from __future__ import annotations import shutil import tempfile from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from typing import Any from dominate.tags import br, h1, h2, hr, i, p, table, td, th, tr from ..common import ( SCREENS_DIR, FixturesType, get_fixtures, screens_and_hashes, screens_diff, ) from . import download, html from .testreport import REPORTS_PATH, document MASTERDIFF_PATH = REPORTS_PATH / "master_diff" IMAGES_PATH = MASTERDIFF_PATH / "images" def _preprocess_master_compat(master_fixtures: dict[str, Any]) -> FixturesType: if all(isinstance(v, str) for v in master_fixtures.values()): # old format, convert to new format new_fixtures = {} for key, val in master_fixtures.items(): model, _test = key.split("_", maxsplit=1) groups_by_model = new_fixtures.setdefault(model, {}) default_group = groups_by_model.setdefault("device_tests", {}) default_group[key] = val return FixturesType(new_fixtures) else: return FixturesType(master_fixtures) def get_diff() -> tuple[dict[str, str], dict[str, str], dict[str, tuple[str, str]]]: master = _preprocess_master_compat(download.fetch_fixtures_master()) current = get_fixtures() removed = {} added = {} diff = {} for model in master.keys() | current.keys(): master_groups = master.get(model, {}) current_groups = current.get(model, {}) for group in master_groups.keys() | current_groups.keys(): master_tests = master_groups.get(group, {}) current_tests = current_groups.get(group, {}) def testname(test: str) -> str: assert test.startswith(model + "_") test = test[len(model) + 1 :] return f"{model}-{group}-{test}" # removed items removed_here = { testname(test): master_tests[test] for test in (master_tests.keys() - current_tests.keys()) } # added items added_here = { testname(test): current_tests[test] for test in (current_tests.keys() - master_tests.keys()) } # create the diff from items in both branches diff_here = {} for master_test, master_hash in master_tests.items(): full_test_name = testname(master_test) if full_test_name in removed_here: continue if current_tests.get(master_test) == master_hash: continue diff_here[full_test_name] = ( master_tests[master_test], current_tests[master_test], ) removed.update(removed_here) added.update(added_here) diff.update(diff_here) print(f"{model} {group}") print(f" removed: {len(removed_here)}") print(f" added: {len(added_here)}") print(f" diff: {len(diff_here)}") return removed, added, diff def removed(screens_path: Path, test_name: str) -> Path: doc = document(title=test_name, model=test_name[:2]) screens, hashes = screens_and_hashes(screens_path) html.store_images(screens, hashes) with doc: h1(test_name) p( "This UI test has been removed from fixtures.json.", style="color: red; font-weight: bold;", ) hr() with table(border=1): with tr(): th("Removed files") for hash in hashes: with tr(): html.image_column(hash, MASTERDIFF_PATH / "removed") return html.write(MASTERDIFF_PATH / "removed", doc, test_name + ".html") def added(screens_path: Path, test_name: str) -> Path: doc = document(title=test_name, model=test_name[:2]) screens, hashes = screens_and_hashes(screens_path) html.store_images(screens, hashes) with doc: h1(test_name) p( "This UI test has been added to fixtures.json.", style="color: green; font-weight: bold;", ) hr() with table(border=1): with tr(): th("Added files") for hash in hashes: with tr(): html.image_column(hash, MASTERDIFF_PATH / "added") return html.write(MASTERDIFF_PATH / "added", doc, test_name + ".html") def diff( master_screens_path: Path, current_screens_path: Path, test_name: str, master_hash: str, current_hash: str, ) -> Path: doc = document(title=test_name, model=test_name[:2]) master_screens, master_hashes = screens_and_hashes(master_screens_path) current_screens, current_hashes = screens_and_hashes(current_screens_path) html.store_images(master_screens, master_hashes) html.store_images(current_screens, current_hashes) with doc: h1(test_name) p("This UI test differs from master.", style="color: grey; font-weight: bold;") with table(): with tr(): td("Master:") td(master_hash, style="color: red;") with tr(): td("Current:") td(current_hash, style="color: green;") hr() with table(border=1, width=600): with tr(): th("Master") th("Current branch") html.diff_table( screens_diff(master_hashes, current_hashes), MASTERDIFF_PATH / "diff" ) return html.write(MASTERDIFF_PATH / "diff", doc, test_name + ".html") def index() -> Path: removed = list((MASTERDIFF_PATH / "removed").iterdir()) added = list((MASTERDIFF_PATH / "added").iterdir()) diff = list((MASTERDIFF_PATH / "diff").iterdir()) title = "UI changes from master" doc = document(title=title) with doc: h1("UI changes from master") hr() h2("Removed:", style="color: red;") i("UI fixtures that have been removed:") html.report_links(removed, MASTERDIFF_PATH) br() hr() h2("Added:", style="color: green;") i("UI fixtures that have been added:") html.report_links(added, MASTERDIFF_PATH) br() hr() h2("Differs:", style="color: grey;") i("UI fixtures that have been modified:") html.report_links(diff, MASTERDIFF_PATH) return html.write(MASTERDIFF_PATH, doc, "index.html") def create_dirs() -> None: # delete the reports dir to clear previous entries and create folders shutil.rmtree(MASTERDIFF_PATH, ignore_errors=True) MASTERDIFF_PATH.mkdir(parents=True) (MASTERDIFF_PATH / "removed").mkdir() (MASTERDIFF_PATH / "added").mkdir() (MASTERDIFF_PATH / "diff").mkdir() IMAGES_PATH.mkdir(exist_ok=True) def _get_screen_path(test_name: str) -> Path | None: path = SCREENS_DIR / test_name / "actual" if path.exists(): return path path = SCREENS_DIR / test_name / "recorded" if path.exists(): print( f"WARNING: no actual screens for {test_name}, recording may be outdated: {path}" ) return path print(f"WARNING: missing screens for {test_name}. Did the test run?") return None def create_reports() -> None: removed_tests, added_tests, diff_tests = get_diff() @contextmanager def tmpdir(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="trezor-records-") as temp_dir: yield Path(temp_dir) for test_name, test_hash in removed_tests.items(): with tmpdir() as temp_dir: download.fetch_recorded(test_hash, temp_dir) removed(temp_dir, test_name) for test_name, test_hash in added_tests.items(): screen_path = _get_screen_path(test_name) if not screen_path: continue added(screen_path, test_name) for test_name, (master_hash, current_hash) in diff_tests.items(): with tmpdir() as master_root: master_screens = master_root / "downloaded" master_screens.mkdir() try: download.fetch_recorded(master_hash, master_screens) except RuntimeError as e: print("WARNING:", e) current_screens = _get_screen_path(test_name) if not current_screens: current_screens = master_root / "empty_current_screens" current_screens.mkdir() diff( master_screens, current_screens, test_name, master_hash, current_hash, ) def main() -> None: create_dirs() html.set_image_dir(IMAGES_PATH) create_reports() index()