from storage import cache, device from trezor import wire from trezor.crypto import bip32, hashlib, hmac from apps.common import HARDENED, mnemonic from apps.common.passphrase import get as get_passphrase if False: from typing import ( Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, ) from typing_extensions import Protocol Bip32Path = List[int] Slip21Path = List[bytes] PathType = TypeVar("PathType", Bip32Path, Slip21Path) Namespace = Tuple[str, PathType] T = TypeVar("T") class NodeType(Protocol[PathType]): def __del__(self) -> None: ... def derive_path(self, path: PathType) -> None: ... def clone(self: T) -> T: ... class Slip21Node: def __init__(self, seed: bytes = None, data: bytes = None) -> None: assert seed is None or data is None, "Specify exactly one of: seed, data" if data is not None: = data elif seed is not None: ="Symmetric key seed", seed, hashlib.sha512).digest() else: raise ValueError # neither seed nor data specified def __del__(self) -> None: del def derive_path(self, path: Slip21Path) -> None: for label in path: h =[0:32], b"\x00", hashlib.sha512) h.update(label) = h.digest() def key(self) -> bytes: return[32:64] def clone(self) -> "Slip21Node": return Slip21Node( class Keychain: def __init__(self, seed: bytes, namespaces: Sequence[Namespace]) -> None: self.seed = seed self.namespaces = namespaces # type: Sequence[Namespace] self.roots = {} # type: Dict[int, NodeType] def __del__(self) -> None: for root in self.roots.values(): root.__del__() del self.roots del self.seed def match_path(self, path: PathType) -> Tuple[int, PathType]: for i, (curve, ns) in enumerate(self.namespaces): if path[: len(ns)] == ns: if "ed25519" in curve and not _path_hardened(path): raise wire.DataError("Forbidden key path") return i, path[len(ns) :] raise wire.DataError("Forbidden key path") def _new_root(self, curve: str) -> NodeType: if curve == "slip21": return Slip21Node(self.seed) else: return bip32.from_seed(self.seed, curve) def derive(self, path: PathType) -> NodeType: root_index, suffix = self.match_path(path) if root_index not in self.roots: curve, prefix = self.namespaces[root_index] root = self._new_root(curve) root.derive_path(prefix) self.roots[root_index] = root node = self.roots[root_index].clone() node.derive_path(suffix) return node def __enter__(self) -> "Keychain": return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_val: Any, tb: Any) -> None: self.__del__() @cache.stored_async(cache.APP_COMMON_SEED) async def _get_seed(ctx: wire.Context) -> bytes: if not device.is_initialized(): raise wire.NotInitialized("Device is not initialized") passphrase = await get_passphrase(ctx) return mnemonic.get_seed(passphrase) @cache.stored(cache.APP_COMMON_SEED_WITHOUT_PASSPHRASE) def _get_seed_without_passphrase() -> bytes: if not device.is_initialized(): raise Exception("Device is not initialized") return mnemonic.get_seed(progress_bar=False) async def get_keychain(ctx: wire.Context, namespaces: Sequence[Namespace]) -> Keychain: seed = await _get_seed(ctx) keychain = Keychain(seed, namespaces) return keychain def derive_node_without_passphrase( path: Bip32Path, curve_name: str = "secp256k1" ) -> bip32.HDNode: seed = _get_seed_without_passphrase() node = bip32.from_seed(seed, curve_name) node.derive_path(path) return node def derive_slip21_node_without_passphrase(path: Slip21Path) -> Slip21Node: seed = _get_seed_without_passphrase() node = Slip21Node(seed) node.derive_path(path) return node def remove_ed25519_prefix(pubkey: bytes) -> bytes: # 0x01 prefix is not part of the actual public key, hence removed return pubkey[1:] def _path_hardened(path: list) -> bool: return all(i & HARDENED for i in path) if False: from protobuf import MessageType MsgIn = TypeVar("MsgIn", bound=MessageType) MsgOut = TypeVar("MsgOut", bound=MessageType) Handler = Callable[[wire.Context, MsgIn], Awaitable[MsgOut]] HandlerWithKeychain = Callable[[wire.Context, MsgIn, Keychain], Awaitable[MsgOut]] def with_slip44_keychain( slip44: int, curve: str = "secp256k1", allow_testnet: bool = False ) -> Callable[[HandlerWithKeychain[MsgIn, MsgOut]], Handler[MsgIn, MsgOut]]: namespaces = [(curve, [44 | HARDENED, slip44 | HARDENED])] if allow_testnet: namespaces.append((curve, [44 | HARDENED, 1 | HARDENED])) def decorator(func: HandlerWithKeychain[MsgIn, MsgOut]) -> Handler[MsgIn, MsgOut]: async def wrapper(ctx: wire.Context, msg: MsgIn) -> MsgOut: keychain = await get_keychain(ctx, namespaces) with keychain: return await func(ctx, msg, keychain) return wrapper return decorator