syntax = "proto2";
package hw.trezor.messages.nostr;

// Sugar for easier handling in Java
option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageNostr";

 * Request: Ask the device for the Nostr public key
 * @start
 * @next NostrPubkey
message NostrGetPubkey {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1; // used to derive the key

 * Response: Nostr pubkey
 * @end
message NostrPubkey {
    required bytes pubkey = 1;      // pubkey derived from the seed

 * @embed
message NostrTag {
    // Nostr tags consist of at least one string (the key)
    // followed by an arbitrary number of strings,
    // the first of which (if present) is called "value".
    // See NIP-01:
    required string key = 1;
    optional string value = 2;
    repeated string extra = 3;

 * Request: Ask device to sign an event
 * @start
 * @next NostrEventSignature
 * @next Failure
message NostrSignEvent {
    repeated uint32 address_n = 1;   // used to derive the key

    // Nostr event fields, except the ones that are calculated by the signer
    // See NIP-01:

    required uint32 created_at = 2;  // Event created_at: unix timestamp in seconds
    required uint32 kind = 3;        // Event kind: integer between 0 and 65535
    repeated NostrTag tags = 4;      // Event tags
    required string content = 5;     // Event content: arbitrary string

 * Response: Computed event ID and signature
 * @end
message NostrEventSignature {
    required bytes pubkey = 1;      // pubkey used to sign the event
    required bytes id = 2;          // ID of the event
    required bytes signature = 3;   // signature of the event