check(address) return adr[1:]